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Everything posted by acm
Um, why would you be using port forwarding? Your home hub should have an external IP address for the internet, and an internal IP subnet for, obviously, internal use. For a home NAS system, the NAS box and your PC should be on the same IP subnet. I suspect your NAS is on 169.254.xxx.xxx and your PC is probably on 192.168.xxx.xxx. Hence they won't see each other.
Well, in that case killing people to be first in the queue to steal shit that we do not need. I still want my 10 years back.
This is what we are reduced to. Killing people to be first in the queue to buy shit that we do not need or can really afford. Oxford Street - 26/12/2011 The spirit of Christmas today. Materialism, greed, false sentiments, people fighting and killing each other to get the latest bargain. The Police actually have to draw tasers to keep the baying mob off a dying man. *Edit to say* And to think I wasted over 10 years of my life defending these mouth-breathing wastes of oxygen. Can I have those back please?
Meanwhile, in the real world... "I invest a lot of time trying to share ideas with readers here, it's not pontificating. I work hard to find data or references to support these perspectives, and make sure that people don't have to suffer loud mouthed dross." This is your loud mouthed dross. Africans, 2$ per day. European cows, 2$ per day Relief Web Europe Today - How EU policies could address Africa?s food security The structural adjustment policies imposed on many poor countries in Africa by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were accused of having destroyed the public services that provided rural support and of making developing countries dependent on international market forces. The European Union?s policy, in other words its Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was seen as subsidising European agricultural production while its development aid policies largely ignored the importance of agriculture. How many more references do you want me to provide? Short of dragging people straight over there? The EU, the CAP, and its policies are killing people. Merry Christmas. It still sickens me to the core. El Pibe? You want to take my feelings and experiences with a "pinch of salt"? Frankly, and I know this is not exactly decorum, but **** ***. Having seen people die on first hand terms, it is something I want no further hand in. Again, Merry Christmas to you all. Ho, ho, ho. *Edited for language. Apologies to all - Huguenot was correct i.e. drunk in charge of a keyboard.
"...The reason is about food security, something Britain really needs to understand because we, simply put in words of two syllables or less, cannot feed ourselves." Actually, Something Britain really needs to understand is there is absolutely no such concept of food security. The just-in-time method as employed right now and the entire corporatisation of the food supply means unless you have stores in the larder or are prepared to slaughter the cat then, given an interruption in the supply, there is no more than three or four days of food. That has already been seen on the ground in New Orleans with Katrina. Let's look the regulations from the EU that Huguenot is so bewitched by. Let's look at Monsanto, the owners and manipulators of the world's food supply. Monsanto Global Food Supply Now, Monsanto are large enough to be able to employ army's of people to comply with every crap regulation spouted from bureaucrats with no real purpose in life other than to keep themselves in a job. For example -: Bananas must be curved - EC Commission Regulation No 2257/94 - all bananas must be "free of abnormal curvature" and at least 14 cm in length. However the provisions relating to shape apply fully only to bananas sold as Extra class; some defects of shape (but not size) are permitted in Class I and Class II bananas. Is that clear? Good. Now, it must be pointed out that on the 29th July 2008, the European Commission held a preliminary vote concerning the repeal of certain regulations related to the quality of specific fruit and vegetables that included provisions related to size and shape. As of 2011, the specific rules for bananas have not been repealed. Bananas Bless them. It's only been three years. And that's just bananas. And do you know what really fucks me off? Somebody, some petty little tw@t thought of this, had meetings, had consultations, no doubt a few good 8 course dinners with fine wines with "scientists" at a conference in Geneva, and then wrote this down. Somebody thought this was important. Now, imagine the absolute bureaucratic regulatory nightmare that your average small-holding farmer, organic or otherwise, has to go through just to comply with this shit. Food is food. If it doesn't kill the person eating it, and if you can sell it then leave well alone. Frankly its a wonder we have any farmers left at all. Back to Monsanto. Pigs - Greenpeace A Greenpeace researcher who monitors patent applications, Christoph Then, uncovered the fact