Political violence of any ilk is a sort of insanity if you ask me ('m a ludicrous peacenik though, jaw jaw* and all that), but I guess never underestimate human beings' ability to justify cruelty. And there is a sort of moral tit for tat in war, each terrible act pushing the envelope of what was previously unacceptable into desirable. And world war 2 was so terrible....and long.... But that doesn't mean people aren't aware of their moral qualms as they temporarily trangress those limits, I'm pretty sure people understood at the time, those bomber crews far more than most. But absolutely, it's very easy to judge, years later, in our safe world, sat on the internet our hyperbolic-judgemental-booths ;) *a quote attributed to a man who loved a good scrap, not to mention condemned 2 million indians to death by refusing to do anything about a man made famine, but that's another tale.