I must admit, I don't understand the obsession with Greendales. The area is nothing but an in-accessable to the public, dump of an area that attracts nothing but trouble-makers and fly tipping. I personally think Hadley's plans will only improve the area and make more of the green space. What a lot of people have failed to mention here is that they are not planning on encroaching on anymore greenspace than is currently taken up a the minute, just moving round the configuration of the site for the better - moving the ground away from nearby houses, removing the quite frankly, anti-social, local nuisance of a seven a side pitch, completing the green space connection between the park and Greendales (the existing alleyway would be moved upwards behind the bottom block of new houses and a more natural country path created), and yes building some new houses, which I think we all just need to accept ED needs! Also, if you'd have asked the transport rep there he would have told you the existing entrance to Abbostwood Road would remain but re-modelled (in a similar way to traffic calming solutions seen in South Kensington) where the greenspace and pavement naturally blend into the existing road to create a more attractive entrance. There would be then further access throughout the new build which would drive traffic to the football ground away from residents and put it somewhere more appropriate. There will also be a new 'loop road' created for access around the new area. It's also worth considering that these were just top line proposals to canvas local opinion, and then based on the comments (which really should be submitted to them, not debated on this forum!) they will restructure the plans, hence why there was little detail on specifics.