I too, would agree that the Ofsted report is actually a very accurate reflection of the school. My son is in year 7 and happy at school. 4 other boys from his school attend HBAED, however he has made many new friends. The whole of year 7 attended a water sports trip together in the first month of starting the school, which I think really helped the children bond and establish new friendship. ( I believe this is an annual occurrence for each new year 7 intake) All tutor group consists of children from years 7,8,9. I actually think this is a great idea, as on a daily basis all years are mixing within a classroom setting and probably takes away the fear of the 'older boys' in the school. I thought my son may have struggled with the early starts, but he bounces out of the house at 8am every morning! I think a lot has been said about the discipline within the school, however I actually think that they have the balance just about right. 2 warnings regarding unacceptable behaviour, before being removed from the class seems reasonable to me. My son does not think the school is too strict either. Balancing out the discipline is the Harris Points that they are rewarded with for positive behaviour and individual pieces of outstanding work. And also the children are set a 'personal best' (end of year target) based on their SAT results and banding test results. They are rewarded with a slip/token for each subject when you achieve your personal best which gives them the chance of a Reward trip. It is also encouraging to see that the streams are by no means rigid and movement between streams is quite common, depending on their progress each term. There are a vast amount of extra curricular activities/clubs at lunchtime and after school such as debating club, film club to develop children beyond the set curriculum. My only criticism here is that I do not think lunch time clubs leave children with much time to have a proper lunch break, if they choose to attend. However I believe there maybe changes to the timings of lunch breaks, from September. While I'm on the topic of lunch - my son comes home raving everyday about the standard of food served at break and lunch. As you can tell - I could go on and on about the school, as I genuinely feel that my son is engaged and stretched and am happy to see great progress in just six short months.