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Everything posted by Cyclemonkey

  1. I think it was more amazement that anyone uses cheques on a large enough scale anymore for it to be an issue. Are cheque books even issued to customers by banks anymore? That said government institutions seem to be one of the last bastions of this - the last cheque I think I received was a tax rebate in 2016 from HMRC. It was very irritating.
  2. Who in earth is sending you cheques? People from 1992?
  3. When I worked in the City there was this great little thing near our office called Post and Go, it was an unmanned, 24/7 unit with machines where you could buy stamps, parcel postage etc.. and drop off parcels. It was really helpful. Not sure why it was closed. I only really go to the Post Office to post the occasional parcel or international letter so being able to do that without the 1980s Eastern Bloc vibe and modern opening hours was quite good.
  4. I mean as someone who loves ina purpose built flat I have no dog in this fight, but those dormer extensions are, by and large, really ugly. The back of streets in East Dulwich look like a well built shanty town
  5. There are only a few MNOs (mobile network operaters) - EE,O2,Three,Vodafone - any thing else (Lebara,GiffGaff etc..) is just a retailer that uses a network. Poor receptoin inside is often to do with the construction of your property - thick concrete walls abd steel framed building all have an impact.
  6. Well there is that too. I support family friendly venues but in the evening/night pubs are adult spaces.
  7. I think it is common for pubs not to be allowed to have children there after a certain time. I susoect it is a licence condition rather than specific children hate. We went to the Clockhouse on last month on a Sunday afternoon and there were plenty of children there.
  8. Oh your poor dog, I hope she recovers. Something has to be done about irresponsible dog owners. I witnessed a terrifying incident on Thursday near London Bridge where a pit bull type dog slipped its lead and was running and barking at a poor woman who was just passing by - it was furious - bareing its teeth and lungeing repatedly at her. The poor woman was screaming with terror. Luckily some passerby by managed to grab the lead and the owner took it back - they didn't seem to be at all remorseful.
  9. There is probably nicer stuff to steal on Court Lane. Have you seen the house prices?
  10. It seems to be very much open this afternoon and full of diners.
  11. That seems very high. My service chsrge in a private block is about £3k a year and that includes a contribution to a sinking fund for future works. Is that just your service charge for day to day running costs or does it include a contribution to major works? You are entitled to request a copy of the accounts and budget.
  12. Here's a sort of positive - There is a building site at the top of our road - which is a very steep hill. A lot of the site workers are clearly using Lime Bikes to get to and from work, which is better than them driving and cluttering up the limited off street parking.
  13. Yes. There is very clear guidance from the Council in the link posted by the OP. Seriously do you people never organise or do anything?
  14. Will someone please think of the poor oppressed motorist. Where's their street party?
  15. Street parties are good. Rebalancing usage of roads and streets a little back towards favouring people is also good.
  16. Although ED was not in London at the time, the Pavement Act 1762 very much predates cars. Romans were also well kown for producing a good walkable road surface.
  17. Seeing as most roads have existed well before cars, maybe its car drivers rather than pedestrians should be applying for permission to use the roads. More seriously there seems to be a small hardcore of people on here worried that someone, somewhere might actually be having fun.
  18. How big is your bike - the posted photo shows plenty of room.
  19. If everyone blocked the pavement then it would be blocked. But seeing as they aren't, it isn't. On board with your suggestion of closing the road to cars though!😃
  20. We'll have none of that dangerously foreign "attractive shop fronts" nonsense here thank you. It's been high 20s low 30s pretty much all week South London. Identical weather to many areas of the South of France. In that scenario it is reasonable for the shop owner to want to shade their soft fruit from the sun.
  21. I mean in the last few days we have had pretty much identical weather to the South of France.
  22. Unlike the supermarkets their fruit isn't kept constantly chilled by air conditioners and refridgeration units, so they need to keep it covered in the hot sun to avoid it spoiling. Covers like this (and misters) are common in traditional greengrocers in southern French towns. Perhaps applaud them for their environmentally friendly solution and stop moaning.
  23. Yeah at the Horniman the parkie walks around ringing a handbell about 10 mins or so before closure starts. Simple but effective.
  24. No involvement with Gala at all. For full disclosure I have attended Gala as a punter and enjoyed it - I have also attended many other festivals and events in various local parks . I never said I was a festival organiser - I said I have been involved in public consultation events over the years both as an organiser and attendee and gave my view that the way this is being run is pretty normal and not some sort of conspiracy. Anyway I will leave you guys to you misery and carping. You seem to enjoy it.
  25. Oh come on "being forced in to the Peckham clubbing and entertainment area", however will you recover from the horror of having to go to *gasp* Peckham on a weekday lunchtime. You are just taking the piss now. Also Peckham Rye has an SE15 postcode so it is Peckham *bangs gavel* More seriously, as a veteran of running and taking part in these types of events, I suggest that all of these concerns are sent to the Gala team part of your feedback - including fears of going to Peckham. I would also venture as is not the King's Garden Party, if you were to forward on the invite to interested friends and neighbours who would also like to attend, it probably won't be an issue.
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