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Hello Ladies, I'm afraid I've been a bit of a sporadic friend to the Spring Babies Club, but I would be so pleased to be included on the email list. (Have PM'd my email address to Countjc) On another note, for those who still may be checking on here, is there anyone meeting up tomorrow? I keep failing to make it to meet-ups because I seem to have rather a grumpy baby who keeps scuppering my plans, but he's only 7 weeks so I'm hoping it's just a phase! xx from Elisabeth
Mummys, you're going to love this.?I went to the wrong park! Baby-brain or what? That's not all; having spotted a group of ladies & babies by the cafe on RYE Common I found myself circling around as I didn't recognise anyone. Now, admittedly I haven't been a stalwart member of the forum but I was surprised not to see anyone I knew -perhaps you had all changed beyond recognition since having your babies?! So I bit the bullet and approached the tranquil group tentatively saying "Spring Babies Club?" to be met by a sea of blank faces, not hostile just somewhat pitying! So I hope you're all having a splendid afternoon in DULWICH park. Unsurprisingly I, yet again, won't be joining you. Bertie & I have settled ourselves in a shady corner of this, the WRONG park. (I just thank goodness that my son will have been too young to remember how embarrassing his Mummy is -there'll be plenty of opportunity for him to figure that out later!) XX to you from Elisabeth
Hello Mummies, Bertie and I are going to try our best to make it to the park please. I realise I'm probably posting this too late to be seen by anyone (you've all probably set off) but hopefully we'll see you there. Everytime I open the laptop beautiful B intervenes, he even managed to delete my last post with his foot! X from E
Hello Spring Babies Mummys! Firstly, apologies for my neglect of this thread, I've just had a real catch up of everything that's been going on & it's lovely to see all your news. My news is that our little boy Bertie eventually made his very tardy appeareance on 23rd May. He's now 19 days old & its our first day at home alone together without Daddy -eek! We're going to attempt joining the meet-up tomorrow, is 10:30 is at The Gardens about right? Looking forward very much! XX from Elisabeth
Hello Ladies, It was so nice to join the meet up yesterday, I was afraid I may have inhibited you ladies from chatting frankly because I was the only one there still to go... But it was really lovely to see you all and the beautiful babies; a very positive expeerience to have in these final few days. Hope very much to see you soon with my own arrival. XX from Elisabeth PS: Your exercise plans sound completely brilliant. My pregnancy classes have practically been the highlight of my my week throughout this time. I'm waaay behind you guys, but I hope to join you in the park 6 weeks after D-Day!
Hello Ladies, Just wanted to say Congratulations to all the new deliveries! I have been an absent friend on the forum for nearly a month but I do think of you all, & can't wait to join a meet up again soon. The last event I made it to was a breakfast at Franklins on the 14th attended by an elite gang of half a dozen of us, it was so lovely & the chats & warmth with the other Mummys and Mums-to-be really gave me a boost. Allegedly I have 2 days to go, but I think it will be longer... my little one seems perfectly content sticking around inside, amusing himself by kicking my ribs black & blue! Good Luck to everyone else who is still waiting... XX from Elisabeth
Hello Ladies, I would love to attend the breakfast at Franklins tomorrow if its not too late? It sounds like one or people can't make it, so I'm going to gamble on there being room... Haven't been able to make a meet up for a few weeks, and am dying to see how people are getting on. See you tomorrow! XX Elisabeth
Hello Spring Babies Ladies! I have been negelectful of the forum for a few weeks, and what a lot of activity there has been in my absence! CONGRATULATIONS to all new Mummies and babies, your stories have filled me with hope. I Can't Wait to meet your new little ones. Still 4 weeks to go for me (if our little one sticks to his diary!) but a week and a half left at work -aargh! (I have sort of had enough now.) Having retired from the long drive back & forth to Birmingham (I don't really fit in the car seat any more!) nonetheless the train journey is proving quite a schlep! Am still managing the Legs, Bums & Pregnant Tums class at JAGS, it has been a godsend. Maybe see some of you there? (If I'm right it's at 9AM this Sunday, due to the studio refurbishment.) XXX to you all from Elisabeth
Congratulations Rebecca! And welcome baby Sam. Cant believe the first bump has arrived! Was sorry to miss breakfast on the 18th but mightily looking forward to drinks on the 29th (my OH has been feeling rather left out as I trotted off without him to meet up with the Spring Babies Ladies!) See you on Wednesday. XX Elisabeth
Hello ladies, Was so lovely to catch up with more of you on Wednesday. Simply can't believe that the two groups missed each other!. Breakfast on the 18th would be brilliant and the mooted meet-up with partners would be nice too - my partner feels a bit left out when I trot off to meet up with you all! XX Elisabeth
East Dulwich Forum
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