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Everything posted by StraferJack

  1. Otta - course you are allowed to wonder. I wonder. And I have no spare capacity financially.But that really is irrelevant to the wider debate Maxxi - the No campaign try to espouse a collective "together is better " message whilst simultaneously sucking their collective teeth in about Europe My reading of the yes vote is "happy to heave together, but in a different direction"
  2. Offensive? You are offended? Really? How? What is offensive
  3. Me? No. A society being a much bigger group
  4. "Yeah, but the con is that'll be the same 'old shit' economically afterwards (i.e. European style Austerity) - with less control on their affairs i.e. their currency, trading agreements, interest rates, etc" that is a view and not an unlikely one. But maybe......maybe not i wouldn't call it a con - but it is a disagreement on fundamental principle and it is democratic. Imagine if they forged an even SLIGHTLY fairer society, despite all the doom and gloom. That's something the idea that the current status quo (in this country) is the MOST that could be hoped for is up for debate - and is being fought
  5. but Otta, that means your view is hardly objective. Why would taxes go up again? And if the ydo go up, would a cynical view be that a govt has done it because people expected it? maxxi - "in the event of a yes vote, those who didn't get a say will feel 'dumped' and may not want the divorce to be an amicable 'let's stay friends' one -" Hopefully you mean SOME people - Otherwise - those people are what's known as ill-informed and should be disagreed with. As someone who wishes the union remained, I wouldn't feel dumped. I would feel - wait, why are they doing this and are they benefiting? Why are they benefiting? And why can't we do the same (re: political decisions)? Why HAVEN'T we done the same before now?
  6. registering cyclists is the last refuge of the mean-spirited, spiteful, and narrow minded Cycling is something we should be encouraging from an early age, and for as long as possible (health, space, road capacity, ease of access etc) for reasons of PHYSICS alone (and not ideology) driving cars shouldn't be encouraged You "go through a register" for cyclists you drive more people away from that and more onto the road Even as a selfish motorist, I wouldn't want more cars on the road
  7. I'm SURE if it happened on labour's watch, people would say give 'em benefit of the doubt, blame the No Campaign the No Campaign have been poor, but they had massive support for their message when the yes vote was paltry. And they have been largely espousing the same messages as Tory/Lib/Lab governments for 30 years - that IS the problem and it is politics. It is the status quo. It is what people assume SHOULD be the reality But enough people have taken agin it - that is genuinely fascinating Labour will be stuffed in Scotland for a fair few years after this for throwing their lot in with the No campaign. And they won't get any benefit for doing it this side of the border. the cards, are well and truly, in the air
  8. "A tedious and long process of bluster and bluff on both sides." except as equals and not with such a loaded gun
  9. "Indeed. It's like a huge anthropological experiment, except it's real and we're living it, or at least living with the effects." that's good right? When we move in with a partner in our teens or 20s, we don't know what's going to happen. When we split up we don't know what's going to happen. But focusing on the negative is paralysis If it happens, I wish them well and would no more vote to spite them than I would myself - why would I?
