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Everything posted by StraferJack

  1. We wuz robbed - only got given 3 brass coins http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Toad_in_the_hole_(game) I do love this paragraph at then end "For the last two years the Laughing Fish have won the league, but the game is getting a lot more competitive with teams trying ever harder to improve. Pubs outside the county are also trying to compete, with The Woolpack, Burgess Hill aiming to compete in the near future."
  2. it was the Londoners what got competitive quids, and then some (Toad in the Hole btw) And I don't doubt your "3 beats 2" statement for a second - which is why I am not going down that road
  3. swings and roundabouts, Seabag, swings and roundabouts
  4. And I'm jealous
  5. Total sense Louisa People walking down lordship lane with Iceland bags get stopped every day. By the law! It's harassment isn't it. I'm surprised more people don't complain about it
  6. To be fair to mrs otta, two kids a lot harder than 1 I look at parents with one kid and think "you have NO idea. You think you do..." Because I was that parent for a while...
  7. inevitably it will date probably (hopefully) mutate into adding various themes
  8. "you need some time alone at home do you? Don't worry, I'll take the little one out for a bit - you just put your feet up"
  9. Ivy house definitely worth a trek - what's happened to that place is just terrific And as you say, now you have a reason to sample other stuff up there, it's a day out
  10. I'm guessing the other new pub with it's own thread a few cms away from this one
  11. anyone installed the wiki wand extension to their browser yet? All it does is pretify wikipedia, but it's pretty nice
  12. . edited because darn it, LadyD asked me to not mention something before nothing to see here
  13. Dems the rools people. No need for further discussion
  14. Honestly, I post a dozen tiiiiny little posts invoking class, prejudice and generalisations... One or two people challenge me and BOOM!!! "Everyone" is having a go at me Tcha
  15. Still not getting it Someone who spends a couple of quid more to have a burger taste of something AND lessen chances of eating some disease ridden horse off cuts is deluded? AND middle class ( albeit maybe wannabe?)
  16. Louisa. I really think you are deranged sometimes There is no argument you can't twist. If a guy on 16k a year buys a 6 quid burger what does that have to do with anything and class?
  17. Louisa A plumber on 40k a year An office worker in a suit and tie on 16k a year Which one (or both? Or neither?) is working class?
  18. You went the full preacher man? I doff my cap to you sir
  19. countdown to LadyD's reply starts.. NOW
  20. I disagree about laura dern being a horse face but I can definitely see the similarities with you two There is a knowing smile thing you both do as well
  21. Yeah I've had that in the past. It's a dimple thing I think
  22. Seabag - which one? I've been compared to two different scientoligists at various points. I think both you and Carnell are being harsh on each other. But I think you both enjoy it so carry on
  23. Also related to that ruffers post.. Screaming blue messiahs gunshy is still a top album and on the iPod often
  24. Ruffers... Someone said you looked like Carl McCoy or you were dressed like him? (Never seen him without the full preacher/cowboy/flour schtick)
  25. So for nearly ten years arsenal are paupers and scrape into champions league And now they have gone and bought proper players and spent proper money, many are saying they won't finish top 4 Make you wonder why we spent the money One of city or Chelsea will flail this season is my prediction As for pulis. He doesn't come cheap. And no love lost with arsenal fans. And it may be all about him. Palace have someone better lined up?
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