The koran has nothing to say about it at all as far as i recall, and in certain cultures where islam spread, places that liked a bit of imagery, say India, images were common place. In fact Shia still march images down the street in festivals in a manner that would be familiar to Spanish christians. It's basically part of the scholarly tradition becuase it would encourage idolatry, something banned in the ten commandments, so applicable to 3 faiths, though highy open to interpretation. In the modern context it's simply a means to whip up political hysteria by politicians, demagogues and extremists for domestic consumption. The answer is of course to say "I appreciate your sensitivity to the idea that a picture might tempt you into idol worship, and by weak extension paganism/apostasy/heresy, but your offence is not actually a legal matter in tis country, so look away" Or, politely, Fuck Off!!