"SodaStream is an Israeli company that manufactures home carbonation systems. However, some have criticized SodaStream for its treatment of Palestinian workers and for operating in Israeli settlements in the West Bank."
The younger (and some older) people have taken an unused unloved space and made it their own. Where do we think young people should go? I was involved in a campaign with a group of younger people a few years ago to get a skate park built. I was so shocked by the backlash and nastiness from a vocal 'adult' few. The young people themselves said that they are told they shouldn't spend all their time on screens and yet when they come together and do something that is physical that involves socialising and positive connection they get slated for it. The skating community is so welcoming and supportive. Come on people - see the bigger picture and the positives. They've made a good place to be out of nothing - they are recycling and building and being creative and social and entrepreneurial. I suggest we reflect on what the real issue is here. Have a look at this -