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Everything posted by LalKJ

  1. Hello All down my road are some huge trees, a number now have branches which reach across and cover the houses and also have roots which have broken through the pavement. Does anyone know whether this is a council issue, and if so, whom I could contact to see if our street is on a list for the trees to be trimmed back - or get us on the list if possible! Many thanks
  2. I think the new owners are definitely discouraging the kiddie angle of the pub. We had recently been to a kids party on a Saturday afternoon in the barn there, and tried to book a similar thing for our own kids' party. However, ours is in June and therefore after the handover to the new owners, and none of the things that were at our friends party, such as a bouncy castle etc. are now allowed. I know lots of kids can be annoying to pub goers but in this instance the barn is somewhat self contained and the partygoers don't really interact with those in the pub. The new attitude was quite indicative that they really didn't want kids parties to be held there - which I can't really understand - they've lost themselves a few hundred quid from our booking.
  3. Sorry, also should have said, to properly answer your question, our kitchen is currently also about 6 metres, and no issue at all with filling in the whole length of the side return, and also for us extending further back. There was also no mention to us, by anybody, architect or planners, about any light surveys or the like.
  4. Rafsta, just to go back to your original post, we're about to have a side and rear wrap around extension (single storey)- filing in the side return and going three metres back - although we are in a semi rather than terrace and are only going out to the width of the living room part of the house, so still leaving a side access path. We applied for planning permission and received it no problem without any complaints. We did however involve our neighbours from a very early stage and slightly amended our plans to try to accommodate an issue they had (sorted between us, not with the planners). I would say that all our neighbours have so far been very understanding; rightly or wrongly, these type of extensions are now common place in ED, as you can probably tell from all the builders hoardings up around the place, and I think are generally acceptable, provided that everyone tries to behave decently during the building works etc. We plan to keep our neighbours updated on timings, check and make good any damage or dirt and buy them a nice bottle of wine and have them round at the end of the process. No doubt we will be on the other end of it at some time as more of these extensions are completed. Happy to provide our architects/builders details if you need. Good luck!
  5. Hello We're trying to arrange a summer birthday party for our sons who will be 3 and 1; unfortunately this coincides with our kitchen having been demolished, so not only can we not hold it at home, but it will be virtually impossible for us to attempt to prepare any food for it. Can anyone recommend a good caterer for a children's party? Will be for about 20 kids on a Sat or Sun and maybe some nibbles for the parents? Any recommendations gratefully received. Thanks
  6. Hi Suzie We are just about to do a kitchen extension so have just been through the Party Wall stuff too. We did it all ourselves. Your architect/building company should give you some guidance and send you electronic copies of the various party wall notices. It is a bit complicated making sure you send the right notice to the right people, but you just need to sit down for the evening to prepare them from the pro formas, and in my opinion, certainly not something worth paying for. Good luck
  7. Look at the sani resort http://www.sani-resort.com/en_GB We haven't been to Matinhal (yet!) but just looked at it's website and it looks very similar to Sani, which was fantastic. We went with our son who was 22 months at the time, and stayed in the Porto Sani Village part, but the whole complex was great, and totally geared for families.
  8. Ours was in a marquee, so we had to provide all our drinks. In addition to the wine and champagne, once the food was all done we put out other drinks; I think we had about 300 bottles of lager, about 30 alcopop bottles and about 50 cans of soft drinks - everything went. We just got this from Tescos the day before. We also had two casks of ale, our wedding was in the country, so we got these from the local brewery - but only about half of one went. Just remembered, we also had quite a lot of sparkling fizzy, flavoured elderflower i think, for those wanting a fizzy, but not champagne. Finally, after spending all that money on booze, we only provided tap water and not bottled water. This was fine for all and we made sure our caterers constantly topped up jugs on the tables, I thinkitng saved us about ?500 by doing tap water!
  9. Sorry, just to add to the above, it was pre pretty much any of our friends having kids which also had a bearing - I don't think now any of us could manage that amount. Good luck on the big day.
