Hi, Would anyone know who to contact at Southwark Council regarding the Playground area at the bottom of Upland Road and Friern Road? Currently there is a nice space for kids to play - my flat backs onto this and I do get a couple of footballs a week landing in my garden of which I'm happy to kick back to the kids! However, sometimes they do try and climb into my place and scale the wall to get into neighbours properties to retrieve balls which could be dangerous. My concern now is the council are now putting up basket ball nets at the back of my place which I guess will increase the amount of lost balls ! I was wondering if Soutwark Council should speak to residents before going ahead with this - the playground area is large and it would make sense to put the nets away from the residential properties ? Then the kids can have fun and there will be less lost balls and kids climibing into gardens. Any idea who I could talk to ? thanks!