For the pasy 2,5 years the terrorist have been living and looked after in Antakya which is a border of Syria and have smuglled any knid of weapons into Syria too! Jst two weeks before the Un incident have seen posted pictures from Istanbul Rebel ( look a likes) who were in a white van how funny! I follow many protestors since June from Turkey and one thing people were also angry with Turkish govenrment as they are backing the US feeding, sheltering, gunning the rebeles against Assad! They have bben killing people brutally, just horrible! As he has a regime that doesnt allow The Big Middle East Project! Why do you think all muslim countires unsettled and the Christians always made to believe in horror by muslims stories! The most thing i actually hate is power make people hate each other! I grew up in Turkey so I have more inside news as we have a big US and Nato base, every US attack we were in it! Also a lot of CIA culture agents exist as they are very popular in all middle east! To keep, oil, gun sales also bank tansactions....I do not trust the UN either, What has happened to all those chemical weapoms in Iraq for instance? If you cehcked the past news Antakya has been suffering and the public is sick with what is happening and regime they have by the AKP! If you want to follow inside news follow some independent writers on twitter, maybe annonymous? All the hacker geeks, they work alot :) I wish, love, peace, and the best for people just people...we have to make difference not money or power! ( Sorry if made any mistakes as 2 glasses of wine and running after a toddler all day so excuse me)