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Everything posted by alice

  1. so theres an end to the matter.
  2. alice

    Is this it?

    easy think about what you like doing then do it
  3. its probably entirely coincidental but if you pay for a private assessment it invariably comes up with 'dyslexic learning style' and very often a high non-verbal IQ. I'd stick with the schools/ southwarks SEN team.
  4. O come on - you mean you all buy those cheap teddies with pop off eyes - small bits are dangerous - end of - that's it from me tho' - i've a feeling i'm becoming incredibly annoying.
  5. In addition, we are pledging free school meals for all Primary School children if Labour takes control of the council. I think this is a really positive step and will benefit children and families across Southwark. why? how? i'd say 25% of southwark children don't need such freebies. one size fits all policies just waste money.
  6. The Nappy Lady Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > And knotted between each bead so even if broken > only 1 bead comes off. yeah but one bead could choke.
  7. hey just skulking around in the mummy zone but a necklace for babies ....doesnt that go round the neck...and that's left on all night....little teeth biting amber ...
  8. yeah someone thought that a couple of years ago ...lasted about 6 months
  9. hi there - i've been trying to do a bit of research but can't track down the info. Want to find out how and if GCSE results are related to family style. ie: do children of single parents get better results? thanks PS dont point me to daily mail
  10. anyone watch lark rise to candleford lst night? if youre not sure about mmr watch it on bbc1 i player
  11. Ive just come back from my circuit of peckham park, rye lane, lordship lane then home - failed to spot any signs of a cameronesque broken britain - all was well in my world - then i read your post - i'm not clear ..are there particular inferences youd like us to make from your observations?
  12. just drove through cp and whately/ underhill junction saw nothing ..but like you said deep undercover
  13. http://www.lindenlodge.wandsworth.sch.uk/viservice/viservice.html I worked there once briefly - outstanding school - also do outreach work
  14. letters are in alphabetical order
  15. impressive cs
  16. of course they have training ..theres loads of providers its called non violent crisis intervention - theres a whole hierarchy of non contact skills taught - but if push comes to shove [literally] then the intervention becomes physical -its not 'fighting' but a mixture of using safe holds to restrain ensuring those not involved are kept safe.
  17. Hi Eileen do you mean that there arent any rules preventing councils selling off bits of parks? i always thought they had some protection
  18. Its now a private house - owned not rented
  19. There is a precedent for commercial ventures on common land....huge house in the park on the corner of forest hill road/ colyton road....sold several years ago for the price of a victorian semi ..resold several times since ...now worth close to ?2m...originally community use only ..so loopholes somewhere..or how is this different
  20. very glad to hear your mum's going to be Ok - thanks to, what sounds like, a bit of selfless heroism. 3 cheers
  21. The revolution will not be televised
  22. my mum had something like this happen - somebody wanted to come in and check the rear gutters....she invented a son who was just about to return home and he scarpered. She called the police anyway - who told her this was not a waste of their time but an attempted 'distraction burglary' not round here though
  23. work is offering us one. but what about side effects/ etc anyone got any comments? experience rather than opinion is whati'm looking for.
  24. funny this very family type post gets no response in the family section but 28 and counting in the main section. mean anything? just interested.
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