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El Pibe

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Everything posted by El Pibe

  1. I unhid that message in the forlorn hope that you might be contributing something useful, sensible or interesting UDT. Whoops. So people get themselves into too much debt because of irresponsible borrowing and that's robbery? They're poor because they can no longer maintain a lifestyule that's beyond them? Are you suggesting that they should still have access to more more money that isn't theirs and not be charged interest, sorry robbed, in order to facilitate that? Have you been hanging out with the occupylsx folk? At some point people have to stop saying 'help help I'm being opressed by badly regulated banking practices who gave me what I asked of them the rotters' and take a bit of bloody responsibility for their own actions. With Loz 100% of the way here. Life is tough and a constant stress when you're poor, but standards of living compared to any time in the past (well, maybe not three years ago) and just about anywhere else (minus about five or six other countries) is way better.
  2. http://www.ariolic.com/activesmart/index.html This will let you know if it is the hard drive. As HAL says though, it coud be just about anything. Malware, spyware, trojans, bots, all can cause all sorts of problems but there is plenty of free software to get rid of these. It could be the power pack, a virus, ram corruption, PC next to a radiator, rat poo. I'd start with an anti malware scan, facebook is an increasingly common way of getting infected, my wife had one that was blocking the wi-fi connection on her laptop that she got through an email sent from a facebook contact. I reckon the harddrive health check is worth doing for sure.
  3. Thinking about it, in order to do anything practical with the place they'll have to knock out the bar from the middle, and that gorgeous victorian [style?] wood and glass bar/partition would be a loss.
  4. The hard drive could well be grinding to a halt, this can have huge knock on efects on performance. Replacing it is cheap as chips these days. You can use maxtor to create an image of you current one on the new one then swap them out. I had to do this every six months at work. A dodgy batch I reckon.
  5. apparently. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16409882 Sometimes it's nice to read something trying to dispel the doom and gloom.
  6. How malformed, did it look something like this? http://static.bbc.co.uk/programmeimages/512xn/supporting/2da88d7c143121574f155286df3397382cf275be.jpg
  7. In all fairness I think he may have been reacting to Annette calling him a knob, though he's not doing any favours to himself in dispelling the notion that he is one!!!
  8. "sentanced to keep the peace" That's a little unclear, can you clarify?
  9. I'll miss the old bird, but tbh it's struggled to find an identity for a few years whilst it's takings must have been in freefall. And Murphy's right about the beer. If these guys to a good job (and lets hope that quote from the OP is just a marketting chap knocking one out rather than anything to do with the finished product), then I'll be happy to see a bit of life breathed into the third place*. *apparently it's having music whilst turning off the wi-fi; funny, I always thought the third place was a loo, shows what I know.
  10. Seismic whooshing!!!!
  11. LD, Has New Nexus been hacking your account ;) Mind you "4. US actually invade Iran (or get Israel to do it for them)." I'm not sure Israel can even reach Iran let alone invade it. (not to mention they lost a war against a small guerilla force recently, not sure how they'd fare agasint an army of half a million). Ok here goes. 1. Andy Murray won't win a grand slam errrr that's it.
  12. I echo jeremy with the becks blue. La Pibesa has a load in as she's up the duff and she gets very annoyed when I plough through them myself. It's not unpalatable and the psychological hit of cracking open a cold beer in the evening actually works pretty well.
  13. Though Nord Ale in the bars of skyrim maybe the exceptions I'd suggest.
  14. stay out of the pub, it's the only way.
  15. As I said, I couldn't see the point, there was no enjoyment to be had, just a residual pavlovian urge to light up when I had a pint in my hand.
  16. After smoking for about 5 years I woke up one morning, lit up and just stared at this surreal object and couldn't for the life of me work out what the point of a cigrette was and why the hell I'd been puffing on them for years. I gave up that day.
  17. Cricket didn't even make the top three?!? Just goes to show its not really a national sport, it's just for dusty old sports writers, colonials, peckhamgatecrasher and me (and ratty apparently and david_carnell and one or two others). Still, that cyclist seemed nice.
  18. The point is you have to prove that a data correlation is a causal relationship, especially if you are to base policy and spending precious tax money on it. It's not up to the doubters to disprove it, that's how science works! Even if it is proved as causal, you then need to get beneath the raw figures and prove that it's a good thing in terms of social engineering and that you won't be condemning people to be stuck in bad relationships because of that promise you made to your peers, in front of your mum etc. Even MM is more or less admitting that it's a gut-feel thing, and that's not convincing me that it'd make good policy, but more tax bucks have been spent on worse thinking before (NHS IT revolution anyone?)
  19. Oh dear, emboldened by (lucky) success in Libya, he's now barking on about sorting Somalia out. Good luck with that one. First Blair (did good in Sierra Leone (or gunboat diplomacy as it's usally known), got lucky in Kosovo with a very ill thought out intervention there) got all hand of history, golden touch on us, now this. Cameron's apparently barking on about 'direct threat to British interests'. It's all a wearisomely familiar path isn't it. Why do we have to have these well-meaning idiots banging on about their 'committed', if 'vaguely practising' christian principles at the helm. They're dangerous I tell you.
  20. That's what they want you to think!
  21. You can use the daily mail approved outragometer from the decent-is-us megastore just outside Ambridge. It has a variety of detection modes including single-mums, thieving-gypsies, causes-cancer, cures-cancer, affects-house-prices and of course beneifts-scroungers-whiling-away-the-day-down-the-pub-with-your-hard-earned-money. http://s.ecrater.com/stores/171421/4c3943514a581_171421n.jpg
  22. I really don't think this has anything to do with right-onness and from what I can see there are no guardianistas arguing here either. In fact if I'm not mistaken many posters who aren't convinced by your proposal are actually married, I know I am. What I'm seeing are pretty objective appraisals of marriage's efficacy in fixing society's ills (ie the evidence is dubious at best, a wilful misreading of the stats at worst) weighed up against the negative impact that a morally judgmental policy could have.
  23. Broken Umbrellas? http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3411/3629515755_da4f2947a6.jpg Channel 4 umbrellas by LondonSLR, on Flickr
  24. El Pibe

    Ham. Help.

    Caveat Emptor (o ?Comprador, tenga cuidado!)
  25. A fairly balanced view from Tim Vickery, rather appropriately (UDT take note) criticising a holier-than-thou approach to the issue. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/16262537.stm
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