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Everything posted by alice

  1. just walked back from peckham - police with riot shields were at the far end of rye lane - everyone just watching and waiting and there's a weird feeling - you know you should just go home but you want to see what happens ..so i did ....until a bloke couple of feet away smashed primarks window.
  2. just walked back from peckham - police with riot shields were at the far end of rye lane - everyone just watching and waiting and there's a weird feeling - you know you should just go home but you want to see what happens ..so i did ....until a bloke couple of feet away smashed primarks window.
  3. It is so rare for the police to shoot and kill a member of the public - A full press statement and local meetings should have happened immediately - hopefully tonight will play out slowly slowly but tomorrow the police need to attempt belatedly to dispel some of the rumours and half-truths circulating. Their so far silence is worrying.
  4. or wednesday latest
  5. agree with tiddles above - there's only one reason to delay making a complaint till the last day. And thats to cause maximum unresolved disruption - motivation?
  6. a couple of years ago it was on the market after the shop part closed - if you know the number look it up on nethhouseprices - it serves a purpose - provides cheap accom for those on dss - or maybe some will think http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/property-34350323.html would provide a better standard of living and a more righteous moan
  7. still want to know...how much?
  8. love the bollards - but anyone know how much it cost to paint that building next to the 63 bus stop - and from which budget it came from. just asking thanks.
  9. thanks all i'll try the dove method - the others are scaring me
  10. ignore
  11. Anyone out there with a good method? i've got white leather kitchen chairs but they've got a little grubby - any suggestions as to how to clean them? thanks
  12. so i think i'll sum the whole thing up. there's two main players. A headteacher - who is liked by some; disliked by others. A parent governor - who is liked by some; disliked by others. There's nothing left to say. Let's drop it.
  13. definitely dodgy with more than a hint of panic - if you want to know about the changes just read the ofsted report
  14. Welcome to the forum '61. I know what you mean - and I'm sure they think they're being subtle.
  15. ofsted 2005 previous head Overall Evaluation 'Goodrich School provides satisfactory quality of education with many good features, but some important weaknesses... Although leadership is satisfactory, creating a warm, purposeful and orderly community, weaknesses in management significantly reduce the school?s ability to improve. Managers do not monitor performance sufficiently and, therefore, they are not in a position to recognise when improvement is needed. Consequently, although staff work hard and have shared and strong values, their various strengths are not sufficiently brought together to create the highly effective school Goodrich could be. This leads to inconsistencies that are holding back improvement.' Leadership and management are unsatisfactory overall. Leadership is satisfactory but management is unsatisfactory and together they represent a significant weakness to rectify. Leadership creates a good climate for learning and personal development, and committed and hard working staff. However, lack of rigorous and accurate monitoring and evaluation, leads to management that has an unrealistic view of the school?s strengths and weaknesses, and to inconsistencies. Governance is satisfactory, and governors are very supportive of the school and very involved. However, they do not have a secure understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the school because their knowledge is not based upon actual observation and benchmarked evaluation. This has led to mistakes, especially in the management of finances. Present head Ofsted monitoring visit December 2009 'The strong and decisive leadership team has demonstrated its commitment to improving the school.It has set challenging targets for pupils and teachers and there is a whole-school expectation that these will be achieved.' Ofsted 2008 Present Head Overall effectiveness of the school 'This satisfactory school is moving in the right direction under the clear direction of the new headteacher. She inspires and supports staff and pupils to get the best out of themselves and others so there is a very real sense of working together as a team. Pupils are proud of their school and enjoy it greatly. The overwhelming majority of parents have great confidence in the school and one summed the school up very well when saying, 'Goodrich School has a fantastic sense of community for children and parents alike. My children are very proud of their school.' Leadership and management 'Leadership and management are satisfactory and steadily improving. The headteacher's calm and thoughtful leadership has given the school a clear direction and staff are eager to take real responsibility for their respective areas. They have responded with enthusiasm and initiative. There is a very real sense of teamwork and collaboration in the school and a clear sense of direction. Leaders have created a school which is a harmonious environment, in which pupils of all races and cultures get on well together and so community cohesion is good. Recent initiatives to track pupils' progress and set targets is doing much to move standards forward but these systems have yet to embed themselves fully in the routine of the school. The governing body brings a wealth of relevant experience to its deliberations. It is extremely supportive of all the school's work but does not always act as a critical friend by asking the searching questions needed to hold the school sufficiently to account.'
  16. and ?5.7 million cut from children's services including social care and safeguarding ...
  17. i wonder if anyone knows the cost of this initiative?
  18. info from the endchildpoverty website - ONS code Local Authority and wards Percentage of children in poverty E09000028 Southwark 34% E05000534 Brunswick Park 36% E05000535 Camberwell Green 40% E05000536 Cathedrals 38% E05000537 Chaucer 39% E05000538 College 27% E05000539 East Dulwich 17% E05000540 East Walworth 36% E05000541 Faraday 42% E05000542 Grange 40% E05000543 Livesey 43% E05000544 Newington 42% E05000545 Nunhead 38% E05000546 Peckham 40% E05000547 Peckham Rye 22% E05000548 Riverside 35% E05000549 Rotherhithe 42% E05000550 South Bermondsey 38% E05000551 South Camberwell 27% E05000552 Surrey Docks 27% E05000553 The Lane 35% E05000554 Village 8% so anywhere between 92% [village] and 58% [Livesey] children who are not living in poverty will get their free dinners. what a waste of money - i'm agreeing with some others above. what happened to targetted support?
  19. nothing wrong with strictness as long as its fair and seen to be fair by the boys
  20. I do not believe that cancer should knock on the door after dark. It is quite rude, I do not want to interrupted in my busy, exciting life by illness of any sort. Many older people - and I am one - do not appreciate having to experience cancer and should not have to do so. Let there be an end to it.
  21. well according to nethouseprices 8 flats were sold in se22 last december [latest date they have] ranging from ?247500 to ?400000
  22. but a venue is run by people and one of those people had a policy of turning trouble outside, not informing the police and getting staff to support that policy.
  23. Maybe so but if the police had been called when a fight broke out [which seems a reasonable policy to have] the tragic result may have been averted
  24. don't con yourself. its not 'new money' as referred to above by pgnjohnson. the money comes from cutting 'central services' and directly affects children with special needs, gifted etc - and any other specialist staff that come into schools.
  25. or get 197 12 to forest hill station and get on there... will add 30 minutes to your journey tho better off walking it 20 mins max
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