that Monsanto is seeking patents not only on methods of breeding, but on actual breeding herds of pigs as well as the offspring that result. So, not only do they want to own the worlds crops, but the livestock as well. Just to help things along, Monsanto worked with the US Government to start a trade war with the EU over GM crops. Or -: "The US embassy in Paris advised Washington to start a military-style trade war against any European Union country which opposed genetically modified (GM) crops..." Monsanto Trade War - Guardian A military-style trade war. Now, the point of this rather long post. As the biotechnocrats understand full well, mandatory GE food labels will cripple the industry: consumers will not buy gene-altered foods, farmers will not plant them, restaurants and food processors will avoid them, and grocery stores will not sell them. How can we be certain about this? By looking at the experience of the European Union, the largest agricultural market in the world. In the EU there are almost no genetically engineered crops under cultivation or GE consumer food products on supermarket shelves. And why is this? Not because GE crops are automatically banned in Europe. But rather because under EU law, all foods containing genetically engineered ingredients must be labeled. GE Food Labels "...Not because GE crops are automatically banned..." Make no mistake. As soon as they take enough EU parasites out to dinner and work out how to lie - sorry, lobby - on the labeling, you will be serving this crap to your kids. It will all be glossed over with regulation, designed for and written by the big boys. You or I matter not in this world now. We currently have absolutely no influence on any of these things. As long as these decisions are removed from us and given to some faceless technocrat removed from any democratic process, then we will be continue to be fucked over. We need to get control back. Until we do, we are truly expendable.
So let me get this right? Without trying to sound to hyperbolic here, you would choose to inflict poverty, famine and death on another continent rather than pay free market prices for food, even if those prices rise (or fall) on a temporary basis due to localised market conditions, such as a wet summer in Norway? Out of sight, out of mind, eh? "...shielding a large internal market from the whims of the market can be incredibly successful in guaranteeing (in this case) food security..." Isn't that pretty much the definition of protectionism, on a continental scale? Then every few years we get twats like Geldof or Bono telling us of the suffering in places like Ethiopia or Somalia. Well yes, thanks for that. Really we should know already because we are helping to fucking create it. It sickens me to the core. So lets drag this back on topic. Whither the Euro? As $deity$ is my witness, I bloody well hope so. Because then we have the greatest chance yet to be rid of the cancerous, murderous, wealth-destroying, self-serving and self-preserving parasite that is the EU and then all the people of Europe and beyond will be freer and better off as a result. And Huguenot? I am anti-EU, not anti-Europe. Please learn the fucking difference.
Or, in the real world. "There is not much more than a blank sheet of paper and even the name of the future treaty might still change" - Petr Necas, the prime minister of the Czech Republic. There was no summit, there was no treaty, deals or agreements and there certainly was no "veto". It was a meeting. That's all. No new "Lisbon Treaty" was ever on the table. But in the best spirits of the EU - smoke, mirrors, fraud and bullshit will reign. Not only was this very far from being a finished treaty, Van Rumparse only proposed a Council meeting in March to give a mandate for limited treaty change, followed by an Intergovernmental Conference to draft the amendments. This is clear proof that a treaty cannot have existed last week. And when questioned directly, our glorious leader professes thus -: "As I said in my statement, the eurozone members wanted to create a new treaty within the EU, which has all sorts of dangers. If the right hon. Gentleman looks at the letter that Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy sent, he will see that they specifically wanted the 17 to look at issues such as financial services and the market within that treaty. Without safeguards, a treaty within a treaty would have been far more dangerous than a treaty outside the EU." So, again. To be absolutely clear. There was no summit, there was no treaty, deals or agreements and there certainly was no "veto". *Edit to say* Our own Prime Minister lies to - sorry, misleads, the country. Again. His Civil Service must know this, and therefore this must be a willful act. "45 minutes from attack" - so say Tony Blair in Parliament, and thus screams the press. Whilst neglecting to add it was third hand suspect intelligence, overheard by a taxi driver. And only regarded battlefield weapons - not a direct threat to the UK. It begs the question as to why they need to lie.
