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Secondary school applications 2017
littlek1cker replied to Renata Hamvas's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Hi LondonMix, That was final distance after movement on the waiting list. On intake you are right. Last year our intake was 120 and we were oversubscribed. This year our intake will also be 120 because we are still in our temporary accommodation, but our final intended capacity is 240. LondonMix Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Simon- was that distance first round offers or > final distance after movement on the waiting list? > Also, last year wsa their a full class intake? > For some reason I thought that until the school > was built, the number of forms being accepted was > below the final intended capacity but I might be > totally off base with that. > > Thanks, > > LM -
Secondary school applications 2017
littlek1cker replied to Renata Hamvas's topic in The Family Room Discussion
For anyone interested in applying to Charter ED this year, you may find it useful to know that last year the furthest offer we made based on distance was 1.3km from the end of Jarvis Road. This excludes offers made based on other criteria such as Looked After Children. It is very hard to predict what it will be this year, so please do not be put off if you are a bit further away. As Renata says in the original post, initial offers are likely to be further out than last year but we are likely to not go as far down the waiting list, because we were not on the CAF last year. --- Simon Tucker Chair of Governors The Charter School East Dulwich -
Charter ED - Admissions and Tours
littlek1cker replied to confusedbyitall's topic in The Family Room Discussion
loveED86 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi littlek1cker > > I submitted application online Friday when website > became live, nothing popped up to make me assume > application was not successfully received, should > I have received confirmation by now? > Thanks Hi loveED86, Please be patient, it's still less than two working days since you submitted your application. Leave it till next week and if you still haven't heard anything you can e-mail [email protected] or PM me. -
Charter ED - Admissions and Tours
littlek1cker replied to confusedbyitall's topic in The Family Room Discussion
The Charter School East Dulwich now has a website and is on twitter. We will be posting regular updates on our progress, admissions, our temporary and permanent sites and lots more. Please follow @chartereast on Twitter and help us grow our followers and check the website at www.chartereastdulwich.org.uk. -
Charter ED - Admissions and Tours
littlek1cker replied to confusedbyitall's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Hi confusedbyitall and loveED86, When you submitted your application online you should have received confirmation on the website that your application was submitted successfully. If you got this confirmation, then we've safely received your application. You will also receive an e-mail confirmation but this isn't automated so it may take a few days to come through. The open day at the hospital site is now full. We are restricted in numbers by the space and NHS requirements (the site is still occupied by the NHS). We still have spaces for all the weekday open events where we have much greater capacity so if at all possible, I recommend that you book onto one of those. Although the Saturday event takes place on the hospital site, it will not involve a tour of the site and we will only be using one room in the hospital building. We will be giving exactly the same presentation as at the other Open Days so you won't miss anything at all. We will be organising opportunities for prospective parents and students to visit the site at a later date once we have better access but that will be after the deadline for submitting applications. -
Some of the parents who attended the secondary transfer meeting for Year 6 students at Heber have let us know that the Southwark representative gave out incorrect information about how to apply to The Charter School East Dulwich. There may have been some confusion between the two Charter Schools. I just wanted to confirm that the message at the top of this thread sets out the accurate information. You need to apply directly to the new school and if your child meets the admissions criteria you will be able to hold two offers - one from Southwark for one of the schools for whom they handle the admissions process and one from the new school. We have spoken to Southwark and all their secondary transfer team should now be providing parents with the correct information. Sorry for any confusion and thanks to the parents who had the correct information to hand in the Heber meeting!
Hi confusedbyitall, Yes, our open days are different from those for The Charter School in North Dulwich. We're not quite ready to announce the temporary site or how many students it will accommodate but hope to make an announcement fairly shortly. confusedbyitall Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for this, are your open days for the new > school ED different to the open days at charter > 1? > > Do you have a site yet for the temp buildings and > how many places?
