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Everything posted by SeanMacGabhann

  1. Guess what I'll be packing in my bag as condiments... (quick edit for those new to forum and think some of these messages are too obtuse. they can be. so... Tillie has never forgiven me for "forcing" her to try some chili sauce bought at the Goose Green fair from a chili vendor called ChiliPete... hence the "you would do comments from her, aimed at me. If anyone wants to know more about chilis and various products MockeyPiers is the guru - I am just a grasshopper) (second edit - grasshopper = reference to old 80s film called Karate Kid) (third edit - just kidding)
  2. ach I hate it when people write a whole bunch of stuff and then delete it* On the wine-tasting front I popped into G&B today, (bumped into fragrant Bellenden Belle and assorted friends) and picked up details of upcoming events Not all of them but some quick highlights: June 11 - Clean Green New Zealand... Lots of cool crisp wines to taste June 15 - Rose & Summer Reds July 2nd - How to taste like a professional (i've done this one - very good. Takes a while to get to the wine but worth the wait) Lots more throughout June and July too Also - next School of wine happens from Sep thru Dec every Mon night - seems to take in every wine region across 13 countries/regions *you should have seen how long this message was
  3. Twas well organised indeed - but to echo TT's comment in another thread, even tho the forum drink postings DO belong in this section, they deserve a more prominent place methinks
  4. Thomas surely wins the award for most polite poster this year? But you have fleshed out the idea a bit more in my head and I would certainly be curious to see what happens. I just hate to give any kind of "yeah open up a business it's not my money" advice in case the business struggles for whatever reason But good luck
  5. I thought Tillie was being quite rude to a poster and then I re-read - doh!
  6. D Was your post curtailed - it stopped mid sentence. But we got the point... And a very well put one it was too I am very fond of certain shops along LL and were they to suffer I would be upset but I have to say I'm not always convinced that the opening of a competitor is a bad thing - and not just from a "ooh the consumer always wins" perspective As I have said in a previous post about a therapy centre opening, it may benefit other therapists - if an area is known to have more than one of any type of shop it is more likely to appeal to casual trade and so build up a reputation Regarding the eco-shop - I think some of the comments bandied about did give an intimidating impression and I agree with Keef that it is a shame it is now not opening in ED.... Remember Field of Dreams... build it an they will come When I moved to ED and most of the pubs looked to be dying on their a*** I did wonder as each one converted where the punters would come from... but lo and behold each pub flourished (well, from numbers of people at least - I imagine rents have put a dent in things) The place is now a destination not just a dormitory...
  7. Ah yes .. Mr Dale. Very witty post it was too If Hoopers had as many customers as that post had replies then they would be turning people away Jamie & Viv spend a lot of time in SE22 pubs and we are merely returning the compliment. Plus as Piers has said - they are one of the few pubs in a 2 mile radius to do really good ales
  8. My favourite food at the festival (and you won't be surprised to learn) is the sausage stall selling super-spicy sausages which they challenge people to eat and give for free if they finish
  9. damn this whole post 19th century world!!
  10. The rule of thumb for those of us in UK is: We drink red too warm and white too cold Only very very complex wines probably need to be decanted and left to breathe for any great length of time We have just started on a red picked up at G&B today - it's Di Barro - Torente Valle D'Aoste and is a amazingly low (by today's standards) 12.5% vol Very pleasant drinking if not the most sophisticated wine I've ever drunk (if anyone still reading thinks this makes me sound like I know what I'm talking about, rest assured I am a low grade amateur - as in 1 out of 100 score) But it does have some structure and enough bite to be tasty - And it has stood up to my chicken very well As I walked back from G&B I saw someone in front carrying a 3 for 2 bag from Threshers... I won't say anymore because it's a different thread but it did make me wonder.....
  11. Phew - at least someone replied - cheers TT, was worried I had defamed everyone!
  12. Hi Thomas I certainly think there is a decent sized market for the kind of food you friend is looking into but unless I'm behind the times (always a possibility) are there many established delivery services operating anywhere for this kind of food? I think one of the reasons pizza/curry deliveries do so well is the fact it's appealing to a different mindset (not different market necessarily) - sometimes we just want that tasty fix When it comes to organic, healthy food the whole point is knowing where the ingredients come from, how they were cooked and how they were served - ie something that is done personally, at home - so I would imagine that the demand for other people to deliver same would be less. But as I say I could be wrong and there may be a burgeoning market in this area already - I'm just offering an honest caveat I do know that there appears to be a lot of demand for a good-quality vegetarian restaurant in the area on the other hand...