woodrot. Sir, your ignorance know no bounds, and there would a lot of service personnel, both serving and retired who would get very pissed off at the frankly moronic and deeply disrespectful statement you have just made. Including me. Sapper Elijah Bond, from 35 Engineer Regiment, Royal Engineers, aged 24 from St Austell - 08/12/11 Rifleman Sheldon Lee Jordan Steel, 5th Battalion The Rifles, aged 20 from Leeds - 27/11/11 Private Thomas Christopher Lake, 1st Battalion The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment, aged 29 from Watford - 20/11/11 Lieutenant David Boyce, 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards, aged 25 from Welwyn Garden City, Herts - 17/11/11 Lance Corporal Richard Scanlon, 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards, aged 31 from Rhymney, Gwent - 17/11/11 Those are the last five casualties in Afghanistan. It would be decent of you to perhaps recognise the whole and absolute inaccuracy of this thread, the fact that you obviously have no experience as to the make-up or tasking of the Armed Forces of today, be a man and apologise. I suspect you won't though. Mainly because you are an ill-informed twat. acm - an "ill-educated" ex-soldier.
First off - D. is not my wife, she is my wife-to-be. Selective reading syndrome? Second, you still haven't answered as to why we cannot just join the EFTA and stay in the European Economic Area. It is the EEA that allows for some of the freedoms you attribute to EU membership; free movement of goods, services, people and capital. As for exports - where do you get your figures from and are you allowing for the Rotterdam - Antwerp effects - i.e. exports to the rest of the world going through these ports? Less Regulation? Not really. The EU and EEA countries have more than 15,000 regulations, but the EFTA and EEA countries only have 5,000. New regulations for EU and EEA countries per year are 1,000+ but for the EFTA and EEA only 300 a year. The estimated costs to the economy of all these regulations is in the area of 5% of GDP - or ?75B a year. One single example is fishing. If we were free to keep all landed stocks instead of having to throw them away we could restore our fishing fleets and create jobs - good, no? http://www.globalbritain.org/BOO/HowDependant.htm http://www.publicserviceeurope.com/article/1139/time-to-leave-the-eu-and-stop-exporting-british-jobs-abroad
So, no answer yet? Oh, come on, please. Its great entertainment for us over a glass of wine to see how you, Chippy and NorthLondoner are striving to contrive my "sympathy with groups such as the EDL and the BNP" from precisely fuck all squared. Then again, I suppose you could always go nuclear and just get us banned. You see, wot wiv D. (the Iraqi better half) being an accountant - she's the brains of the outfit. And so every post could be considered a joint effort. *edit to say* We met in Switzerland - both working for the same financial company. One could say it was cynical realist love at first sight.
So again, I ask the the question without the personal attack - why can we not just join the EFTA and take our ?50m odd per day back and use it to, say, help pay the national debt? The Norwegians and and the Swiss seem to manage quite happily. If we leave - that does not mean that we will stop buying BMW's or Bosch washing machines. The exports from the EU to the UK mean just as much to the EU. Talks of trade wars is just hysterical hyperbole. *Edit to say* You know, the European Free Trade Agreement? Or work agreements between Nations? Having worked in both Belgium and Switzerland, I cannot honestly say I got on my knees and gave thanks to Van Rumpuy, whom I have never elected, for the opportunity to make it easier to work in Belgium. The Swiss have it right. *Edit number 2* ?50M per day is obviously an approximation. However, basic maths. 50 x 7 = ?350M a week. 50 x 365 = ?18,250,000,000 a year. Approximately. So we are paying ?18,250M per year to an Institution that hasn't had its accounts signed off for 16 years. Lovely. If I ran my business in that fraudulent fashion - I get jailed. *Edit #3* And of course, if I or my partner do refuse to pay our share for this obvious value for money - we get jailed.
Getting rid of foreigners? Blimey! We best not tell my Iraqi fianc? that, eh?
Why would leaving the EU start a trade war and cost 10% of GDP and 3,000,000 jobs? Why can we not just join the EFTA and take our ?50m odd per day back and use it to, say, help pay the national debt? The Norwegians and and the Swiss seem to manage quite happily. *edit to add* There won't be a referendum, nor a treaty change. It will be done via Intergovernmental Convention, which due to the Craxi doctrine from 1985 means simple majority voting from the 17. Cameron has no power or mandate to demand concessions for the UK - we will be stuffed, yet again.
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