Hi, there's also this new law that came into effect this past month, capping major works to ?15k. Seems complicated in terms of funding sources and start dates. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/social-landlords-reduction-of-service-charges-mandatory-and-discretionary-directions-2014 We've just had an offer accepted on a leasehold property. Concerned about future major works as the estate is a line item on the Southwark website listing all of the major works. And then again, nearly every estate is listed here: http://www.southwark.gov.uk/downloads/download/3754/major_works_downloads From what I can tell, there are 2 leaseholders in the block of 8 dwellings in total. Any advice on how to get the scope of works (or even better estimate) out of Southwark? The Home Ownership unit simply said that our solicitors should request a pre-assignment pack (for ?180). Think they would do this automatically as a part of searches, but we really want to know sooner rather than later since we have to arrange our finances before the solicitor will get going with searches. We certainly don't want to be landed with a huge surprise bill upon moving in. Thanks!