  13. You mean there are drink ups where my drunken fizog wouldn't appear on the internet...???
  14. I was in North London yesterday and found a bar called Keston Lodge which did Square Pie and Pieminster pies...Yep the same as Glasto. which is I believe less than 3 weeks away... woo hoo
  15. I have to say, reading Keef's initial post on here I found myself nodding in agreement and feeling a little bit guilty (it's a default position mind you) but the more I thought about it (and then read Hugeounot's reply) the more I think well... there is a danger of being polite to the point where you think "why bother"? I agree with the accusation that this forum can "appear" smug and cliquey - but even if it were true is that in and of itself a bad thing? One couldn't accuse Living South, Capital FM or ITV of being smug or cliquey (well, maybe smug) but you could about Prospect, BBC6music or Film 4 - and with all due respect to the first 3 I know which I would rather "consume" Cliquey means exclusive and surely that's the last thing this place is - there is a pretty wide range of opinion on here and I have seen many a "no, fair play, good point" post from some of the regulars when someone has posted a dissenting view Also, for all it's insider innuendo I have lost count of the number of welcoming messages to anyone who posts on here from all quarters - and as soon as I met people on here I have found it even more friendly. But the reason I come back (every 5 minutes) is not just because it's friendly, it's because it's interesting. People on here are, by turns, friendly, obtuse, argumentative, embarrassed, up-for-it, weary, erudite, dumb etc. And that's often me in the same sentence. But that surely is the essence of human beings and personality? To be all-inclusive, with every paragraph caveated (not a word I'm sure) would lose every bit of personality on here. This is after all just one more outpost in the galaxy of websites - if you happen upon here and like it join in, the water is warm. If you don't like it well there is only a bazillion other places to go. I have had some great conversations with people on here with which I disagree. Sometimes in the forum and sometimes in private messages. But that's how it should be. If it was just a noticeboard "Opening soon... jam jar emporium" would it be worth the effort?
  16. I hope this doesn't turn into another debate as some things are beyond that Good reminder to us all Louisa
  17. Am on my space but not face book.. Meant to have look after charlie brooker did his usual style column on it
  18. * realises how much housework needs to be done * * fires up Napster and picks a dozen tracks to soundtrack said housework * * the place is going to be awfully quiet with lot's of people jetting off * * oh wait, geography no longer matters in 2007 *
  19. Nero. Saw same about an hour earlier. At least 6 police cars which seemed excessive for one scooter so we still dont know what happened
  20. Serenity Good to know the place is keeping the momentum going And welcome btw
  21. While it's not funny that the Co-op got robbed, the 10-minute wait comment did raise a wry chuckle. And because I never go in to buy much but often end up buying more that is easily carry-able I'm stood wobbling in the queue for those 10 mins As a parade of shops I've seen worse - but it can't quite settle. The Two Trees suggested better times ahead and the FHT & Herne revamps can only be a good thing but there is still a bit too much tumbleweed. If only the Rye extended another hundred yards, the outlook from those units would be so much better
  22. DM Sorry I haven't contributed to this topic as much as I might - bit of a hurly-burly weekend. By tomorow evening I might JUST be able to manage some liver salts but rest assured I will report on the comparitve merits of Andrews v Eno
  23. Back in South London now, so able to type properly. Aiming to head back out soon but SOMEONE can't handle late nights so will have to see what happens Anyway, last night. The first drinks I've been to where we had EDF reserved signs out and so, obviously, no-one turned up. Or so it felt at 8ish when twas just a small 4-man band. But people arrived thick and fast and the whole reserved area became splendidly cosy From the wonderful regulars (Bagpuss, Georgia, Mogs, LadyGooner, CitizenEd, Fear'n Boozin, AndrewD, Ant and more) to the Dorothys (Bellenden Belle, Jah Lush, Mikese22 and more) + the various partners and lurkers of this parish, everyone was in good form. I have probably overlooked some names there - feel free to remonstrate with me We were also joined by Viv & Jamie from Hoopers bar which was a nice touch. As the planned destination for the next drink-up, they obviously want to check out what kind of damage we can do As usual I spoke with some people too much (from their perspective) and others not enough, and once again the 1am last orders reminded me how weird it was we ever managed with 11pm Several people took advantage of the fine pizzas - most of them did the civilised thing and removed themselves to a quieter table and used a knife and fork. I was less couth and just stuffed my gob - but I did offer some around A fine venue, and some great new people I'm looking forward to the next one. I might even gatecrash the rainbow drinks next week
  24. * thinks "any hangover which involves watching Bagpuss and Tillie drink their way through a hangover can't be that bad * * raises a glass in their direction * * wonders at what point he should worry if Lady Macgabgann doesn't stir at some point - no stamina some people *
  25. Indeed - I had a Square Pie for lunch today with a big wallop of mash.. very tasty indeed I stopped off at Bonkers festival in Camberwell on way back south just now and saw some of the jerk chicken... think that's going to be the prep for tomorrow at Macgabhann Manor
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