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Everything posted by cmacnew

  1. I read somewhere that it's sugar? I've just told hubbie to load me up with chocolate and he's getting some fizzy cola bottles!
  2. I'm sure there is probably another thread on this but how do we find out more about the Habs bid to gain the full picture. We live within a few mins walk of the hospital site and with two pre school kids are definitely keen to find out more.
  3. My first son was quite hard to settle to sleep and a very light sleeper - had a 45 minute timer inside him. But after a while was happy to go into his cot and sing/chatter/play himself to sleep. Second was a dream, as he was fed to sleep and I was not worried about it. Then we switched to a dummy when he was old enough to sleep trough (around 5 months) he now gets so excited to see his sleeping bag (as it's attached to his dummy....) I always struggled with the drowsy but awake thing. I though it was a myth until I read this thread!
  4. Hi ladies, thanks for your comments and yes Renata we may not have a choice but at this stage I'm assuming I will be asked for a preference at least, if offered a place.
  5. We're hoping for a pre school place for our son in September and wondering about the pros and cons of morning vs afternoon sessions. Come September the littlest one will be having one nap (most likely at lunchtime) and thinking an hour or two to myself every afternoon will be lovely! (I am staying at home for the foreseeable future). Equally, some time with each child (baby in the morning and toddler at lunch) would also be nice. What would make sense for all of us to get the most out of every day? It would be great to hear your thoughts. Thanks!
  6. We went last year to spa valley railway at Tunbridge wells and planning to go again this year. Son was 2 last year and he loved it. Saw Thomas and Percy, had lunch in a real carriage, there were arts and crafts (colouring Thomas pictures) a mini thomas cinema (about 20 seats) and we met the fat controller. If you've got a Thomas lover then I am sure that they will enjoy.
  7. I've recently discovered blogs as a fun source of info; any recommendations for funny/local blogs relevant to families and parenting? I loved gas and air by a local home birth midwife when I was pregnant. Thanks
  8. I use the Kallo low salt ones for my 9 month old. they do chicken, beef and veg and they are all tasty and low salt compared to the regular ones, although I haven't compared them to the Heinz ones.
  9. Just reviving an old thread, will you be doing a silent disco at the Dulwich Festival again this year Aquamanda? Looks like a great idea!
  10. 20 tickets left - don't leave it until the last minute.... And if you think it may be a bit too busy before Xmas, why not send mum or dad with kids so you can get your xmas shopping done in peace. See you on the dancefloor!
  11. I am helping a friend organise a birthday party for her 7 year old, excuse me for being a bit out of touch, but do kids at that age still expect a party bag? And if so, what kind of things do you put in them these days? When I was a kid it was really just to take home the cake, but these days I expect you probably get a Nintendo DS game or something :) Any help appreciated!
  12. Hi all, Suzie, afternoons on mon and thurs (although sadly not tomorrow) suit us too as I'm also keen for Finlay to sleep at home for lunch naps as its the best time to get work done. Feeling a little constrained with routines at the moment with weaning, trying to accommodate milk and mush and naps! Do have nursery pick up but not until 5 ish. Clare X
  13. HI Ladies, Sorry I wont make today either, in fact, general apologies for having been so crap and only attending 2 or 3 of the meet ups. I bumped into Bex yesterday at the Dish and Spoon which has prompted me to write... A friend and I have started up The Little Disco Company and we are holding a new monthly family disco event at the Crown and Greyhound Pub in Dulwich. It's been taking up all of our nap times and sadly a few play times too, as I've been pretty head down every lunch time when the boys sleep (If I am lucky enough to get them both to sleep at the same time!) You can read all about it on this thread (or maybe you already have :) http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?29,1212041,1216189#msg-1216189 Anyway, tickets are flying out of the door and we have very nearly sold out for the 23rd November and 14th December and we are thinking of adding an extra session on the 14th December. It would be lovely to see a few of you there, especially if you have older kids too. Hope to make a meet up really soon and see how the babies are getting on, Clare x
  14. Thanks for your question Bumpy. We have a little baby corner with some soft toys and play mat. This is set back from the dance floor, so you can even watch your older child boogieing away, whilst sitting with your littlest one. From our previous events, the babies seem to enjoy the lights and all the visual stimulation. And if it does get too much, we have a chill out room away from the disco room, where you can find changing facilities and some chairs. We hope you can make it to one of our events soon. Clare The Little Disco Company
  15. We are two ED mums who are always on the look-out for fun local activities to enjoy as a family. Autumn has officially stormed in and the thought of spending yet another Saturday chasing the little ones around a soft play centre is filling us with dread. That's why we are bringing a new idea to our little corner of South East London. The Little Disco Company brings you a cool day time disco for parents and their under 7s. A fun and entertaining alternative to the local ballet / music / football classes and one which you can enjoy together as a family. Go crazy swirling and twirling your little ones around the dance floor and show them how you get down to the latest pop tunes and those retro disco classics that you love to dance to (go on, admit it!) If you're a bit rusty and need a warm up before you really show the kids how it?s done then the licensed bar will provide you with a little help. Have a drink and socialise with the other big kids while you watch the little kids go crazy on the dance floor from a safe distance. It has also proven to be a great meet up place for small groups of friends. As well as a live DJ playing dance floor fillers and kids favourites there will be other boredom busting activities such as face painting, balloons, bubbles, games and competitions, prizes and giveaways, as well as child friendly drinks and snacks to complete this fun packed afternoon. Tickets are ?4 per adult and ?6 per child in advance, more on the door (under 1s come in for free). Why not join The Little Disco Company for this local funky disco event! Limited tickets available so don?t leave it too long! When? Saturday 23rd November 2013, from 3.30pm - 5pm Where? Upstairs at the Crown and Greyhound aka ?The Dog? in Dulwich Village How do I get tickets? All you need to do is email us at [email protected] to reserve your tickets and get your names on the guest list. You can 'like' our Facebook page to keep up to date with forthcoming news and events: www.facebook.com/thelittlediscocompany
  16. My little one just had his (friday) and has had green poo All weekend although seems a bit better now. No wind to speak of but explosive poos.
  17. I second the sling library! Emily has tons you can try and rent. Google south London sling library.
  18. The midwife at rosendale is called Anna Cannon, and I second that, she's great! I believe that the Townley road bf cafe has moved to the Albrighton, your health visitor should be able to give you the latest list of times and locations.
  19. There is some talk of negotiations to build a new primary school on part of it. See the Harris academy website.
  20. Hey ladies. Been keeping an eye on the thread and going to try to find you on goose green in 10-15 mins if you're still there. Clare
  21. Ditto to everything srisky said. Our son was 6 weeks shy of his second birthday.
  22. Forest hill poo had family swim sessions on sat morn last time I looked.
  23. When I was a kid I would always have a bowl of cereal when I got in, usually weetabix! Not sure if that counts as healthy but it does for breakfast so I guess it is!
  24. I have a 2 year old son and new baby, would love to join but sadly can't on Tuesday. If there are any other meet ups I will try to join though! Clare
  25. Brierley team are amazing if you can get them! I had both my boys at home, although had to transfer in with the first as I was haemorrhaging :( the midwife stayed with me the whole time and was just fabulous. The second was all absolutely fabulous and delivery in the water in less than 3 hours. I had amazing experiences both times (for the actual labour and birth) and being in my own home was great, although one silver lining of being in hospital is that you can get a lot of Breastfeeding help on tap and I understand that dads can now stay over on kings post natal ward.
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