For some bizarre reason this is one thread I haven't paid much attention to despite music being one of my major "things" But now I have something to disagree with Mockney about. Bellenden Belle, I too am looking forward to the Rufus album (out today I believe) I wasn't that aware of him until Glasto 2005 where Mrs Macgabhann kept saying how much she wanted to see him. I forgot all about it (partly aided by Brendon Burns' erm.. generosity in the comedy tent) and met a friend near the jazzworld stage - we took an intoxicated wander and after all of the rain that weekend. the sun was BACK and had dried out the Other Stage to a point where it looked like Tattoine. Anyway we stumbled across Rufus near the start of his set and were both transfixed. It was one of those cases where I got home and bought the back catalogue... And his performances on Jon Ross and Andrew Marr this weekend have been pretty darn fine J