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Everything posted by 85volga

  1. Coffee shop to go ..... band aid approach Best the pub gets closed and the space turned back into the function it was designed.... a entrance hall for the train station .... Fargon madness
  2. Amazing food,I have never had a bad dish in this lovely restaurant.
  3. In addition Please be aware there is a serial moped pair that on Saturday late afternoon also dangerously mounted the pavement in a small gap at the House of Tippler and grabbed a poor mans wallet and phone of the table facing the street, before weaving into traffic and taking off down toward Goose Green roundabout. About 2 min afterward four Police cars heading the opposite way screamed past sirens blazing .... obviously a crime run down the lane. Beware of using your phone road side. These bastards appear to be completing these acts of theft unchecked and have done so for a while.
  4. OK aside from the cycling issues, the Grove is staying shut for the foreseeable future then , with no chance of rising from the ashes in some form or new guise ? On the same vein the Half Moon in Herne Hill is progressing very well not far from completion perhaps a few months off if that.
  5. I think we are getting away from my original thread, I am concerned as to the amount of freshly cut tree stumps appearing around the area. I am not debating as to when or how to plant replacement trees. When a tree is cut down it is gone forever along with its ecosystem. Yes there are a lot of trees in the area, thus we need to keep the numbers up. As normal within the Ed forum lots of prickly keyboard warriors in the forum, that would argue the sky isn't blue, just for the sake of it. Well I guess it is a forum :) like it or lump it, a good day to you all
  6. My answer to that is common sense should prevail Curmudgeon
  7. I can understand that, however if they are to cut down a tree, at least replace it with a new "suitable" tree. It is in my eyes vandalism if they just remove a tree and don't replace it with another. Our trees need to be protected along with all the wildlife that live within.
  8. Happy New Year ED Folk, Wandering around the area I have just noticed that there appears to have been a spate of mature street trees cut down by the council. This is alarming, these tree's and all trees are a important part of our area's ecosystem and environment.Is this perhaps a new cost saving "initiative" by southwark council? what can be done to prevent further environmental vandalism ?
  9. So pleased M&S has opened a great new addition to the Lane. Regarding the childish spats going on ...................Yawn...... am I missing the point ? The Lane is thriving and its a wonderful area to live. Apologies to the normal EDF pessimists for being so positive and upbeat
  10. I have noted in the last month a serious downturn in the service to clean the streets and empty the public bins around the East Dulwich area. This is a serious health issue ,some of the bins are over flowing with rubbish and food scraps left on the street. Some are emptied every few days some not at all. What is happening @ Southwark ? Surely these services area basic requirement of out council taxs ??
  11. In addition the engineers leave the street cabinets open which opens everyone's cable feeds to attacks of vandalism, the techs only work Tuesday to Saturday , so if you have a issue with your service on Sunday you have to wait until at least Tuesday to have someone come around. Sometimes they don't even bother attending ................ Who TF came up with that agreement the Corbynestor politburo? I am so fed up with the service, the product is ok, however the customer service well ............ overseas based I think in India and polite but totally useless sigh......
  12. Must say some Very Negative posts, I thought the Sea Cow was a great place, a majority of people would get takeaway on the way home. I for one like my fish cooked fresh not sitting in some warmer for 4 hours before I buy it, the salads were great and fresh, but ho hum.... Now they have closed there is an obvious hole in the market in the Lane for a decent fresh fish and chip restaurant. The owners perhaps had a offer to good to refuse? and after 12 years perhaps wanted to do something different. Regarding the Lane, In my humble opinion its a great place to be, better now and continually evolving, like life nothing ever stands still. The additions to the Lane in the past 3 years have been for the good. Remember the negativity regarding the cinema and how long it was taking followed by the how much for a ticket etc... ? well I for one am most happy to have it a 5 min walk to and from, then a calm enjoyable experience. Its an asset along with all the other places in the Lane from the mighty House of Tippler to the Brick house, the lovely Italians at La Scala, the reinvented and wonderful Cherry tree, the wonderful fresh hummus and tzatziki at the organic deli, Toasted, Yama Momo , AJ Farmers , Brunos, The French House with the Alscase twist , Franklins , Burro e Salvia, William Rose, the Saturday food Markets the list could go on..... We must not forget people pour there time effort and money into these businesses. If they fail then who feels it ? the owners, Not people who stand at the bar in the EDT by themselves every night, with there phone dishing out the world according to them and how it should be operate along with random pictures of their larder and containing beverages to drink at home not buy locally. Your opinion is yours and your entitled to it, but please less negativity. People will always vote with there feet and that's the way of the world, Dulwich is a wonderful place to live, it offers a lovely balance of life so close to London .... well rant over Happy New Year everyone :)
  13. Looks like the end for Veer Zara , what next I wonder ? hopefully but not holding my a schnitzel house :)....... yes I know dreaming
  14. Apologies spider 69 must disagree , Denmark Hill it is actually a fairly busy Train station not a social hub,unfortunately time doesn't stand still and Dulwich / Denmark hill is no longer the place of open fields and tussocks of the 19th century. Nor is it a quiet little suburb of the 20th century. Considering the cost of train travel, the current station layout is terribly badly designed, unsafe and crowded. I say again remove the pub licence and re open the main entrance as it was designed. Even if the design is 19th century it would work far better then the current 21st century abomination.
  15. I have a crazy solution ............... Lets decamp the "Phoenix" pub from the original train station entrance, return it to its original purpose to be the main Denmark hill train station entrance and in addition to the newly created one it should be able to just cope with the congestion. after all it is a train station, not a Pub
  16. WTF - why is it so hard to find a pub in East Dulwich this afternoon showing the rugby world cup games on a decent size screen with the sound on! I get that there is football on too, but surely the pubs could find someway of ensuring that at least one place is doing the rugby games justice. Its the World Cup - the chance for the minnows to have a bite at the big boys - Japan beating South Africa being a wonderful example. We should be making the most of these games whilst we host the tournament.
  17. Getting back to the main issue which is when will Conways return and finish the bloody works ?????????? this is turning into a procrastinated bloated load od hog wash. I care not for stage two "the flower baskets" bla bla bla just finish the works and return the road traffic and bus stops to normal.
  18. Err not really James, more like a storage yard for Conways , totally unacceptable,. They have the materials and have had for a while but when will they finish it ??
  19. Perhaps "leaves on the concrete" is the hold up ..............perhaps a future snap shot of life under Jeremy Corbyn's Labour :)
  20. Pleased to report that they are charging through the road works at the moment at least 3 stones completed a day................ Really can they go any slower ? There are no more then 4 workmen on site at one time and by the looks of it 2 have to be talking and eating or sitting ? WTF how slow when is the completion date 2018 ? Totally acceptable for a main road to take this long,
  21. Looks good , but what a bland menu nothing appealing at all
  22. Well...........http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3009033/The-new-middle-class-London-Map-shows-high-property-prices-traditional-areas-forcing-professionals-time-buyers-new-emerging-communities.html
  23. Hi, Does anyone have any old pictures or links to the old Church of Scotland site possibly known as St James Cloister located on the corner of East Dulwich Rd and Worlingham Road? The Church was knocked down in 1976 to make way for the retirement home currently located on the site , it would of been located about midway along Goose Green. Just after some information Many Thanks in advance
  24. Is this thread a wind up??............. Really........ speechless ...
  25. Thank you James Barber, you were as good as your word,the missing bin removed 1 year ago, has reappeared. Many thanks again
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