Hi all, Here is some information about open days and how to apply for a place at The Charter School East Dulwich to start in Year 7 in September 2016. The process is a bit different from other local schools because this will be our first year of opening. All this information will also be on our website and will be explained at the open days. How to Apply Applications for Year 7 places at the Charter School East Dulwich beginning in September 2016 can be made in addition to the six options available to parents and carers through the Southwark (or any other local authority) eAdmissions process. Please share with parents & carers that they should not select The Charter School East Dulwich as one of the six choices on their Southwark eAdmissions application. Applications must be made directly to the school by Friday 30th October 2015. There are two ways to apply. Parents and carers can either complete an on-line application available on the new website when it is launched next week at www.chartereastdulwich.org.uk. Alternatively, they can complete a print application downloaded from the website, or available by contacting the school on [email protected] or collected from The Charter School on Red Post Hill. Completed paper applications to be posted to: The Admissions Team The Charter School East Dulwich c/o The Charter School Red Post Hill London SE24 9HJ Tel: 020 7346 6600 Receipt of application will be acknowledged. Notification of places will sent out ahead of National Secondary Offer Day 1st March 2016. If both applications are successful the child will receive two offers, one from The Charter School East Dulwich and one from Southwark Council. Parents and carers will need to notify us and Southwark as to which offer they accept. It is essential parents and carers additionally apply for other secondary schools through their local authority application process to ensure their child has a school place for September 2016. Open Days To support the applications process we will be hosting four Open Day / Evening events over three dates in September and October, where we will be able to answer your questions and provide an insight to what life at the school will be like. Two evening events will be held at The Charter School on Red Post Hill. Dates: Thursday 17th September 2015 Thursday 1st October 2015 Time: 6.30pm ? 8.30pm Venue: Main School Hall, The Charter School, Red Post Hill, London SE24 9JH There will also be two daytime events held at the proposed site of the new permanent school at Dulwich Community Hospital. Date: Saturday 26th September 2015 Times: 10am ? 12pm or 1pm ? 3pm Venue: The Old Chapel, Top Floor, Dulwich Hospital, East Dulwich Grove, London SE22 8PT To help us manage numbers, we ask that parents please register for attendance at their preferred event. Registration will be open from next week and we will forward the links to register very shortly to our subscriber list and make them available on the website launching soon. Please note space and therefore numbers are very limited at the Dulwich Hospital venue. We look forward to meeting parents, carers and pupils at the events.
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Hi savage, We have not yet exchanged on the land. We are being reassured that this will happen imminently, but it is very frustrating that NHS Property Services are moving so slowly and we are doing everything we can to accelerate things. (Thanks to Helen Hayes MP for her support with this.) We know exactly how much land we are getting and the boundaries to that land and have done for several months. If you attended any of our consultation events, the land we are getting is as we showed on the map at those events - the whole site except for roughly the southern most two thirds of the cleared land to the east of the hospital buildings. We are not yet able to announce the temporary site but we have finished our initial feasibility study on temporary site options and are in discussions to get agreement to use our preferred external site as well as looking at the possibility of using the hospital site itself. I'm hoping we'll be able to announce in the near future. Simon -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
hoonaloona Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Does anyone actually know if we'll be able to > apply to Charter ED in October for admission in > 2016/17? Or is it all on hold? Will there be any > 'open days' as such? > Thanks Hi hoonaloona, We are still planning to opening in September 2016. Our new website will be up in early September with all the details about how to apply and when our open days will be. You will need to apply directly to the school for entry in 2016. This is the standard procedure in the first year of all new free schools. We have designed our admissions process to closely mirror the Southwark one so it should not involve too much extra hassle and it has the advantage for parents that they will still be able to apply for up to six schools through Southwark and then hold one offer through Southwark and, if their child meets the admissions criteria, an offer from Charter School East Dulwich as well. The school website will be chartereastdulwich.org.uk and our e-mail address is [email protected]. I hope this is helpful. Simon Tucker Charter School East Dulwich Working Group -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
I just wanted to respond, on behalf of the working party, to the disquiet some people on this thread have expressed regarding our provision for students with special educational needs. Our admissions policy provides for the admission of children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP - previously called a statement of special educational need) before any of our oversubscription criteria are applied. The Charter School East Dulwich is committed to providing tailored support to allow all students to flourish; this will include dedicated specialist support for students with special educational needs (including those without an EHCP). The Charter School Educational Trust has always been committed to running inclusive schools. Our ethos statement makes clear: ?We believe that all young people have the potential to achieve in school and succeed in life, whatever their starting point or personal circumstances. We will be working up the detail of how we will bring that ethos to life as we develop our full curriculum and pastoral support plans. Support for students with special needs will be integrated into these plans and covered in a specific SEND policy. Simon Tucker The Charter School East Dulwich Working Party -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
