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Torben Pieknik

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Everything posted by Torben Pieknik

  1. http://www.dulwichparkfriends.org.uk/fair.php
  2. I got the impression Despatches were trying to balance the books after the hatchet job they did on Ken. It was all rehashes of press releases put out by the Labour, Lib Dem and Green parties on the London Assembly. Hardly indepth political journalism.
  3. Jah - they sell it at Bossman wines. I've got a few cases in my kitchen left over from my wedding, just need some warm evenings to enjoy a few bottles in the garden.
  4. I'm red green colour blind too and can only see the 18 in the top right. I does get tedious when I tell people I'm colour blind and they spend the next 10 minutes asking what colour things are.
  5. For lager is has to be Keo from Cyprus. It is delicious, but tastes better drunk sitting in the sun. Bitter - Wobbly Bob brewed by Pheonix, it is pretty lethal though.
  6. 'The Mayor has already cancelled lots of projects that would have benefitted my constituents. I am delighted that the government was able to force him into a position which meant that even he couldn't scrap this one.' That's a load of cr*p - if the Government has forced Boris into this why didn't they "force" Ken to do it? *Bob* - It will open in May 2012.
  7. I use the butchers on Rosendale Road, Scotch Meats. As you say MP friendly and no queue.
  8. Klaus - that is rubbish. I can get up Denmark Hill no problems (usually quicker than anyone on a hybrid) and shift along at around 18-20mph on the flat at a steady cadence. I've owned a mountain bike, hybrid, 28 gear road bike and a fixed wheel in the past 8 years riding in London. The fixed wheel is easiest to maintain, quickest (except up sydenham hill) and the most fun to ride. Don't knock it till you've tried it.
  9. I ride a Genesis Flyer as a fixed and ride to work over Denmark Hill. I actually find it easier than on my geared road bike. I think it is a 42:17 ratio and that is no problem. Though the down hills are a bit nuts at first as you have to spin your legs really quickly. I love my fixed, its quick, light and really easy to maintain.
  10. I've seen it, I think it was there at the weekend. It is pretty stubby.
  11. Does anyone know when the fixtures will be announced? I'm determined to get to a few more games this season.
  12. The council decided to come and do some work on new lights on my street at midnight the middle of last week. Lots of digging and a HGV with its engine on for more than an hour. I wasn't best pleased. Have contacted them to complain, but no response.
  13. Torben Pieknik


    seanmlow Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 'so drive and park within the legal limits' > > I wish I could be so perfect and never make a > mistake! Must be exhausting! Feel free to make mistakes just don't moan about it when given the punishment.
  14. Pretty traditional is an organic greengrocers and it neither pricey or poncey. I tend to get food from supermarkets because of a lack of time. But when I do get the chance I get veg and fruit from pretty traditional. Not because it is organic, but because it tastes better, the fruit is ripe rather than rock hard and shock horror for an "Over priced organic food shop" is cheaper than the supermarkets.
  15. Ted Max Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > This was the first place I ever ate out in in ED - > and for nostalgic reasons if it shuts I'd feel the > loss, even though I never go there now Likewise Ted no idea what made me choose the place, but I have a real soft spot for it.
  16. The design of Parliament was also run as a competition. Won by Barry and Pugin.
  17. Boris has also said he would re-phase traffic lights in favour of cars over pedestrians, which makes it unlikely he would do anything as challenging as re-allocating road space in favour of people on foot. Ken was planning to do the same in Parliament Square as was done in Trafalgar Square, which would have been excellent. Let's see if Boris is prepared to do the same.
  18. Making cycling a priority. London now spends more on cycling infrastructure and training than the rest of the country added together and it shows in the number of people cycling in London, where as it continues to decline in the rest of the UK.
  19. I find it troubling that people are happy to accept that Boris will surround himself with good people so he doesn't f**k it up. Surely London needs someone who can actually make the right decisions/do the job, not someone who has to rely on a team of unelected appointees to stop him making a hash of things?
  20. I said most not all and was giving my experience of cycling to work every day. Pretty much all road users seem to behave pretty well to me. But there are certain actions which each group do which at best break the law, at worst are potentially lethal to themselves or others. Cyclists jumping red lights and riding on pavements, pedestrians stepping into the road without looking, car drivers speeding and not realing how vulnerable motorcyclists and cyclists are, motorcyclist speeding and using ASLs and bus lanes. I don't cycle because I want to "join the ranks of the London holier-than-thou cyclists". I cycle because it's quicker and I don't have to go to the gym.
  21. Barking and Dagenham Council have 11 BNP councillors. They only need 5 per cent of the vote to get a seat on the London Assembly. They got over 4 per cent last time and now UKIP has imploded it seems like the BNP will get an Assembly member (maybe 2 if they can get 8 per cent).
  22. As a cyclist (and a car driver) I couldn't disagree more. On my cycle ride to work it seems that most motorcyclists don't realise they are not allowed to use them anyway.
  23. fractionater Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ....and soon us Motorbikers will be allowed in all > bus lanes. > > They've been trialing it for some time now in > Streatham. Only if Boris or Paddick get in.
  24. The speed limiters are in development in this country. But they wouldn't be compulsory and would likely only to be fitted to public service vehicles in the first instance. There would be no need for an electronic management system in the car and they could be fitted to older vehicles. They would use a GPS system with a speed limit map. The GPS system would be linked to a heptic throttle, if the vehicle was speeding it would prevent the driver from accelerating any more thus reducing the revs and the vehicle speed. There would also be a manual override facility for situations when the driver needed to accelerate out of danger (in a potential crash).
  25. The ABD do have an agenda - to promote the interests of motorists at all costs and at the expense of all other road users. There is a piece of research by TfL from 2003 (ok a bit old) which shows the number of people killed or seriously injured is cut by more than 50 per cent in 20mph zones. They also reduce traffic flows which is a good thing in residential areas. http://www.tfl.gov.uk/assets/downloads/ResearchSummaryNo2_20mphZones.pdf
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