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Everything posted by trentk69

  1. The way some of these learner bikers ride, it is no surprise that this does not happen more often. I have recently got my bike licence and I ride a Triumph Bonneville, but going through the full bike qualification has made me realise how dangerous bikes and other traffic can be, and how careful you have to be when riding. It is good news that the guy is alive and will hopefully recover, but when you ride like an idiot this is always going to happen, especially in London traffic.
  2. My TV has started picking up BBC South, rather than BBC London - which is a bit odd? I am on Barry road, so would be interested if anyone else in the area is getting this also?
  3. Not too many complaining of the bollarded trees on Barry Road now. Great foresight in my mind.
  4. Just a gripe really, but we had our kerbside car door kicked in on Saturday night. The car was parked by the Barry Road / Underhill road junction, and when I went to take my daughter swimming on Sunday morning, I was greeted by the sight of the obviously man made dent in our car door. They have managed to kick or fall on the lip of the door too, so the dent wont just pop out, meaning a ??? repair job. Just what I needed. I dont suppose any one saw anything at time (wishfull thinking) Amazing how some people get their Saturday night kicks (excuse the pun) these days.
  5. Quick question - my brown garden waste bin is now full, but I just wanted to know if I can use the blue recycling bins for garden waste as well. Alternatively, is anyone on Barry road not using there garden waste bin this week? Thanks!
  6. On Barry Road? I have lost track... Thanks!
  7. Well, the recent works did claim one casualty. My beloved Triumph Bonneville has been written off due to the crash that I was involved in a couple of weeks ago. Luckily I wasnt hurt too badly, and I am well down the road to recovery... Have to say, the junction doesn't look too different to what it did before... Good to see they have also started digging up Rye Lane again, just to add to the disruption.
  8. Well, I am sad to say that I fell victim to this junction and the road works taking place here this morning. I was riding to work on my motorbike and approching the junction from the Peckham Rye side. For whatever reason there were long queues of traffic leading up to the junction, obviously causing frustration with all the drivers. As I approached the junction, the lights turned to orange, and as they did, two cars in front of me sped up to get through the orange and now red lights. I braked and came to a stop, and about a second or two later I was smashed from behind by a White Transit Van, throwing me off my bike and onto the road. Without getting into too much detail, there was considerable damage done to my bike, and I have been to A & E to get checked out. At this stage there is nothing broken in me, I am just very tender and sore. The pedestrians at the junction were great, offering assistance and also bearing wittness to the crash. This could have been so much worse, I am just glad I got away with what I did. Time to rest up for me I think.
  9. Three out of three for today too. This morning the temporary lights were on the blink, meaning the phasing was all out, resulting in major blockages on all four roads on this junction. The workmen were forced to do their best at manually controlling the traffic flow, with very limited sucess. What a comedy of errors.
  10. Oh, and another thing to throw into the mix - the building work at the Clockhouse. This morning - two large lorries unloading materials for the building were parked on either side of the road outside the CH - meaning that buses turning into Barry road had to compete against the traffice trying to get out of Barry Road, resulting in you guessed it - near gridlock at this junction again. Two days in a row - lets go for a third tomorrow....
  11. This next 8 weeks is going to turn into a traffic nightmare. It was bad enought this morning, when a bus had broken down on Peckham Rye opposite Barry road heading to Forest Hill - which completely ballsed up all traffic along there. Throw in the upcoming predicted cold snap with a bit of snow and boom! Traffic armaggeddon... Will be very interested to see if this actually makes any difference to the red light runners turn right across the traffic here... We live in hope.
  12. Are you sure? I was there on Saturday, and they only had the Hobgoblin type beers on tap there... not a London Pride in sight...
  13. Anyone know of any pubs in East Dulwich the serve London Pride? I have been looking, but I cant seem to find! Thanks
  14. Hi guys, Anyone else on Barry Road without water this morning? I have contacted Thames water, but there have been no reported issues yet? I am round the Barry Road, Underhill Road junction area... Cheers
  15. Those of you that have used Barry road within the past few days will have noticed that some of the trees on the left side of the road have been pruned back by the council - they are looking very bare indeed! I personally think it is a good thing, and I want to know if they will do all the trees on the road, or just a selection of them? Does anyone know if this information is available?
  16. I agree with dollydaydream - the Blandford fly would be my prime suspect. I got bitten by one in out in the garden last year and had the same reactions. Nasty little blighters!
  17. Hey team, Just to let you know, my bike shed was broken into on Saturday night / Sunday morning.... I noticed this at about 6.45am on Sunday morning, when I looked out and saw the hinges of one of the doors had been unscrewed. I went out to investigate, and thankfully nothing had been taken. The bikes in there are chained to a ground anchor as well. It looks to me as if the would be thieves had taken the time to unscrew the hinges, and then got put off by by the bikes chained to the ground anchor and left. I called the non emergency police number, and a unit was round in less than an hour. I must say that the police were excellent in this instance. It felt a trival thing to report, but as keeps being mentioned on this forum, it is important to report so the police can get an idea of trends etc what is going on, and if there were any related crimes that evening. Very thankfull nothing was taken, and the shed was reletively undamaged. Dodged a bullet there! Cheers
  18. I am just going through getting quotes for my motorbike insurance, and the premiums seem to jump when the SE22 post codes are entered. Is ED really that bad for vehicle theft? Some companies will not even cover me if my bike is left parked on the street! Does ED have the problem, or is it being tarred with the London brush - i.e, ED is part of London, therefore vehicle theft must be high?
  19. Sorry Penguin, I just posted the same thing! I completely agree with your points there. Nothing has changed with the safety of this junction, in fact due to the raised exits, I find it worse.
  20. There was a crash on this junction again last night between the P13 and a Smartcar - happened about 9.00pm. Not sure if anyone was hurt (hope not). Police were in attendance so it will be interesting to see if this crash appears in the stats. Seemed to be very quiet at the time of the crash, so I could only guess at the actual cause.
  21. I am not surprised that noise control hasnt been called to come around to my house on Barry Road tonite around 10.15pm , after I was shouting the mighty Chelsea to the win!!!!
  22. Where abouts on Barry road are you talking about?
  23. Does anyone know why the green arrow on the lights at the Barry Road - Lordship Lane junction (by the Plough) i.e. when you are turning right into Barry Road from Lordship Lane by the Dulwich Library - there used to be a green arrow here, but whilst the light are still there, it seems the signal has been turned off. Any ideas why? Thanks!
  24. Can anyone tell me what Moxons Fish Monger is under??
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