colabottle Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Simon, > > Have you been able to get the figure on distance > yet? Thanks. I have now heard back from the admissions team at The Charter School: Here are the figures for this year and last year for first offers based on distance, ie not including offers made based on other criteria, such as Looked After Children and siblings. Bear in mind that these distances are based on safe walking distance, which is the current policy of The Charter School, unlike the proposal for the new school which is to measure distance in a straight line (as the crow flies). This means it is difficult to plot the effective catchment area for the current school based on these figures, but it will certainly be much smaller than if these distances were 'as the crow flies' measurements. 2015: 1121m 2014: 1554m I've been asked to provide the following explanation: The distance moves annually according to: how many 11 year olds were born in that cohort; of those, where do they live; of those, who applies to TCS. These figures cannot be predicted year on year; families make their decisions based on a range of criteria according to which schools they list as preferences on the Common Application Form. -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Our final public consultation event is tonight at Heber School 7-9pm. You also have until 26th June to let us know your views via our online survey or by writing to us. We are keen to hear from as many people as possible. -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Hi all, The rationale for prioritising siblings over children with an exceptional medical, psychological or social need is as follows. We want The Charter School East Dulwich to be a community school that all our students can walk to, and that siblings can attend together. To emphasize this point we put siblings above exceptional medical, psychological, and social need. This will not mean that students with these exceptional needs are disadvantaged, as there will always be enough places after children with an Education Health and Care Plan, Looked After Children and siblings for them. The rationale for choosing Jarvis Road as the nodal point is that it is at the most Easterly point on our site and so minimises the overlap with the current Charter School intake whilst remaining on our site. Bear in mind that most of the Eastern boundary of the hospital site will belong to the new Community Health Centre, not us. Jarvis Road also has the advantage of being a place that parents can easily understand and find on a map, as opposed to a point that could only be described by Ordinance Survey coordinates. We will look at the feedback we receive from the community as part of the public consultation in relation to both these points and any/all other points raised, and depending on what the feedback is, we will consider whether we need to change our proposals. I hope that is helpful. Simon Tucker -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Hi all, Just to clarify a few things that have come up on this thread: We intend to open on the Dulwich Hospital site as our permanent site. We expect to have the whole of the site except for the South East corner, which is being retained by the NHS for a community health centre. Exactly where our buildings are on the site makes no difference to the admissions policy. Our proposed admissions policy, which we are currently consulting on, is to measure distance in a straight line from the child's house to the end of Jarvis Road, which is near the North East corner of the whole site and the furthest East that we can put it without going off our site. We plan to admit 240 pupils per year. This is bigger that the current Charter School, which admits 180 per year. This means that, all other things being equal, our catchment area will be bigger. Where there is still some uncertainty is with regard to temporary accommodation for our pupils whilst we are building our permanent accommodation. Since we can't finish all the building work before we admit the first pupils we will need to have temporary accommodation. We are very actively exploring the options for this. The temporary accommodation may be on the hospital site or it may have to be off site somewhere else locally. Until we know what this temporary accommodation is going to be, we can't be absolutely certain that we will admit 240 pupils in the first year or two. If the temporary accommodation isn't big enough for this, we may have to consider reducing the intake in the first year (or so). We don't want to do this and will only do it if the alternative is to delay our opening, and we are absolutely committed to opening in 2016. Regardless of where the temporary accommodation is, we are proposing to measure distance to the end of Jarvis Road for the purposes of admissions. I hope this is helpful. I'm told that the uncertainty we have regarding the site is fairly typical for a free school at this stage in its development. We are extremely lucky, of course, that we will eventually have a beautiful, iconic building supplemented with purpose built space for our school. -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
