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El Pibe

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Everything posted by El Pibe

  1. amen to that...so to speak....
  2. oh christ a policewoman killed this morning. In an odd way I hope this is the same people. If it isn't and this sort of thing continues, it'll will move from being counterterrorism policing to counterinsurgency. Something that wouldn't bode well for ordinary muslims in France. Especially, dare I say, given France's role in Algeria in creating the template we've seen operate in some of the more brutal suppressions around the world, of the last 60+ odd years. I sincerely hope cool heads prevail, and these shitbags are caught quickly.
  3. I'm waiting for the occulus rift version :D Yeah it does look awesome. Still stuck in world of tanks blitz. 1015th game, just about to hit 50% win ratio, woo!! You do spend the first 300 games doing the headless chicken thing though!! it works very well on my phone too btw
  4. I guess the role model thing hinges on an object subject thing. Role model as one behaving in a manner that should be emulated, certainly not. Role model as in those which impressionable people emulate, sadly all too true, even my 4 year old goes down like a sack of spuds, clutches his ankle and grimaces in pain for 30 seconds if anyone goes near him, despite daddy tellng him not to be ridiculous. They have more sway than daddy!!!!
  5. . aaah fuck it
  6. We had that pint though! It was sick in every sense of the word though, got a bit het up, what can I say.
  7. cartoonists respond http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/heartbreaking-cartoons-from-artists-in-response-to-the-ch?utm_term=.qo4DEP1bn#.rwVv0QjPo
  8. i thought the show of remorse potentially affecting the appeal equally so. Although I would have thought the best tactic was shut the hell up full stop, rather than blab to every newspaper and daytime talk show that'll have him as the pantomime villain du jour.
  9. I'm not sure moderators give a viewpoint do they? But loving your work, just enough smatering of truth in your strawmen to be convincing, just enough earnestness in your holier-than-thou schtick to be plausible, and a little flourish of flounce. One would almost think you were practiced at provoking a reaction. Where was that bridge building school you went to you say ;)
  10. The Catholic Church may be many things, it may indeed be many rum things, but fundamentalist it ain't. It's pretty much the institutional embodiment of adapt or die. For something that behemothic, with that much institutional inertia, to have lasted this long is staggering. [it was a little bizarre admittedly; any heads up on a 'my bad' for those cathars yet?]
  11. . dotted by request. Sue an apology of sorts was offered, though i still don't think it remotely offensive if you read it in context. transcript available on request.
  12. touch? :-D
  13. I was joshing you. I'm wont to do the same thing you see.
  14. The shootings are Blair's fault. Probably a niche view but I for one like your style!!!!!
  15. I think there's an important difference between something actually being offensive and something being deemed to be an affront. And this topic falls very much into the latter camp. There is simply no justification for a violent response to this. Any attempts to assuage the sensitivity to a weak rationalisation of offence taking is an utter capitulation to elnightenment principles of free speech, something the press more than anyone should be supported in defending, not castigated by governments for so doing.
  16. "The bottom line is that such a widespread publishing would insult millions of muslims " My suspicion is that many more muslims are more offended by people killing in their name than they ever are by cartoons this
  17. The koran has nothing to say about it at all as far as i recall, and in certain cultures where islam spread, places that liked a bit of imagery, say India, images were common place. In fact Shia still march images down the street in festivals in a manner that would be familiar to Spanish christians. It's basically part of the scholarly tradition becuase it would encourage idolatry, something banned in the ten commandments, so applicable to 3 faiths, though highy open to interpretation. In the modern context it's simply a means to whip up political hysteria by politicians, demagogues and extremists for domestic consumption. The answer is of course to say "I appreciate your sensitivity to the idea that a picture might tempt you into idol worship, and by weak extension paganism/apostasy/heresy, but your offence is not actually a legal matter in tis country, so look away" Or, politely, Fuck Off!!
  18. utterly appalling. yes every paper should do so. Purest intimidation of the worst sort. Musn't give in to it.
  19. ooh lots of x posting!
  20. as long as popular anger doesn't really mean 17 tweets with a hashtag quoted by newspapers, then, as MM says, people are free to make choices. As you say, if he'd stood up, said, i was a wrongun, and done outreach work to teach youngsters about sexual propriety he'd have been just another in a long line of footballers who abused their status, got done and learnt from their mistakes (hopefully). I guess a lot of it comes from his lack of remorse or at the very least humility.
  21. wow, thread gone. I guess even admin thought it too painful. ok, maybe insult was too strong a word, being told to 'learn some elementary logic' was personal though. and this is STILL making me chuckle "Eh? If they're "explicable", then they aren't "unexplained", are they? Duh!" rather undermining the ad hominem.... but talking of undermining, lets not turn another thread into a sue rumble in the jungle, lets leave this to nice reminiscences. you can update the evidence in that other thread!!
  22. Paranormal thread you did all the name calling in the face of simple requests for facts*, so delicious irony there. In the mcann thread, yes it was me, it was a humourous parody of your obssesive inability to let go of the figurative bone long after you'd been politiely advised, by about 50 posters, that it was painful reading and please let it drop. Again, it's all about perception isn't it. Offence is such a meaningless word these days and should be the start of debate, not a means to shut it down. *still waiting....
  23. El Pibe


    blimey quids!! 7 years from general to lounge. a record shurely.
  24. did you see the spotify, what did i listen to thing? Collider - Jon Hopkins was my track of 2014 it would seem. https://www.spotify-yearinmusic.com/my-year/ Dr Strangeluv - Bonde Redhead was a late chaser though
  25. El Pibe

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    oh no
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