  10. Our wedding was on the hottest day of the year, so the amounts may be a bit skewed, and we left our bottles on the tables, including the champagne after the toasts, but we got through 3 bottles per person (1 bottle of champagne pp and then 2 bottles of wine). I think we had a ratio of 60:40 red to white wine. We got it from Majestic - they delivered to the venue, and we got it on sale or return. We based these numbers on a friends wedding - although, theirs was a new years party wedding, so again perhaps amounts skewed. Although it was the same group of depressed lawyers at both our weddings, so perhaps they just needed the excess booze. I guess it also depends on when your wedding kicks off and whether you have separate evening guests. Our reception started about 3pm and went on until 12:30 with the same guests all the way through, so I think people got a thirst on early in the day and kept going!
  11. I am not sure if it's as formal as you are after, but there's Ting a Lingo at Rye Books on a Monday morning. Haven't attended with my children as eldest already does French at his nursery, but it looked good. http://www.tingalingo.com/
  12. Hi Susan I don't know all the options available, but we have just been through the assessment hoohaa with our eldest son, so can let you know what we found. Firstly, you say your son is just over 2, my response below is therefore based on the assumption that he will be three in the academic year starting Sept 2014 (our son is three in June this year, so starting academic year Sept 2013): 1. Realistically, you are way too late for DUCKS. I registered my son when I was 6 months pregnant to start 2013 at 3 and we are still not high enough up the list to get a place for this September. 2. Herne Hill, lovely school. Again we registered early but am 99% sure you are not too late to register. From our experience and from anecdotal evidence, HH are taking the assessment procedure a lot more seriously as the years go on. We were told that provided your child passed the assessment, places were given out to siblings first and then subsequently down the list of those that passed, in order down the list in which you registered i.e. early registrations were offered first. 3. DCPS, now Dulwich Prep London. Again, we registered early, and were told they closed the registration list when they hit three on the waiting list to each one place. Again, I don't think you will be too late for this. We've plumped for this school. It was a toss up with HH, but were swayed by the facilities, ability to stay in same school past 7 and actually their specialism in teaching boys. 3. Oakfield - still in time. There are mixed reviews on the forum on Oakfield. We didn't look into it in too much detail, but have friends with children at the school and the parents and children seem very happy with it. From memory, it's also a fair bit cheaper, this may be to do with them accepting the government's free 15 hours of childcare or maybe they are just cheaper, sorry, I can't remember. Anecdotally we have heard, and the forum seems to suggest the same, that Rosemead is a great school, but if you've got boys who like to run and let off a bit of steam then perhaps the other options may be better. Happy to be corrected if anyone has any other info, as I think the various school threads show, different parents always come away with different ideas and different information from the various schools. Good luck, and you'll need your cheque book, I think it's between ?50 and ?100 with each school to register!
  13. Herne Hill tend to assess all those on the waiting list and then offer out places to those that have passed the assessment in waiting list order. So your child will be called for assessment in the December/January before they are three (depending on whether you want nursery or kindergarten (April start or September start)). If you registered your daughter immediately on her birth, you would most likely have a good chance of a place, provided she passes the assessment (handled very lovingly at HH, just like a play date, but they do have to separate from you).
  14. Hi movingeast There are lots of great schools and nurseries in this area, so it's good to come to with small children. Re schools, I suspect that you are too late for what's thought of as the prime private schools, such as Alleyns, Dulwich Prep, JAPPS, Herne Hill, Oakfield and Rosemead etc. We've just been through the process with our son and all those schools had their assessments Nov to Jan and have made all their offers now. There may be spaces at schools which are also nurseries, such as The Villa, I don't know much about it, but seems to get good reviews on here. Re nurseries most have a waiting list, so get your son down as soon as possible, I love our nursery (Nellys) but I know it has an 18 month waiting list, also Ducks, again v good (and also a good school up to 7) but has a three year waiting list. In summary, we are blessed with wonderful schools and nurseries around here, but because of that lots of families have moved to the area and demand is very high - and being willing to pay doesn't mean anything - Alleyns has a ratio of 20 applications for each place a 4+, and it's only going one way. Best of luck, it is a lovely area.