colabottle Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Simon, > > Have you been able to get the admissions distance > figure yet? I think it is important information > to be considered as part of your consultation. > > Thank you I haven't got an answer for you yet, but I am on the case. This is a really busy time for admissions staff at The Charter School as appeals are being heard this week, so bear with me. -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Just a reminder that our second public consultation event is taking place tomorrow night 7pm to 9pm at the Albrighton Centre, Albrighton Road, Dog Kennel Hill Estate, SE22 8AH. If you want to hear the latest news about the new school and/or have views about the school you want to express as part of our consultation please do come along. Whether you can make it or not, please also fill in our online questionnaire: [www.surveymonkey.com] I hope to see as many of you there as possible. -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
colabottle Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Simon/littlek1cker, could you please clarify a > catchment question for me? Is it possible to say, > from the intake for September 2015, what was the > further distance offered from the current Charter, > Red Post Hill, to a child who did not fall into > either a sibling, cared for/looked after or > SEN/EHC category? It would be really helpful to > know, as the anecdotal information about furthest > distance doesn't seem to tally with the 1100 > metres that I think has been cited by Charter, and > I'm wondering whether that 1100 metre place might > have been offered to a sibling for example? Hi colabottle, I will try to find this out. -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Just to clarify, the proposed admissions policy (available on the Charter website) gives top priority to children with an EHC plan naming the school. This is easy to miss in the actual policy because it is in the paragraph above the numbered oversubscription criteria rather than in the list itself. EHC plans are what until recently were called SEN statements. If your child doesn't have an EHC plan but does have an exceptional medical, psychological or social need then they would have priority over children who get in on distance alone but lower priority than looked after children and siblings.To be honest, I wasn't involved in the discussion about the priority order for this criterion so I will have to speak to others to properly understand the rationale. In the meantime, if this is something you have a view on please do include it in your comments when answering the consultation questionnaire. As for the lack of any mention of SEN in the vision and ethos document I do agree that this is an unfortunate oversight and it should have been covered. -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Our first public consultation event is tonight at 7pm at St Johns and St Clements, Adys Road SE15 4DY. Please do come along and express your views about the new school. Alternatively, fill in our online questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3VXSTRR -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Hi Trine, You should receive an e-mail today if you haven't already. PM me if you don't. Thanks, Simon -
Consultation for the Charter School East Dulwich
littlek1cker replied to littlek1cker's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Hi Trine, You should receive an e-mail today if you haven't already. PM me if you don't. Thanks, Simon -
The public consultation for The Charter School East Dulwich starts today. The Charter School Educational Trust would like to offer the local community the opportunity to comment on our plans to open a secondary school, The Charter School East Dulwich, to serve East Dulwich and the surrounding areas. In March 2015 the DfE gave the green light to our bid to open a new secondary school in East Dulwich. The school will open in September 2016. Information about the school, its Vision and Ethos, Curriculum Offer and Admissions Policy are all available for review on the website at www.charter.southwark.sch.uk. The Charter School East Dulwich will be a co-educational, non-selective, non-faith, inclusive 11-18 secondary school, delivering the highest quality education for young people in its immediate diverse locality, where there is a shortage of secondary school places from 2016 onwards. Run by The Charter School Educational Trust, it will build on the success of The Charter School on Red Post Hill, rated ?Outstanding? by Ofsted. Our consultation period runs from 18th May 2015 and ends on 26th June 2015. The consultation is part of the process that every Free School must undertake to secure funding and will allow us to respond to community issues. As part of the consultation process we have prepared a questionnaire which is available through https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3VXSTRR or on The Charter School website at www.charter.southwark.sch.uk. Paper copies of the questionnaire will be available at our Public Consultation Events or by email reply. Alternatively you can collect one from reception at The Charter School on Red Post Hill. Please call 07836 702812 for telephone enquiries. If you would like to meet members of the Trust, local parents involved in the new school, or the newly appointed Head Teacher of The Charter School East Dulwich please join us at one of our Public Consultation Events: 3rd June 2015 at St John?s & St Clement?s Primary School, Adys Road, SE15 4DY 9th June 2015 at Albrighton Centre, Albrighton Road, Dog Kennel Hill Estate, SE22 8AH 18th June 2015 at Heber Primary School, Heber Road, SE22 9LA Each event will run from 7pm to 9pm. Your voice matters to us. Please join us to hear our vision and share your views.
Feedback and update on SPACE Southwark.
littlek1cker replied to parentsteeringgroup's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Bawdy-nan, Apologies, I accidentally switched your name and confusedbyitall's names around in my previous post. I accept that you didn't make any accusations. Thanks for the good wishes. Simon
East Dulwich Forum
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