Baby due mid-April, opted for home birth mid December. Rang around and got on lists and were accepted by Albany at the beginning of Jan. Very happy! :)) As far as complications go, I think statistically you are just as likely to get complications in hospital and it's luck as to whether you get the right care. We are a ten min (max) drive from Kings and if we have to go to hospital the two (yes, I said two) midwives that are with you at home come with you to the hospital (as far as speed bumps go, I'd imagine that would be the last thing on your mind). You stay with the same midwives all the way through your pregnancy and get birthing pool provided as well as private anti-natal sessions. My sister-in-law was in Kings and had a terrible time, in attentive midwife, birthing pool already in use...obviously this is only one persons opinion, but I really would look into home birthing.