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Everything posted by SeanMacGabhann

  1. No.. wait, I've got it! really?????? Well I never....
  2. S CLUB 7?
  3. It's not a million miles from the pub we want the Plough to be.. I mean it's not IT but I do like it Ron and Emm took it over about 18 months or so ago and haven't done much visible to it so it's pretty scruffy - they had been running the comedy upstairs for quite a while before then but since taking over the whole pub the main thing is the Sunday afternoons - which have variously taken the form of open-mics, children's entertainers, and other stuff. Good vibe usually - sometimes slightly heavier than usual I'll be there Sunday night to see Steve Hughes so his Edinburgh warm up - or should that be EDinburgh
  4. Got a big day at work tomorrow so was only going to pop in after work for one or two - and even now that hangs heavy over my head
  5. Peeps Have younot noticed the comedy IS already back (well at least from June onwards) upstairs at EDT Not run by Ron & Emma unfortunately (used to un it, now relocated to the Hob in SE23 via Magdala) but hopefully will strengthen the area for comedy rather than weaken their position (it must be easier for a comedian/enne playing 3 gigs a night to do 2 this close together than to scoot off to Camden say)
  6. * Sean harrumphs at citizenEd's affrontery and takes a vow of silence * (was it me tho?)
  7. Tillie's is a gem - frame it
  8. Jeepster? Pah... mainstream compared to Rubber Band from Bowie's pre-Space Oddity period I have heard in there a couple of times Boogaloo/Filthy McNasty's (late 90s period).. on my doorstep? sigh......... I can but dream
  9. Well DM I COULD pretend I'm not sure what he's on about but what can I say... Are you two finally goingto meet this Fri or Sun?
  10. I think we're onto something here with this Inside72 v2.0 supersized. The Gowlett puts it's toes in that pnd as well I think
  11. I broke into a dash
  12. Oh nooo - they're "at it" again.... ;-)
  13. And remembers again why he left Harwich
  14. Hi Viv - I spoke with Jamie when I popped in over the first week or so and mentioned this place - glad to see you guys pop by If you have read some of the other threads (specifically those concerning Green & Blue) you might be worried about how harsh some of us can be but fear not - we are softies really BTW - hoping to pop in this evening so I'll look out to say hi
  15. And to think at last drinks i hadnt posted all that much, let that be a warning to those attending friday !
  16. Did anyone go to the beer fest? How was it? Anyone been back to Hoopers since first week? How's it doing? How many questions in 3 lines?
  17. my local... my beloved local I'm almost shocked, I thought like scorpions that place would be around forever Does LL need another gastropub? I think the "gastropub" term gets bandied around way too much - it's used for any pub that dares charge more than ?4 for a steak. Howver, Does LL need The Plough completely upgraded - YES As you say it may be easier said than done - but as Mockney says, a Hoopers/Ivanhoe refit will do perfectly - although I suspect it will be more Vale-ish
  18. honky - I just always laugh when I see that word But to be fair to Nero I think the point was he knows they exist, just why isn't a supposed community day, or public places like bars, a good place for people to mingle more? Like I said I think culture and backgound play more of a part than one's ethnic background. And all of these cultures are visible on the streets of ED (hurrah!) but may not choose to "do" the same things As for Nero's point about exclusion - my guess is that the main people feeling excluded in the area these days are the less affluent (whatever culture, ethnic group, etc) they fall in to
  19. Nero - I have done, with mixed results - but even with a good response it can be so wearying. Today on the 40 for example there were 3 different people getting on/off between ED and E&C... all who decided to sit next to me and blare away I'm off topic now, so I'll stop. I might start one about 2consideration for others". God I'm getting old
  20. Nero - surprised noone has picked up on this thread. I think all cultures are drawn to like for like - the fair next weekend for example won't have many of the white population who favour burberry caps and tracksuits - so it's more to do with that than ethnicity. Liqourish tends to have a sizeable non-caucasian customer base - if I arrange to meet some of my black friends that's where they suggest we meet. Could be because it's new and doesn't have the history that places like EDT/Forresters(now Bishop) etc had. Actually The Bishop has a pretty darn diverse crowd so not sure about my last statement Also, having lived in predominantly Asian areas of London and having Asian friends - culturally there just isn't much of a pubgoing habit there. I wonder if all of the attendees of the MegaChurch on Evalina Rd wonder where all the white people are on a Sunday morning?
  21. Mamafeelgood (great name btw) White Stuff is a very...umm Islington chain of tshirt/urban clothes type gear. Overpriced for sure but not nearly as bad as some. I think you are about right on the worry/balance side of things - we are too small to be invaded by chains but are not stuck in a 70s timewarp. As I've said before I USED to worry about this stuff but have relaxed into thinking it is what it is Now if only I could stop people playing their songs through their mobile speakers on the back of the bus I'd be a happy man
  22. Mockney - sorry to hear about that. That has happened to me twice in the past and don't apologise for reacting, I've done the same. Ok it's not big or clever and probably what they want to see but still.. I take it you are unscathed? I do know that is how I am going to go - I will lose it completely with some gobsheeeite of a driver And still people say speed cameras/humps are there to victimise the poor innocent driver. (and yes I drive and no they don't bother me because...... I don't speed)
  23. Yup - full of contradictions that's us. Lot's of people on here with I would say a 40/40/20 split (entirely my own guesswork, backed up by zero stats) of boochains/yaychains/somewhere in between The walsh glazing unit IS a joke tho right??? Surely after all the threads on here... anyway JUST incase it's not, 2 of the Walsh units are becoming a White Stuff with the 3rd to be sublet by them
  24. I never understood why the place is called Chopsticks when they set out a knife and fork by default - that kind of tells you wether they are expecting people who know real chinese food or not Been to Mr Liw twice and enjoyed both times but can't vouch for it being authentic or ESPECIALLy good Has anyone tried Dragon Castle - the big new(ish place) next to Elephant? They have 2 menus - one "regular" and one "real"
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