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Everything posted by Lakey

  1. Hia, I was Streb B positive after testing due to friends experiences, and was devastated as I hate hospitals and was desperate for a home or BC birth. However, gave birth at Kings and it was the exact birth I wanted despite my initial fears. I gave birth in water (you can still do this with antibiotics - one thing I was very relieved to do). Te team were amazing. Whilst we are on the subject - slightly off topic - My baby had bad colic and we think it was down to the antibiotics in labour killing her good bacteria in her gut (I am not a doctor so please forgive me if anything I said has no medical grounds!), and found that a probiotic called biogaia helped us (after months of trying everything). Just thought I'd mention it given you will be having antibiotics, and hope to save you the trouble with had. Best of luck with your birth. It's a great thing to know your Streb B status and it doesn't need to affect your plans I promise. X
  2. We went on the walk with Stik today. We lived in East London until a year ago so we are used to being surrounded by his masterpieces. It was amazing. Stik was a true gentleman (who my baby girl is now in love with!) and is truly inspirational. A big thank you to him and Ingrid for being so forward thinking in what they've done. Ingrid you should be very proud. One of the best days I have spent with my family in a long time, and it will not be forgotten. Thank you.
  3. Third for BH bakery - I got a tin and was yummy! My friend bought me one and I remember it was so well received - I still use the great tin.
  4. I would recommend the BLW cookbook. I am not a great cook so I find it really useful. We often cook recipes for dinner then save some for the following day for puddle. It may be basic if you are an established cook, I do not have that problem. Otherwise - anything goes just avoid salt and sugar wherever possible. Its loads of fun. We are two months in, you will be amazed at how quickly they learn. But, yes, be prepared for mess and, unfortunately, wasted food. But lots of fun.
  5. Check out Biogaia Probiotic drops. Finally solved our issue after weeks of trying everything. Caused (in my non-expert opinion) by me having antibiotics in labour due to strep b. Good luck, it's horrible I know!
  6. Second Natalie recommendation. I didn't use her doula services but did a private massage course with her (and chewed her ear off throughout - poor thing!). She is just lovely.
  7. The most slimline I have are the flips, but I rarely use them as they have a reusable outer and then you just change the inner, allegedly, but any poo that happens means a change of both layers a lot in my experience. My go to nappies are BumGenius 4.0, I find them not too big and very reliable. However, everyone I know that does reals have different preferences, it's as much about the baby as the nappy, so I would suggest only get 1 of any that you want to try, then once you've used them a lot, make a decision. I am another nappy addict though, have about 10 types! Enjoy, it's a dangerous addiction :0) xxx
  8. Thanks so much ladies. Tonight I drove away from the house and she took the bottle from Daddy (a different teat - we have a large array :0). So I hope that things are changing. Its completely true that my presence only hinders and does not help! Esme like you say - nothing lasts forever with bambinos! Thanks once again x
  9. Our 5 month old has been having a bottle of expressed every day for most of her life. It was hard initially but she has been fine for ages. Now I think she's teething (although nothing through yet - just green poo, dribbles, biting, nappy rash, waking more blah blah) and refuses to take the bottle from anyone besides me (slightly defeating the object as I have my own vessel!). Have tried Dad, G&G and there is no way (screams bl murder and beats it away). She takes it from me so it's not the bottle. I know it's not that bad, it just means I am tied which isnt the end of the world and know people are going through allot worse. I just wondered if this has happened to anyone else and how they solved it. Should I persevere daily or should we give her a break and not test her, and let her get over it? I dont want this still to be a problem when we get to nursery so would prefer to nip in the bud! Thanks!
  10. Thanks for all your posts - so much help. It's impossible to know the best thing to do. I think it would be the best solution for me, but as you rightly say max 2 children (dream would be two nannies who know each other to do two each - pretty unlikely though!). The key is finding the right nanny I guess!! Let the hunt begin - cripes! Thanks once again! X
  11. I gave birth at Kings in June and they were amazing. Wanted a home birth or birthing centre (I hate hospitals) but was streb b positive so needed antibiotics. Other than that I had a completely natural water birth with no intervention - at Kings. They spend 15 minutes sat with my husband going through the birth plan, left me to it as requested (I was hypnobirthing) and I gave birth in water. So dont think (like I did!) that a hosital like Kings means wires/drips/machines etc. You are able to have exactly the birth you want wherever you are. There was not one member of staff I didn't rate in our stay (I had a 7 hour labour though so was in and out in 24 hours). The birth centre at Lewisham is lovely jubbly though! No experience of Tommys so can't comment. Just don't make the mistake did and think that the location will completely change your birth, you can have the birth you want where you want it. Please PM if you want to discuss more.
  12. I used this at 7 weeks. Take the pic yourself (easy on a bed sheet), upload to their site they check it live online to ensure it complies then print it and send it to you v quickly. Less than ?5 all in. And you don't even need to leave the house! https://www.paspic.com/
  13. Hi, There are 3-5 ladies with small babies who are all currently considering what to do when we go back to work (we are all going back - sniff) We have our name down on various lists for nurseries but have recently been talking about nanny shares. We hope they would be a bit more flexible than a nursery. However we were concerned about less interaction with other kids, and possibly less play out time (possibly more though!) - we just don't know. Also we thought about getting 2 nannies at one house for a group of kids. Does anyone have any previous experience of this - good or bad. This isn't asking for specific nannies, it's more to get ideas (hence a discussion not a classified). Any advise would be really appreciated, or please pm me if you'd prefer it to not be on the forum. Thanks!
  14. We (NCT mums, dads and babies) had one with Verona at the Gardens (hired the room at the back so a similar idea to the Mag). In particular we did this on a Sunday morning then stayed for lunch - great as Dads can come too. I struggled to find courses which allowed babies at suitable times, and ours are only little and still all firmly attached to us! I found Verona from a recommendation from the forum. http://www.veronahall.co.uk Just an alternative for you if needed. x
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