Sad news I'm afraid, whilst in the garden this morning I suddenly noticed that I could see the Robin's nest, before it was hidden under the ivy. I looked closer and could see it was empty. Something had taken/eaten the chicks. No sign of them on the ground either. I'd just been playing with a friendly cat who frequently comes into the garden, and later watched it walk up to beneath the nest, look up, and jump up into the hedge pawing at the empty nest. Not saying that cat, or any other cat, is the culprit, but I had to chase another cat away last week when I saw it hanging around and looking up at the hedge. We also have foxes and squirrels around, although I think squirrels are more interested in eggs. Nature can be cruel. The parent Robins have unsurprisingly disappeared. They have several clutches a year so hopefully they have better luck next time. Ironically, the friendly cat carries a tag with the name 'Savage'...