Does anyone share my view that the new electric blue recycling wheeled bins are an offensive eyesore and destroy the visual amenity of the area? There can be few colours which match this for their impact - hence it is used for many street signs, including motorways, specifically to attract the eye of the motorist from long distances. Southwark Council has ignored its responsibility to consider the visual impact of the 45,000 bins ordered, most of which cannot be hidden from view. The environmental department should be called to account for woefully poor judgement and for allowing such an inexplicable and dreadful decision which will affect us all for many years. Why was a more muted, sober colour (to match the existing green and brown in tone) not chosen and how can a department with environmental responsibilities claim to have any environmental credentials when they have so negligently addressed this issue in a way that so pollutes our tree-lined and green borough? This unforgiveable error must be acknowledged and the bins replaced with a more muted colour which still differentiates them from those we already have. Barrie Hargrove, cabinet member for transport, environment and recycling should hang his head in shame! Is this not a failure of duty and personal responsibility to the householders of Southwark? If you agree, please comment here and, most importantly, email your views to (cc