I'm guessing you may have already googled but I saw something about this recently http://www.autismspeaks.org/news/news-item/dad-creates-autcraft-safe-haven-minecraft-players-autism http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/sep/05/minecraft-33-million-users "This is particularly resonant to me, and I suspect many other parents with autistic children. My seven-year-old son, Zac, was confirmed on the scale earlier this year, although in a lot of ways we've always known. He has a somewhat limited vocabulary, and finds noisy social situations like schoolyards frightening and confusing; he is demonstrative, but has difficulty with empathy. We have watched as his younger brother, Albie, has overtaken him on things like reading and writing. But he is funny and imaginative and wonderful. And like a lot of children with an autism spectrum condition, he loves Minecraft. From the moment I downloaded the Xbox 360 edition and handed controllers to him and his brother Albie, they have been addicts. At first, they simply trudged across the rolling landscapes, randomly attacking the sheep, cows and ducks that graze each Minecraft world. They would throw together weird hovels, filled with random doors and windows, huge gaps in the walls, bizarre jutting extensions, like nightmarish sets from a German expressionistic horror movie. Now, they construct immense palaces and giant inhabitable robots ? usually made out of gold and glass. They are the Liberaces of virtual architecture. They explore the game's growing systems; they avidly download all the regular updates which add new features, new creatures, new narrative possibilities ? they devour them all."