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Everything posted by SeanMacGabhann

  1. I stopped in there after work this evening and had a lovely couple of beers in the garden. yes, it did used to be a car park and you can see the garage doors but come on .... we were outdoors on a lovely evening and the mood was good. Can't ask for more
  2. The Rye is such a top spot on a summer's eve We are in summer right?
  3. 6:30pm and still hungover DM?? Mr DM must be a very lucky man
  4. Ah Damzel the age old conundrum of the newbie - I remember it well meself.... As someone going to both Glastonbury (on topic!) & the quiz on Wed (probably) I would encourage you to come along and meet people. You won't be on your own on a quiz team and 99% of people go to quizes for the social aspect anyway
  5. Dante's 4th circle of hell I imagine Keef http://danteworlds.laits.utexas.edu/gallery/0601circle.jpg
  6. Come on *Bob* - no need to pick on Louisa for no reason. She's been very pleasant of late and it's a bit mean to pick on someone on a thread where they haven't said anything Is this thread about coffee places or the tired old subject of mums? Both have been discussed to death hereabouts - I do remember being shocked years ago when I went to Pizza Express in the village (I was young) and how LOUD it was for a Thursday afternoon - but to be fair most of us are at work and if I was a mum/dad/au pair I would want out of the house so good luck to 'em I say Far better to tootle of to Jack's for your cuppa Joe
  7. I totally empathise Keef - I am seriously worried about online time spent these days... But it just gets better and better
  8. At the risk of interrupting the quizmasters' personal convo (don't you two talk aenough anyway?? ;-) ).. I haven't been to the CPT quiz for a while (shame on me on that score) but this sounds like a hoot Maybe I should book Thursday off
  9. I can't be 100% sure about the Mag but my memory seems to be suggesting that it has seen something to the effect that they do... but don't hold me to that.
  10. Good topic Mogs I have used wireless Inside 72 and Bar Story in Peckham
  11. but *Bob* this quote from the site: "So I'm truly sorry to let down everyone who's emailed in over the last eighteen months, but no Glasto Weatherwatch this year."
  12. One doesn't pique Keef these days.. one pokes him ;-) Is anyone else beginning to worry about the weather for Glastonbury?
  13. Kevin As always it's great to see owners/managers come on to the site. Plenty of positive comments on here about the FHT (and some negative to be fair) but be warned.. there is talk of us all descending on the FHT in the coming months for our monthly drink up!
  14. * Gives Mike a wardrobe and a bedraggled old woman to intimidate his Lyon * * Is keef in training all week ? * * So this is what a rump looks like? *
  15. arrived yesterday well... the coach package tickets did. I don't actually GET the tickets until we are in airspace near the Wiltshire border...
  16. TV station in bid to increase viewing Batdog??? I need a lie down
  17. Is it 1986 again?? Nero & Madworld - both intelligent posters but to see racist anything behind the spelling of neighbourhood is nuts. My spell checker has just told me I've spelt it "wrong" (ie not American) Next thing we know it'll be Niteclubs in the firing line
  18. TG I think many of us on here would agree. There seems to be a disconnect between what the council's targets are, what we want to achieve (similar) and how they set about achieving the aims I have no doubt that an element of stick is required but the carrot is looking pretty mangy at the moment
  19. Now that the programme has been broadcast this thread has gone quiet - did anyone watch it in the end? Thoughts?
  20. I wish to protest about being inundated by invites on Myspace from the people you describe, Fear - mostly because it hasn't happened to me!!! From what little I've seen so far Facebook offers much better social interaction but I do miss the music and design possibilities of Myspace. The ads do drive me barmy mind you Ultimately however... I haven't got enought time for all of these sites and the deeper I go into the warren that is myspace/facebook/flickr etc the more I realise I need to step back! Whether I will remains to be seen. And EDF will always be my first-love - aahhhhh
  21. bit of Satie on a Spring morn... how perfect * just had my black coffee and toast and ready to face the day * * the weather will not put any dampner on today, oh no * * wonders if Huguenot has flown out yet? *
  22. I deliberately didn't make a jokey reference to the manbag to see what reaction I got.. ;-)
  23. In the last 6 months I have bought a tshirt and a manbag from White Stuff - and the very dress that Lady Macgabhann wore on Sat evening amongst some forumites was from there also... just to stay on topic and to prove that they don't just sell any old guff
  24. As a Cork man it has to be Barry's as you well KNOW, DM Red Barry's at that Michael - how many Lyons do you know??
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