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  1. Ps we're supplying all the paints...
  2. Wow, well that sounds impressive (and is a helpful reference), KidKruger! Thank you all so much for taking the trouble to give me these responses, which are really useful. The price was a bit of a shock, and I had no frame of reference for it, as we haven't had any painters quote independently for this job. The loft company's painter paints the new stairs and rooms they have built for us as part of the build cost, but, as our downstairs hall and up the stairs need doing too (we had to have a dampproof course installed, and then replaster that part), it made sense to get them to do that too, so we've only asked them what the cost of that additional work would be. I'll definitely get them to break the cost down for me. If it really is the doors bumping the costs up I'll do them myself! I did the other side of half of them anyway, and didn't find that too onerous; it was the stairwell I was most apprehensive about doing ourselves. There's only one guy working on it, and they are expecting to have it all done in a few days, so ?2k still feels expensive to me. A lot of it is painting over brand new plaster... I guess I'll just have to get them to crack on with the 'free' bit (painting the loft stairs etc.), and get some separate quotes for downstairs (any recommendations gratefully received!). Thanks again everyone.
  3. Hi, has anyone had decorators to paint their hall and staircase? We've just had a quote from the painter from our loft company to do that for us too while they paint the new bit, and the quote is ?2000 for the downstairs hall, staircase and landing, and one side of 7 doors. Sounds loads to me, as we've always done our own painting before so I've no idea, but can anyone offer any advice as to whether it sounds reasonable?? Thank you!
  4. I too would like to give another heartfelt recommendation for Aston. I was able to get hold of him immediately, and he fitted me in very quickly (luckily he had a window at the end of the day sufficient for what we needed). It was a very challenging job at the end of a long, hot day (filling in a missing floorboard at the back of a cupboard in our kitchen, where a mouse had found an entry point this week, and making it accommodate the many cables coming up from underneath...), and he managed it all very skilfully and with total good grace. It was so nice to have someone so genuinely nice but unobtrusive in the house (it was a busy time when he came, with kids' teatime going on in the same room, but he was very relaxed, considerate and friendly and they loved him!). We're delighted to have found him, and hope to be able to use him again in the future.
  5. The front wheel came off our Mamas and Papas Sola pushchair at the weekend (not in a way we can put it back on securely -- something has snapped), and I called them today to try and book it in at their repairs centre, only to be told they won't repair anything (even if you pay them) older than 3 years (which strikes me as pretty poor, since it suggests they only expect them to be useable for one child... we are using it with our second, but it was expensive enough, and I expected it to last the course)... Seems ridiculous to write it off when it is otherwise in excellent nick and really comfy for our little boy. Has anyone had a buggy repaired anywhere/by anyone (I did call Tommmy's in Peckham today that I had seen mentioned on here but they said they only mend ones they sell)? We're really missing our buggy... Many thanks.
  6. Hi everyone, congratulations to all you new/expectant mothers! Hope this doesn't seem opportunistic, but I just wanted to let you know that I have just posted for sale in the Family Room Classifieds section various bits of baby kit that we genuinely found essential with both our babies, but particularly our first (for whom we had a bit more time to sit still and play with things..!) -- Bouncy Chair, Jumperoo, Jungle Gym playmat -- and we also have a door bouncer, Baby Bjorn and feeding pillows I will be adding later. PM me if you're interested in anything, and good luck with it all! Daisy x
  7. Fernando came round last week to sort out some very overgrown borders and beds for us that we have neglected for a while but now want to plant some flowers and veg in. He was very punctual and worked extremely hard, and we are delighted with what he achieved, which has inspired us to take care of our garden again (although we would certainly like him to come back and help us with that again soon, as there are still areas that are a bit much for us to tackle!). As others have said, he is extremely nice and courteous, and my baby loved being near him while he worked (on one of those gorgeous sunny days last week!). Thank you Fernando.