  10. "I wish them no ill, but I'd want us to come out of it as well as we possibly could." Isn't co-operation and mutual respect the way forward - the idea that England might not come out of it well plays into the hand of people who think Scotland have been held to the yolk. Why wouldn't England come out of it well? What does England think it's losing out on? How did we get from "Scotland will suffer if they vote Yes ! " (not your words otta, but the No campaign) to "well Scotland might do well but England won't play nice if it means losing out"
  11. Tis true that I responded stright after your post so I was summarising a bunch of other posts at the same time as quoting yours i didn't mean to misrepresent yours alone, and I quoted yours about some specifics. But: "The sheer unmitigated condescension. " wasn't mean to refer to your post specifically - if that was what happened, I apologise as for: "actually having a vote to allow you to jump in to the unknown? That is unusual and an odd position to be in. " Couldn't agree more - and the fact that that is true seems weird now it's in front of us. It's exhilerating - posssibly too much so. But in the absence of any other counter-movements then I applaud it - I'm genuinely worried, fascinated, excited by what happens next
  12. The desperate plea-bargaining at the last minute by the govt shouldn't be used as a stick to beat Scotland - it's entirely panic stations. Again, blame the govt for complacent attitude to let it get this far If the british public get petty and hard-faced in the aftermath it would be ENTIRELY childish (but unsurprising - NOT team players (unless it's on their terms))
  13. like my old vinyl, I'll be boxing my cd's up and keeping them. They are more than pieces of plastic which convey music to a speaker. I remember where I bought these things - why I bought them - who I bought them for None of it means a sack of beans beyond nostalgia - but when I flick through them in years to come I'll be glad I kept them
  14. "I'm not involved in your little debate about the tories, " I'm in a little debate about the tories? Your words, not mine It might be an odd position to "be voting for something which seems so abstract, and in theory could end up being the opposite of what you dreamt of. " but how many of us wish we were doing something ANYTHING different - even if we aren't sure where it would take us This shakes up everything - to be against it (or worried about it) suggests (again, that word has meaning, which isn't YOU SAID - and I'm not saying you Otta - just the general tone of people who seem to be pisse doff with yes vote) people accept the status quo And I don't know too many people who are overall happy with that I'm by no means entirely a pro YES - on balance I would rather the union remain at the end of the campaign. But I do admire the chutzpah of a whole country (many of whom vote Yes AND hate Salmond) saying "why not?" Does anyone not see any merit in that? No revolution, all democratic....
  15. "You're telling people that I am suggesting something." I'm not telling people anything (remember you seem to dislike people putting words in mouths?) As I've said I'm giving my interpretation - you have already contested it and that's fair enough. So I already asked "Why would you say they don't know what they are voting for?" If I have the interpretation wrong, what DID you mean? If they don't know what they are voting for (and nor do we?) then what's the problem? I'm asking questions not putting words in your mouth? The condescension thing goes way beyond anything you posted - it's H saying thing like people being dicks for voting Yes
  16. Basically, here is a government so disliked, the managed to (tbc) lose Scotland from the union Rather than berate Scottish people as dicks (love ya H) maybe look at that
  17. "And your habit of putting words in to people's mouths like you just did, really grates." How did I do that exactly? I quoted you saying "They have no idea what they are voting for" and I wondered what that meant - I didn't put words in your mouth. That's what you wrote Why would you say that other than differentiation? IF none of us have any idea, then why care about the Yes vote at all?
  18. The sheer unmitigated condescension. "They have no idea what they are voting for" Suggests there is a we who do In Huguenots world, only dicks vote yes. If that wouldn't want to make you vote yes.... So many people bitch and complain about whichever uk govt is in power. Yes the world is largely engaged in free market democracy. But surely only a blind man would say all successful countries practice it in the same way
  19. See what happens when a country engages in politics? Expats from half way around the world who assumed all along it was nothing get all righteous when it turns out they don't behave as expected. Even if the whole things turns to dust, I admire the scots for saying we can do better than this. Pundits and chatterers alike have bemoaned voter apathy for years. The political consensus is, for better or worse, being questioned Career politicians are shaken and are having to think harder I would have thought people like Huguenot would have applauded this
  20. I don't have a problem with a big blue love-in tho' That they then choose some names to give awards to as a sort of trolling tactic I'm ok with too I thought the point of the article is that being in power, having lots of cash and hanging out with fellow tory-travellers doesn't bestow any level of coolness - which, it being GQ, is what it is trying too hard to be?
  21. I can't help but feel that if I DID break into worldwiser's gaff, just as I was feeling pleased with myself I would hear a low rumble and then see a huge boulder coming down the stairs
  22. "This might seem slightly selfish" I hope there is a but coming? "but" phew! "if everyone in this area were to take a few simple precautions, criminals would soon pick on an area which is easier to target. " Hmmmmmm
  23. ?
  24. it is possible to eat well in there - if you eat just after a new chef arrives and if they are any good, you can suddenly find yourself thinking "I'll come back here" And then, oooh about 24 hours later, the chef finds out some hard cold life-lessons, things go downhill and the cycle repeats itself
  25. 12000 of those are unique ID's belonging to snorky and bigbadwolf in multiple, often dormant, guises
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