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Everything posted by ????

  1. ....a bunch of dwindling aficionados playing the same old ageing tunes. Discuss.
  2. Why would it need legislation? They could say Take it or leave it? If you want support here are our terms - workers on boards; support in return for equity...they had pretty similar ideas in their manifesto, Do banks need legislation to bail out businesses? Bizzarre claim, and baseless nonsense on your part.
  3. whilst that's true BB, a Labour government under Corbyn with would have put massive strings attached to any business supported eg workers on boards, governemnt shareholding and nationalised vast swathes of industry under the cloak of Covid. What we have now is temporarily nationalisation, thank god, and even this is going to be paid for for years by us the taxpayer, and our kids.
  4. KidKruger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > People are ignoring distancing everywhere, all > over the country. On marches, in the street, > supermarkets, pubs, restaurants, parks, the lot. > None of these are solely to blame, obviously. > Collectively, they present a specific problem, > when we?re trying to absolve ourselves of a nasty > pandemic. How much of this is hearsay and just reading the newspapers. Anecdotally I've been to several pubs in several cities/counties since reopening, on holiday in the UK during very hot weather and on the beach and in parks in SE22 throughout the lovely weather of lockdown and I've seen almost no one not being careful and observing social distancing. Maybe i just mix with a better class of people than you lot. *there is actually one exception to my experience connected to a recent religous ceremony where there were probably 100+ people of all generations having a BBQ in a park in Portsmouth. But we are not really comfortable discussing this I suspect. Hence all the coded stuff in the media about the areas that have had localised shutdowns, even though it's obvious what many of them have in common. I also think young people are being a bit crap too but i don't know many nowadays
  5. Great, we look forward to you posting a link to some obscure betting site any minute.....now
  6. Jeeez cat 'understanding my white privilege and seeing it as psrt of the solution blah blah' is a nice theoretical debate, systematic racism and day to day discrimination is something that you and I (as a white male) know absolutely fuck all about and not some intellectual exercise.
  7. Boo for Boris? people need to grow up
  8. Shits on middle class festivals of today (or maybe yesterday) I was there, 15 and petrified/exilerated https://youtu.be/6utdlMvuD74
  9. ????


    edcam Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Anyone with more than one brain cell knows how the > Tories want the NHS gone for their profit. I have > zero tolerance for what they have done to this > country. > Crap take. The left has been banging on about this for years and years and yet the NHS still stands. It's bullshit, I've zero tolerance for such self righteous, moronic certainty to be honest. No nuance, no analysis, no relation to facts, I have no doubt you sincerely believe this but it's fantasy.
  10. ctovey Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Can anyone explain the logic of off licences being > 'essential'? How about because drinking is a pretty central part of much of UK culture and if you want people to stay at home at least allow them to have a few drinks?
  11. Well he's out. And whatever you think about its sincerity, hypocrisy, etc. politically that was a very good speech he's released on SM
  12. -Personally I think the na?ve sops who believe everything they read on Facebook are those that think the NHS is about to be sold to Trump by the evil Tories.
  13. Behave KK, the left have been saying we only have X weeks to save the NHS since the 80S, the electorate don't buy it not because they are na?ve saps but because it's bullshit.
  14. I'm ambivalent about the jogging and virus thing, I've not seen any joggers misbehaving. However, despite that, I'm very glad joggers are getting a hard time because for years I've felt that they're a bunch of absolute strokers.
  15. Jules-and-Boo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It would be political suicide for any government > to berate or abuse the NHS after this. > The government's behaviour has angered people for > long enough but I think now there would be riots > if they carried on as they have before. whilst I agree that the NHS is looking even more unassailable than before it's laughable echo chamber thinking that the government's behaviour has angered people long enough, certainly the left... but they won a stonking majority in December and are polling at 54%.
  16. Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Who are these people? "????"? "StraferJack"? Lockdown so boring that I checked in for an argument. But this place so bad nowadays that the only people worth arguing with are the same ones as 13 years ago
  17. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=dennis+brown+next+door&mkt=en-gb&httpsmsn=1&msnews=1&plvar=0&refig=06411944ea284503eb1fbfaa28f5176a&PC=HCTS&sp=-1&pq=dennis+brown+next+door&sc=1-22&qs=n&sk=&cvid=06411944ea284503eb1fbfaa28f5176a&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3ddennis%2bbrown%2bnext%2bdoor%26form%3dEDNTHT%26mkt%3den-gb%26httpsmsn%3d1%26msnews%3d1%26plvar%3d0%26refig%3d06411944ea284503eb1fbfaa28f5176a%26PC%3dHCTS%26sp%3d-1%26pq%3ddennis%2bbrown%2bnext%2bdoor%26sc%3d1-22%26qs%3dn%26sk%3d%26cvid%3d06411944ea284503eb1fbfaa28f5176a&view=detail&mmscn=vwrc&mid=55DF60297D412F540AE555DF60297D412F540AE5&FORM=WRVORC
  18. I'm not a massive fan of Boris, but I've grown fonder of him purely on the basis of how much he gets up the noses of bien pensants types of the white metropolitan middle class. He must be doing something right.
  19. ????

    Covid deaths

    can't work out if this is top draw trolling or top draw stupidity
  20. Grrrrr - forgot. In now.
  21. I did this. I used to be a wind up merchant on local forums :)
  22. Hello everyone Yeah, can't wait for, at best, AT BEST, President: Fry, Lineker, or God forbid Blair and the grey, dull, municipal socialism of the Republic. In fact the 'elitist' Royal wedding has probably done more for race relations in this country than 10,000 of Owen Jones or Jezzas hideously white middle-class shouty 'rallies'. Good to see the normal bunch of lefty village idiots doing their thang on here. plus ca change How the devil are you all?
  23. ????


  24. So, crap service and crap food - plus ca change
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