  8. Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any experience of the tongue tie clinic at St Thomas's? Recently attended the one at King's, but was put off by the description of the procedure and, specifically, the post-procedure wound management they advise. I gather Tommy's has a slightly different approach, and wondered if anyone had taken their baby for tongue tie division there? Had been hopeful we'd get by without, but still in a lot of pain breastfeeding (baby 5 weeks today)... Many thanks for any thoughts.
  9. Well done and Congratulations, Ruth! And mooncake - I am in exactly the same position (inc. due roughly the same time by the sounds of it)! Taking SO much longer to get baby things ready this time around when they have to be dug out of the loft and thoroughly cleaned and laundered again! Praying for some sunnier weather to help me out drying and airing things outside when I get the chance! Hope to meet up with some mums and bumps/babies/toddlers soon. Obviously happy to go East Dulwich-wards (being always happy to align myself with the goings on on the brilliant EDF!), but if there are any others who, like me, are in fact based more Herne Hill/North Dulwich way please shout if you would like a meet-up in any of our local haunts! Daisy x
  10. I'm not sure we can do 30th sadly, but hopeful for the evening of the 18th! Also, thought I'd mention, as it may be helpful for other second time mums who, like me, haven't done NCT or anything this time and feel a bit fuzzy-headed about the details of labour, that there is a really good (depending on your working days/maternity leave start date) drop-in antenatal class run by a lovely midwife from King's, Nicky Harris, every Tuesday morning at the Bessemer Grange Children's Centre from 11-12. I went for the first time yesterday, when in fact I was the only one to drop in, but it only started after half term, and she is expecting more mums in the coming weeks. In any case, it meant that I had the luxury of an hour long one-to-one refresher course on childbirth (slightly terrifying!), and the chance to ask as many questions and talk about anything I wanted for as long as I liked - a luxury the NHS isn't usually in a position to give! So I'd really recommend it if you get the chance to go, even if just to complement what you're getting from your routine antenatal appointments with your own midwife. I was really hoping it would be another avenue to meet other mums too, and get the kind of community spirit going that NCT did for us last time, and that may come if more people start to go too. Daisy x
  11. I couldn't recommend the Half Moon Montessori Nursery, where our daughter goes, highly enough - but that would be for a little further down the line, as they need to be two to start there. Keep it in mind though - we're thrilled with the care she receives there.
  12. Yes, congratulations, DandySandy! Hope you're all settling in well with one another. And good luck, Emily... We're about to embark on a similar painting mission. Have you both seen the 'Second time round spring babies' thread on here by the way? There's been one meet-up so far with first children in tow, and another one being planned too. Also, thought I'd mention, as we haven't done NCT this time either, that there is a really good (depending on your working days/maternity leave start date) drop-in antenatal class run by a lovely midwife from King's, Nicky Harris, every Tuesday morning at the Bessemer Grange Children's Centre from 11-12. I went for the first time yesterday, when in fact I was the only one to drop in, but it only started after half term, and she is expecting more mums in the coming weeks. In any case, it meant that I had the luxury of an hour long one-to-one refresher course on childbirth (slightly terrifying!), and the chance to ask as many questions and talk about anything I wanted for as long as I liked - a luxury the NHS isn't usually in a position to give! So I'd really recommend it if you get the chance to go, even if just to complement what you're getting from your routine antenatal appointments with your own midwife. Daisy x
  13. Hi, I'm afraid we're not coming this afternoon after all - H has been complaining of a tummy ache since nursery and, even in light of my suggestion of going to soft play with a bouncy castle (surely irresistible!?) she still maintains her tummy doesn't feel right, and she doesn't want to go out :( so I'd better take her word for it! Hopefully catch you there/elsewhere another time soon. Dx
  14. Great - well if she's not too pooped after all the excitement of World Book Day this morning (I know I am..!), we'll definitely try to make it. I'm on 07733 270836 if you wanted to try and coordinate. Daisy x
  15. Does sound fun (I've often meant to try it, but haven't managed to yet)! What time were you thinking of though? My daughter's at nursery till lunchtime tomorrow. Dx
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