I am still incredulous that Dave Spart is the leader of the Labour Party. The man is a Trotskyist. This isn't a "new kind of politics". It's the same hard left it's always been. Why can't people see that?
Alan Medic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Climate change or no climate change, humans have > managed to make a mess of this planet and continue > to do so. How is that a 'Tiny Little Thing'?
JimH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Did you tell her the above to her face? what is > the purpose of this post? It's called a rant.
Genuinely, if the airplanes above stopped flying for some reason I would miss them. It must be 40 years of living in London. Don't notice them but when I do it's *almost* comforting.
Over the past few years to the traditional sounds of an English summer, the strimming of hedges, the smack of leather on willow, has been added a new noise...
clockworkorange Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What a bellend. Approve of that spelling. It's bell-end not bellend. source: Chicago Manual of Style.
Green Goose Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Southwark council says it receives around 100 > complaints about graffiti every month. This isn't tagging.
I would dispute that the police are "constantly" having to deal with antisocial behaviour there. I live right next to it and don't see the police that often. As a previous poster there is now a huge new fence around the reservoir. Also, the police escorting parents with children along there in the dark?!? I don't understand that.