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El Pibe

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Everything posted by El Pibe

  1. it was worse than that. The lesson learned from iraq apparently involved working out that countries are awfully complicated and nation building is doomed to failure. So next time we remove an autocrat lets not bother with nation building. Genius!!!!
  2. erm? that's interesting why? It's just a person hating on the guardi....oh...waiitttt.....aaaahhhhhh
  3. I believe my mate in the army said they bought cable ties at 3 quid a pop. Clearly it's benefitting someone, but it ain't the taxpayer. scale aside, the price differences in purchasing the same product were vast. savings in standardisation, leaving aside leverage would still be massive. Just because something's not easy or hasn't been managed yet isn't reason enough to sniffily and high handedly dismiss it is it?
  4. An awful lot could be saved by leveraging the NHS's spectacularly influential market making purchasing power. Noone seems interested, and the ever more unfathomable structures in place after every reform just make it a more and more distant dream. I worked on a sytstem for a quango tasked with trying to find out cost discrepaniceis between trusts with an aim to unifying purchasing across the national organisation, and taking advantage of those potential economies of scale. Coalition axed the quango following the tory's quango axing promise when they got in, saving about a million a year. Potential saving conservatively in hundreds of millions if not billions. Just a side point
  5. Silicon Valley, top notch comedy.
  6. Birthday coming up...thinking next gen? Any thoughts gamers? (we already have a wii u)
  7. miga Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Blah Blah Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Miga's failure was to fight Cameron on the > economy from the off. > > I'll do it next time I promise. Greco-Roman > wrestling should be appropriate. sometimes i wish there was an upvote function on this forum!!!!
  8. very good jah :) http://mattygra.tumblr.com/post/118727495321/a-classic-photo-of-the-prime-minister-2-about-to
  9. It wasn't me Dulwich Raider, it's an old school friend whom I brought to a game a couple of years ago and was instantly won over. I really like his art, totally off the wall but very funny, can put you in touch if you like.
  10. ooh, the localphone route allows you to phone 0800 style numbers for free too!! In fact when i was tryng to sort stuff out for the move in ireland all the numbers are 1800..... Which means phoning from abroad it thinks you're dialling 00 353 (0)1 800 and puts you through to some random number in dublin, and half of them didn't even have a genuine non 1800 number which became a real issue until someone told me about localphone.
  11. skype, whatsapp, viber etc are proprietary, you need the other chap to have it on their phone be activated, logged in etc and I usually find that they're not without you using facebook, google messenger or even SMS to prompt them. For convenience I tend to use localphone, a voip rerouting system so you only pay the local call charges, quite nifty. http://www.localphone.com/ although i think skype may offer this sort of thing now....
  12. "His spiritual whining voice does my head in" To be fair to the man, when interviewed not so very long ago he more or less said the stuff that annoys him about zep, on reflection, is his voice. On the Alison Krauss album i think he's attempted a style of singing that doesn't involve making a sound at all, as if he's unmaking past transgressions. Zep have some terrible lyrics, and all that mysognisitc stuff doesn't really wash these days, but again he did say that after his son died warbling on about squeezing my lemon just didn't make any sense to him any more. They had a tune or two for sure, and they could certainly play....as long as it wsan't for more than three minutes a song...then it got annoying...
  13. SteveT huh?
  14. http://www.buzzfeed.com/danieldalton/bernard-is-my-homeboy?bffb&utm_term=4ldqpgr#.dvjrb2oqD
  15. oh tarot can you believe there are gay story lines in the homo erotic world of comics too? How will you cope, that indignation may drive you insane, tip (over missus) you over the edge. What happens when you saturate something then turn it to ice? A sort of gay glacification? http://www.theverge.com/2015/4/21/8462897/iceman-x-men-gay-bobby-drake-brian-michael-bendis
  16. Whack a fly in there and snap who comes for dinner
  17. new modest mouse 5 years in the making and it sounds exactly like the last one, with a couple of hits from the previous one thrown in. sad face. Titch, gave that Ollife chap a listen, nice. Have you listened to any Darren Hayman (or his Raw Sex alter ego 'French')? Passing similarities here and there so you might like.
  18. i think that's all of them now isn't it?
  19. So Netanyahu confirms what we've suspected for 15 years, that in our brave new world full of useful 'turrists' Israel has no intention of making peace or going for any state solution at all, be it one, two or pie in the sky. And all those negotiations where people said to the palestinians 'just give in to their demands and stick to peaceful negotiations' were all in entirely bad faith, as was obvious to anyone looking on dispassionately. And it barely makes the news...are we so jaded? So given the confirmation that you've perpetuity in a occupational police state or ghetto prison, what would you do? http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/17/world/middleeast/benjamin-netanyahu-campaign-settlement.html
  20. oops, didn't see you there tillie!!
  21. Hawkeye Pearce in mash?
  22. Is this a Kung-Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness reference?
  23. Duncan McCloud?
  24. Spot on. Yes Egg/Rick Grimes We've finally caught up so we have to wait for a new episode like everyone else. Great show. As was This Life...the reunion...not so much...
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