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Everything posted by StraferJack

  1. Guardian haters in distinguished company http://twitter.com/thesundaysport/status/515970051623899136/photo/1
  2. My point exactly uncleg
  3. Green st? On the 40? Newbies eh?
  4. "I managed to make a right nuisance of myself. " plus ca change....
  5. are people doing it deliberately now? Most of the non-ED places are as easy to get to, granted but.. The clincher to the original question is "Without breaking the bank" -so we can only guess how much is in teh bank But in ED places break down into "pricey but not mega bucks" like ToastED, Franklins, Palmerston, mid-range (most other places incl curry houses etc) or Favourite chicken Always have a soft spot for Franklins but reality is that on rare occassins we got to go out in ED, without kids, in the evening, it was Palmerston
  6. We had A, B and C classes when we hit state secondary school in lates 70s/early 80s Ireland , based on an entrance exam -
  7. And have been for months
  8. Western
  9. That franco manca building was ALWAYS going to be a headache once they decided to tackle those steps I wish theer had been a grand designs team tracking the work, just to see the horror underneath Fair play to them for giving it a go - I suspect it will work out for them in long term, and if it doesn't the next business will benefit
  10. replacing the bar - looks like for like according to the pics I saw on their twitter feed - maybe nagle was deceptive and it runs closer to front now?
  11. It's not finished is it? Won't be for another few years yet.
  12. watched Boxtrolls at the weekend - superior kids entertainment (albeit a little scary and intense)
  13. Looking less and less likely re world cup in Qatar Fifa ExCo member: 2022 World Cup will not be held in Qatar http://gu.com/p/4xn3b
  14. "Not for some it seems " well played
  15. "I'd say it was a perfect weekend for Gooners. " yup, they happen rarely enough but my god it can make a difference to a gentleman's step "I thought it would be a bumpy ride this season, but that was some bump yesterday..." And with West Ham looking more aggressive and Utd needing a response, who is going to be the winner next weekend? Pellegrini is looking less and less agreeable with each game this season isn't he?
  16. PD - totally uncalled for and out of order
  17. I managed to type coronial instead of corkonian? My bad Kerry is a gorgeous and wonderful county. Possibly beat in Ireland PD, chelsea fans might be happy about unbeaten and top of league. But Jose? A cat somewhere is getting kicked right now
  18. Sorry Alan. I'm a big fan of Kerry. I know as a coronial that's not meant to be "ok" but it really is To cap everything I now get to picture joses's face in the dressing room
  19. I'm off to work now. Weekend can't get any better so I may as well head in early
  20. You think its only now you're thinking that? Bless
  21. Loved Drive. Start to finish
  22. for the nanoseconds it took to type, yes we were talking about phones snorky it's ok, we talk about other things too - well rounded chaps. Not single-issue bitter types
  23. done now I'm quite liking the new keyboard and guessing the words thing...
  24. thats a bit like ANY party after any election - of course you fight on different agendas, which is inherently "divisive"
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