I wasn't intentionally lecturing you miga, just musing to myself really on the topics you brought up. IS ceratinly is a kind of logical terminus of the those strands. Hopefully it'll crash and burn horribly, pushing arab reaction to a sort of middle ground. Though IS is also intrinsically the child of the iraqi invasion and the woeful behaviour of US forces/PA there in terms of trigger happiness, detenition without trial and abuse therein, Fallujah and some incredibly stupid strategic decisions politically, along with the powerful Shia arc that has been the ultimate fall out. Chuck in a hideous civil war and a call to arms for every jihadi fool in the world, and well, we have ISIS, and the al-nusrah front, and fatah al-islam, and ansar-al islam and etc etc. I think mainstream arab opinion would have liked a nice peaceful transition to democracies and had everyone butt out of the governments they chose, even if, as in Egypt, they were turning into their previous oppressors with some gusto. It really hasn't worked out that way and Syria was possibly the worst handled of the lot, or Libya, erm or Egypt. I guess until the oil runs out the area is probably fucked, and days like last week are the inevitable fall out, just as the odd massacre is the price people pay for staving off gun control in the US, or the odd missile is the inevitable price israel is prepared to pay for occupation of the west bank.