I think the problem Wenger had with choosing a captain is a lack of experienced candidates. IMO Toure is the only one up to the task. Gallas's threat to Chelski, that he would go on strike if he wasn't allowed to leave, should've rang alarm bells with Wenger as to the type of personality he has. You also want a player that is committed to the club long term. Too many Arsenal players have talked about leaving if the club doesn't look like winning trophies. Fabregas only recently said if Wenger left he would too. Aren't players supposed to be playing for the club, period? It's no surprise that in your list Atila there are a lot of home grown players who understand what it means to pay for the club, and not just pick up a pay cheque at the end of the month. This applies to all clubs, not just Arsenal, but the problem is magnified at Arsenal due the lack of home grown players, or foreigners who have been there a long time. At Utd I hope Ronaldo will never be made captain because of what happened last summer, he basically can't be trusted to stay long term. Whereas Rooney is the opposite and should be a shoe-in for the job, once Neville/Giggs and later on Rio, retire.