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Everything posted by StraferJack

  1. Timetables all showing bau for tomorrow Will it be smooth tomorrow. I'm guessing not but allow for it and we will be fine
  2. Snopes have been debunking the whole "money raised is wasted" spiel http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/als.asp
  3. you can buy them (The English Ones) in the sticks in Ireland, EP I do when I'm over anyway
  4. Kiss Kiss is terrific Charlie Chaplin is an enjoyable film too More recently he's all about the Iron Man franchise tho..
  5. " be aware of this practice if you don't wish your charitable gifts binned." don't charity shops have signs up asking people NOT to leave stuff outside the shops anyway?
  6. so you ARE against the article now?
  7. In house conversions, who gets the space outside for parking?
  8. Seem more like 4chan types to me
  9. I'm guessing you may have already googled but I saw something about this recently http://www.autismspeaks.org/news/news-item/dad-creates-autcraft-safe-haven-minecraft-players-autism http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/sep/05/minecraft-33-million-users "This is particularly resonant to me, and I suspect many other parents with autistic children. My seven-year-old son, Zac, was confirmed on the scale earlier this year, although in a lot of ways we've always known. He has a somewhat limited vocabulary, and finds noisy social situations like schoolyards frightening and confusing; he is demonstrative, but has difficulty with empathy. We have watched as his younger brother, Albie, has overtaken him on things like reading and writing. But he is funny and imaginative and wonderful. And like a lot of children with an autism spectrum condition, he loves Minecraft. From the moment I downloaded the Xbox 360 edition and handed controllers to him and his brother Albie, they have been addicts. At first, they simply trudged across the rolling landscapes, randomly attacking the sheep, cows and ducks that graze each Minecraft world. They would throw together weird hovels, filled with random doors and windows, huge gaps in the walls, bizarre jutting extensions, like nightmarish sets from a German expressionistic horror movie. Now, they construct immense palaces and giant inhabitable robots ? usually made out of gold and glass. They are the Liberaces of virtual architecture. They explore the game's growing systems; they avidly download all the regular updates which add new features, new creatures, new narrative possibilities ? they devour them all."
  10. Jason Puncheon WILL be pleased!
  11. Great Britain. In minecraft. All of it If you tunnel underground you will encounter the same rock profiles as that part of the real country. Astonishing really http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-08-27-british-geological-survey-recreates-great-britain-in-minecraft
  12. In the short term, I think Van G will face widespread (and often wilful) misunderstaing But I do think given time and money he will build a big and succesful team. I think Moyes was capable but needed even more time than Van G will be allowed, and with less of a track record) Having chosen him, they now MUST back him. The alternative - abandoning things after a year or two could see Man Utd fall further. Way further
  13. "Moyes must be feeling rather vindicated too I imagine." ooh - imagine the dogs abuse if he was still in charge!
  14. I agree It's too easy to say "just the League Cup" - but a) a lot of us like that cup these days and b) in the current climate, United need to get ANY win on the door. Losing to lower league oppo in League Cup isn't unheard of or in itself problematic - but after a traumatic last season, and a deeply troubling start to this season, they should not be losing 4-0, no matter what or who the competition I was a year out in my predictions, but the collapse was coming http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?20,724501,940646#msg-940646
  15. Against some people no. Sagna will be applauded by gooners if he wins the league. Fabregas was always welcome back (Chelsea might change that) But the little boy? Nope
  16. Makes me very happy that RVP is a united player. Him having won the league with them will mean nothing compared to the current abyss which is his future career
  17. If you are going to find anything sad, surely the root cause of the charity is the proper target?
  18. I said the opposite mick - I said tan has deliberately chosen his moment. And that his motivation is irrelevant to the charge What punishment do you think is appropriate? I'm with maxxi - there should be a shot at redemption but I get the feeling mackay doesn't even think he has done anything wrong, not really. So how can there be redemption and a return to football. He won't starve if he doesn't.
  19. It's a great defence tho: "I didn't murder or rape anyone and I'm not a paedophile. So can we please just slap my wrists and move on? Thanks"
  20. China will accelerate towards recycling faster than we ever did This truly is one of those "part of the solution/part of the problem" deals Plastic bags and jam jars = negligible? Absolutely. But it's a start and in years to come the importance will be obvious
  21. Course not. Tan has kept this in his back pocket for the perfect revenge served cold Irrelevant ultimately tho ( although my opinion of tan has increased exponentially. "Spend my money suspiciously and think you will get away with it? I don't think so") Out of interest otta, if you hadn't read the texts why would you even want to be agreeing with 'arry on the subject?
  22. Exactly And this is a big chance to lift the big rock and expose the wider problem in football To try and sweep it under the carpet as a mistake and "bantz" is genuinely shocking and depressing The argument "well, most people have texted something bad... " can be dismissed in seconds by the word; context If there are instances of mackay standing up for other races then we can look at the thing in balance. But I suspect there aren't any
  23. Hang on. So he made a mistake? Is that what people are saying? It was a mistake? Can't disagree with forgiving mistakes. I just can't see how this classifies as a mistake Bear in mind also the lma response yesterday and then think about why there aren't any black managers in the game at the moment It's no mistake. It's being found out and exposed. And as the lma makes clear, he isn't alone
  24. a whole (mine)field of strawmen
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