I think it has been posted here before , but here is a fresh one. It's the final push to pressure Ofcom , the government are looking for a way out and ofcom is it, NewCorp is threatening to sue. The BBC has also been warned by NewsCorp and are being frightened into just reporting the statments that NewsCorp give them. "Rupert Murdoch arrives in the UK to take control of the situation" that was yesterday's NewsCorp spin, and everyone was made aware that the news headlines and copy was being watched. Nobody deviated from that line. Ofcom can act, they may get sued but the governemt knows it is ringfenced and the legal fire, if it starts, can not jump. Send the petion count up even further and make them take note, they have been given the green light by the government, the coalition is holding. The petition text: Dear David Cameron and Jeremy Hunt, We're standing up for higher media standards, and respect for the rule of law. We demand a stop to the BSkyB takeover, and a full public inquiry into the Murdoch empire's phone hacking activities. We can't trust Murdoch's ?promises? about respecting UK democracy and media plurality if he takes over BSkyB, while his newspapers stand accused of immoral and criminal activities. These allegations prove we need a full inquiry into phone hacking and whether Murdoch is a fit and proper media owner - not another Murdoch media power grab. http://www.38degrees.org.uk/page/s/murdoch-deal-petition Take 5mins and just do it if you have not already done so.