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El Pibe

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Everything posted by El Pibe

  1. I watched Quiet Loud Quiet, a documentary following the Pixies after they reformed to the end of the first tour. A bunch of middle aged people moping about and occasionally harping on about their various neuroses did not an entertaining experience make. (apparently the film makers have said they couldn't believe how boring it would all end up). There were a couple of very good musical interludes though.
  2. Raducioiu, Futre, Gary Charles, I could go on....
  3. I generally avoid autobiographies as find them either boring, self-justifying egomania, or both; the music industry seems particularly bad for this. That said Danny Sugarman's Wonderland Avenue was a passably entertaining path to excess/rock bottom type read.
  4. ooeerrr missus
  5. http://www.britishfinefoods.com/sites/britishfinefoods.com/files/Tracklements%20Strong%20English%20Mustard.jpg
  6. That's actually an interesting wider question WoD, people being notoriously bad at making risk based decisions. I wonder how many people given the frank choice a) ?16k and is 99.6% safe over a ten year period due to pricey expensive human tested poymers or b) ?4k and 80% safe over a ten year period due to cheap industrial polymers how many people would still opt for b. I suspect it'd be higher than we might expect.
  7. "I would also expect the NHS and / or others providing free care and support to make claims on either the original manufacturer (difficult - it's bankrupt) or the government as the failed regulator" very good point.
  8. I thought that all pretty reasoned, even reasonable. Passive aggressive would be all 'I'm not playing' .... oh. interstingly looking at the DSM-IV definition of passive-aggressive, two-four are striking: complains of being misunderstood and unappreciated by others is sullen and argumentative unreasonably criticizes and scorns authority ;-)
  9. A conspiracy is a plan to commit an illegal act, so it will by definition be prosecutable in a court of law. The problem with conspiracy theorists is that they refuse to accept that the world is chaotic and that people get things wrong. Rather than see ineptitude (the cia failed to see the ability and ambition of al qaeda) they see omnipotence (the cia/mossad/the lizards were behind the planes/performed a controlled explosion/used a death ray from the moon). The degree of omnipotence they attribute nefarious forces seems to be inversely proportional to the sanity of the conpiracy theorist. What gets me is the selectivity of their obsessions. I don't see why noone has said that the indian ocean tsunami was caused by an underground nuclear explosion in techtonic plates by barrat homkes in order to sell more houses or somesuch for instance. Of course I'm not really called el pibe, I'm actually a composite avatar from an MI5/Shin Bet/NSA disinformation operation.
  10. Hmm, well a very quick dip into Hegel's dialectic and I'm already getting the impression you've not thought about it deeply, but are parroting people who also seem to have totally misinterpreted it. As far as I can see it says that social forces veer one way then in an opposite direction and so forth in a manner of conflict (not meant to be interpreted as literal conflict) until some kind of resolution (sysnthesis) is arrived at. It doesn't say that Kissinger fostered conflict in order to control your mind. As for the conspiracy stuff, oh dear. Incidentally I've just finished reading Jon Ronson's Psycopath Test, where he suggests that conspiracy theorists are mentally ill and quite possible psycopathic with regards to at least: Grandiose sense of self-worth Lack of empathy Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom Lack of realistic long-term goals ;-)
  11. I think it makes sense that the NHS remove them, as they are potentially life threatening, that's what the NHS is there to do, save lives. Replacing is another matter. But I guess if the private boob folk pay for their own replacements it can't take that much longer to put them in whilst you're taking them out can it?
  12. For your discerning brandy lover with a gun fetish, try this armenian number http://www.beersofeurope.co.uk/acatalog/armenianbrandykalashnikov.jpg
  13. I think you're confusing 'brainchild' with 'consequences of strategic decisions' New Nexus. Still, not irrelevant names to be throwing in to the mix.
  14. it was really just a bad link, apologies, no offence intended (plus i'l give that book a go, sounds good). Mind you, I could warm to being called sire ......
  15. Random capitalisations Bon3yard. Are you Justin Cronin? Incidentally, I quite enjoyed Cronin's overlong, stephenking-a-like, vampire novel with failed literary pretentions (and random italics and Capitals), in a sort of throwaway fashion.
  16. Have just finished The Psycopath Test by Jon Ronson, a very personal, if typically lighthearted and self-deprecating, journey into madness. It kicks off with the interesting idea that maybe society is so awful because it's psycopaths who inevitable rise to the top and they don't give a shit about anyone but their own egos. Instantly compellingly plausible but never satisfactorily pursued. Regardless it was very enjoyable, and that rare thing actually unputdownable as I ripped through it in two sessions! Ping for borrowage if it sounds your thing.
  17. anagram tube map. It's weird how many are hard to identify when they're anagrammed up like this http://anagramtubemap.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/
  18. Many of us regulars have rallied round and written to the authorities asking that the complaint not be upheld. At the time Jamie asked us to let our opinion be known it was 1-1 so I'm pretty confident that in terms of wider input into the case the pro hoopers lobby has done well. Fingers crossed, and see you all there.
  19. Isn't saying you're off to al-andulsia [sic] a bit like saying 'I'm off to Byzantium'? They both ceased to exist a little over 500 years ago, making it sound either a little bit pretentious or a bit weird... Andaluc?a, where incidentally my folk are from, will do nicely ;-) I do hope you have a fab time though, a wonderful part of the world that rewards the more adventurous explorer with hidden delights.
  20. and Carcassone is as amazing as it looks! There's a lovely little restaurant in the old walls that does great foie gras. ... Wrong thread?
  21. I was just attempting to deconstruct your rather nonsensical (or at least very poorly expressed) post in all fairness. which leads me to... Oh deary me. The poor are getting poorer because CEOs are getting richer. Brilliant deductive reasoning. You're confusing increasing absolute poverty with widening inequality, something, if you'd followed this thread, people have been trying to explain to you for quite some time. Remind me not to press unhide on any of your posts again...oh of course there'd be no point.
  22. I quite enjoyed these from KOW. I think he's either being too pessemistic, rather premature or both, but some of it made me chuckle.
  23. I'm afraid vista does run a scheduled defrag, i think it defaults to weekly. It can be disabled though.
  24. interesting definition charisma [kuh-riz-muh]   noun, plural -ma?ta  [-muh-tuh] Show IPA. 1. Theology . a divinely conferred gift or power. 2. a spiritual power or personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people. 3. the special virtue of an office, function, position, etc., that confers or is thought to confer on the person holding it an unusual ability for leadership, worthiness of veneration, or the like. If you're Church of England then she probably automatically qualifies for pretty much all three doesn't she. If you're a royalist then two of them. Even objectively speaking she's probably got the last one sewn up.
  25. Windows vista onwards basically defrags itself in the background anyway, running a defrag is really only relevant to XP and before. But it could be that you need to give it a bit of encouragement, in which case here's a how to video from microsoft. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows7/Improve-performance-by-defragmenting-your-hard-disk Don't worry about the rogue sites, togs in sox gave you some safe links and suggestions.
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