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rendelharris Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Loz Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > rendelharris Wrote: > > > I'm sure - that's why I said the majority of the > press. I don't think the most one-eyed Tory would > deny that the press in this country is somewhat > dominated by the right. it maybe but when I last looked the Mirror, Guardian and even the Morning Star were all readily available in all good news agents - people just don't buy them as much.
DovertheRoad Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Stuck my head in last night about 6pm and had the > strange sensation of being both pleased and > disappointed to find it hasn?t changed much. > Refurb summary: a lick of varnish plus a few > gentleman?s club style chairs. > Nearly 2 years closed for 'a lick of varnish' and some new chairs.....bloody hell
rendell your partisanship is without waver and shines through like a huge red rosette - are you in fact Helen Hayes?
Sooooo... When before she called an election 'she had no mandate' said Labour Party supporters When she did (and it looked very favourable for her) 'she's an opportunist wasting time blah blah' said Labour party supporters When it went tits up for her "we're delighted ha ha" said Labour Party supporters Now the dust has settled "What a waste of money" say Labour party supporters Can we just have a bit of clarity on your exact line here please Labour party supporters?
Jah Lush Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > World Champions! Woo! Well done England's Under > 20s. Gutted for Corbyn. First he loses the election then his beloved Venezuala lose the U20 World Cup Final. And to his arch enemies England
Nope, didn't say that but the bombings etc isn't real to them - so, so what if Corbyn talked to them (added to the fact that they generally, and laughably, bought into his roll as a peacemaker). Resonated with the old meaningless to the younger ones
So uncosted, positive, hope, (rubbed in with some very hypocritical sanctimony) is attractive - maybe not a bad thing... until it lets them down
I don't normally go to anecdote but i will. I work in an international, digital business (not in the City as people tend to think on here); the people I work with are intelligent, articulate, well paid, well motivated individuals. They are mainly aged late 20s-40 (I'm well out of their age range but am reasonably youthful looking for my age) On Friday it became really obvious they had almost all voted Labour - jubilation, smiles, etc I think they don't really remember the 70s, the IRA, what nationalised industries were actually like, pre-Berlin Wall falling politics - they talk all the stuff you see on social media if you challenge them on stuff; they really hate the Tories Labour will walk an election sooner or later
The Pied Piper of Islington dun good, far better than a cat Steveo.
Anyway, I'm glad she made a full 'one day recovery' to accept her significantly increased majority
Finally - offering students massive bribes is now proven a very effective way to mobalise the youth vote :)
They all do this and Experian are a massive global company whose main business is really database management the credit rating business was where they started but its s now a fraction of their business, You have touching naivety about this RPC :). In the modern world it's all about data - think you can get off DM lists through some regulator by the way?
Ironically I think the Tories best (and slim) hope is for govt to collapse a new leader happy to debate, challenge Labour's economics, better manifesto (not difficult) and relatively soon! I think they'll be another GE this yea
I have a hunch she'll go after the weekend. If she doesn't I think she'll stand down in 2 years IF they last that long - highly unlikely without internal rebellion, coalition collapse, a Brexit/Economic crisis If Corbyn is sensible he'll bring back talent into the shadow cabinet - as they'll come crawling back Labour in govt by 2022, if not before, I reckon.
Me too. I had thought the best results was a big majority for the Tories because I felt that would mean Brexit negotiations would be hardball but I agree with Jaywalker this brings Brexit back in play as an issue. Corbyn's campaign was absolutely brilliant but I still think his policies would/will be a disaster for this country so am very glad no majority and Tories still biggest party. Surprisingly upbeat about this result as feels like most people are really in the middle ground and Tories moving into UKIP territory now surely buried. Finally had a bet on Labour to get 250+ seats at the beginning of campaign at 3 figure odds so big pay out :)
Don't tell Medic
long day - exitpollitus
You looking forward to the approaching shitstorm on Social Media Steveo?
Sue Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The nastier posters on this thread might like to > take a look at the piece linked to below. > > > https://cookingonabootstrap.com/2017/06/07/we-need > -to-talk-about-diane-abbott-now-explicit-content/ > > Diane Abbott is an intelligent, caring and > articulate woman who has been bullied and > subjected to vile abuse of the kind shown in that > article for years. I presume you felt the same about Thatcher after the Brighton bombing Sue?
rahrahrah Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > jaywalker Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > It is going to be raining all day tomorrow. > > Oh dear. That could be enough to undo any slim > chance Labour might have. I doubt it. 1) Rain story a bit of a myth and last happened ages ago so not really much contemporary data - and i'm not sure if any data supports it 2) Many working classes - who allegedly can't be arsed to vote when it rains - going to vote May 3) Older people less mobile and probably more likely to be stopped by rain - massively skewed towards tory voters Sounds like one of those patronising stories middle-class lefties make up about the working classes - see also Sheep led by papers, mainly racists, etc etc
Looks like Brighton - a) full of Virtue signalling middle class greens b) Green council - who famously can't even collect the rubbish but still get voted in by a) ..these fuckwits are in about circle 3 in Dante's circle of hell (Snorks in borderline 4)
Most of the pollsters on their blogs are saying Tory majority 50-70 Tory on the ground reports via canvassing/their own polling are pretty optimistic Labour ones (off the record via journalists - so make of that what you will) much less so Corbymania will likely result in some swings in University Towns Social media it's a Labour Landslide A lot of millennials likely to be shattered and disappointed by Friday is my call, but we never know.
rendelharris Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ???? Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > She went as Prime Minister of this country - > she > > didn't appear on their state media as a > non-entity > > MP condoning the west and taking money for her > > appearance. > > Ah, so it's OK to act immorally and consort with > murderous regimes when representing the country > but not as a private individual. Gotcha. You're an intelligent bloke RH even if we often disagree, you know in the realpolitik world that's the reality . Corbyn did it off his own back for cash when no-one took his anti-western views (now disappeared apparently) seriously except Iranian State TV and RT
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