Truth and Reconciliation ? reviewRoyal Court, London SW1 reddit this Comments (0) Killian Fox The Observer, Sunday 11 September 2011 Article history Don Gilet and Sarah Niles in Truth and Reconciliation at the Royal Court. Photograph: Stephen Cummiskey Truth and ReconciliationRoyal Court, LondonUntil 24 September 2011 Box office: 0207 565 5000Venue details What happens when aggressors in conflict situations come face-to-face with the relatives of their victims? This is the question posed in this short new play written and directed by Debbie Tucker Green, and anyone familiar with this British playwright's work might guess that she does not answer it in a straightforward manner. More important than confrontation and catharsis to Green is how language falters, dies, and unexpectedly bursts into life, during five "truth and reconciliation" sessions in countries such as Rwanda and Northern Ireland. There is little in the way of reconciliation, and the catharsis, when it finally arrives, feels problematic. Still, this is a compelling and intriguing piece, and Green was brave to forge her bitter poetry out of such emotive material.