  15. Hi Bluemum I had acupuncture to bring on labour earlier this year at the Dulwich Therapy Rooms on Lordship Lane. It was done by a very nice guy, can't remember his name, but I think he's the only acupuncturist there, and is well used to doing pregnancy labour from what I understand. Who knows if it's connected, but a word of warning, a few hours after the acupuncture I went into very, very speedy labour! A more gentle experience might be reflexology. I have used Francine at the DTR too (not related to labour) and she was really good, and I know does a lot of late pregnancy reflexology (although doesn't like to specify that it should hasten labour). Good luck!
  16. Hi Pebbles We've got a Dyson hand held too, which has been invaluable cleaning up after weaning children etc., but also use all round the house and car. Very reliable and proper vacuum suction, albeit, as mentioned, pricey. Only downside is on full power there is only a 6 minute lifetime, but we usually just keep it plugged in when not using so it's always at least fully charged.
  17. Hi I'm a corporate lawyer and went back after my first child, after taking 14 months off. Went back to the same firm and same senior position. I returned as a flexible worker, only meant to be doing (I.e. Paid for!) 4 days a week, however, no change in my workload from before and I basically worked full time, just had to do the extra hours in the evenings and on my day off when my son slept. I'm currently on maternity leave with no.2 and again plan to go back after 14 months+. Again, returning to the same position, although it has been made clear to me that if I was properly concerned with my career then it's not really acceptable to take more than 6 months maternity leave each time, so whilst I will retain my seniority, my chances of promotion are slim at best!
  18. Hello My son is shortly to be called for the assessment at DPS for entry to it's nursery class. I'm sure we will be getting some more info from the school shortly, but in the meantime, is there anyone on here that went through this last year, and could just give me a bit of a heads up as to what the assessment entailed? Our son is quite shy, so I would rather not subject him to it if he's going to get upset and not "perform" in any event! Many thanks
  19. Hello Due to our expanding family, we have decided to take the plunge and extend our kitchen. The new kitchen area will inlcude a casual seating area/living room and most likely as our kids get older an area for a computer where we can keep a beady eye on what they are looking at. Unfortunately, neither my husband nor I are particulalry IT savvy and have no idea on the latest things available. I think we are looking for some sort of integrated system, for example a tv, some way of playing music, speakers etc. That can be controlled by one system or even an iPad. I just wondered if anyone had used a consultant or something similar to help advise on what systems might be available and might work for us? Alternatively, if anyone knows of any good websites or has recently redone their home and got a similar sort of all in one system, I would very much appreciate hearing from you. We can spend some money on it, but nothing too flashy as the kitchen is already wiping us out! Many thanks
  20. Hi Mrs F We went here http://villajalon.com/ with our then 15/16 month old son, and it was brilliant. The best bit for us was, althoguht it was geared up to be totally self catering if you wanted, the family would also provide all the meals (including baby tea) if you felt like you didn't want to cook.
  21. Thanks DG2 and SLH.
  22. Would anyone be able to let me know where Little Rascals is held - I have googled but there are hundreds, mainly in Yorkshire, and I can't seem to find the details of the one near us. Many thanks
  23. Hi jack I don't have too much experience with DUCKS yet, although both my children are registered to attend it. I am not sure how old your children are now, but I just thought I would write to see if you have put them on the registration list yet? If you haven't I suspect they wont get a place. I registered my first child before he was born and it is still a bit iffy as to whether he will get a place in the reception class or not as the list is so long. Once you have registered you get to meet the head, and she will take you through the destinations of all the DUCKS leavers. How many applied to each of the local public schools, how many were accepted and how many took up the place. She can also advise on the preparation needed for each later schools entry assessment.
  24. Hi I'm due 11 July and already have a 20 month old little boy. Looking forward to meeting up at some point. Alex
  25. We went here in September with our then 16 month old: http://villajalon.com/ which was brilliant. We flew Easyjet into Alicante and it's just under an hour drive from there. It's run by an English couple and they are excellent at catering to families. You have your own appartment in which you can self cater the whole time if you wish, or if you would prefer you just let Sarah know in the morning and they will do lunch and/or dinner. Plus they do baby tea time at 5pm where all the kids (there are only 5 appartments) have tea together (she will puree if they are young), whilst the parents have some beers together. It's very relaxing alough a 10 minute drive from the nearest town and about 25 minutes from the beach. The grounds are lovely though with a sandput, climbing frame and some pigs and goats, which more that kept our one entertained.
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