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Everything posted by StraferJack

  1. try living with "John Smith" as a name...
  2. Problem with current democracy "The impact of the lack of reform is felt by the public. People need better services, have higher expectations, but as any politician can tell you, they don?t want to pay more for them. So the absence of reform, particularly in an era of tight budgets, is immensely challenging. Thus you have the curious paradox of modern leadership: There has to be reform to satisfy rising public demands, but the public can be easily mobilized to oppose those reforms. Therefore politicians often back off the change, which then increases voters? disillusionment with the political process." From a very good article in ny times today. By... Erm... Blair
  3. my gaming time has all but evaporated - i could play on teh train I guess but by then, reading is my goto duly filed away for when more time frees up tho
  4. so, lower house prices - have we decided if it's a Good Thing or a Bad Thing yet?
  5. Sometimes the obvious is staring one in the face never even thought of that avenue, HmB. cheers Have ended up down a similar road as El Pibe Teh thing was being used by daughter for bedtime cds - which seemed extravegant, but the replacement hello Kitty cheapo (which she loves!) hardware sounds like a chinook taking off when the cd volume is at "bedtime" levels
  6. Anyone had a similar problem? I?ve had a Roberts MP43 cd/radio - one of these: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Roberts-MP43-Digital-System-iPod-Black/dp/B001EN5EM6 die on me ? switch on, no power.. nothing Replaced cable with one that works with other MP43 ? same problem, so it?s not the cable Any easy fixes along the lines of ?yeah you need a small xbg44444 din replacement, 49p at Maplins? or do I have to find a hifi repair shop?
  7. Louisa - nearly 3000 posts Tallulah71 - not even 1000 posts (but apparently fits Louisa's "usual EDF forum* suspects" hitlist * EDF forum - gahh!!!!!
  8. Each case is likely to be different but I had to go through exactly the same process ? and many of the factors appear to be similar In my case, the agency had me with the same client for a long time, to the extent that the agency and I no longer saw eye to eye on ?priorities?. The once-strong tie between them and the client had also weakened. So when the time came for me to try and move across, nobody was positioned to be ?helpful? But rather than engage solicitors, I sat down and had a heart to heart with my agency and said they had earned X out of me over Y years, this was a rare opportunity and would they consider overlooking the 6 month clause in the contract Not sure what would have happened had they played hard-ball, but they agreed to go along with it
  9. Numbers Has billy bragg always been quids in then? He made those early albums on the back of a silver spoon?
  10. How do people who get enough for a flat In catford move on to buy a house The complacency of SOME of the already purchased is what's astonishing. The principle isn't what it was ten years ago Just sit down and do the sums. Give yourself a decent ish family income. Buy the flat in undesirable part of London and then what? You think your income will rise enough to buy a house, as it has done in the past? Dreeeeeeaming Mrben suggests there are ways. And of course there are a few ways. But not open to general, salaried families. Not every can or should become entrepreneurs
  11. Mick How long have people said about saville "we should have known. We should have done something" Cosby isn't on trial and isn't imprisoned. The allegations (or many of them) have been public for years and as is the way of abused people, seeing others talk about their experience encourages others. You might be suspicious if it was one or two, but no way am I dismissing that many people.
  12. January is as dead as a dodo. A perfect time
  13. re: pricing The options appear to be: lower prices to the public, and keep landlords on similar margins to the pubco days Keep prices the same and allow landlords to make a living and encourage them to stay in the business Can't help but feel there is a wider societal lesson there somewhere
  14. The Telegraph has a dedicated (and very good) app for the iPad - not sure if it has one for other tablets (Android) so that may influence your decision You get the full paper, including corsswords buthave to pay a subscription You can browse the newspaper website on any tablet but don't get all the content (eg crosswords again)
  15. IF I disagreed with a parental action and was brave enough to tell another parent what they are doing wrong, I MIGHT do it via a private message instead of publicly berating them
  16. good work otta's phone
  17. "I've started to worry about the future of that place... I was enthusiatic about it at first, but went in on a Saturday recently and it was totally dead. And it's expensive... a domestic craft beer (regular strength) shouldn't cost ?6 a pint. The back room is laid out like a restaurant, but nobody's going in there for the food." Doesn't sound good - I liked it well enough before I left the area but for the last 10 months I've been paying ?3.40 to ?3.60 for some cracking local craft beers in Sussex (Long Man Brewery, 360 etc) so six quid seems unthinkable now I know some of the American, high ABV stuff will be hefty proce-wise but can't see why local beers should be expensive
  18. I always picture SurfBobby in the HL role
  19. Jay Rayner caused a kerfuffle recently with his musings on the subject: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/oct/15/dishes-not-made-for-sharing-jay-rayner
  20. Thing is organised thieves power down the device immediately to prevent software like that working. (As I found to my cost)
  21. Yep there is a whole big thread about picture house and living wage Seems fair enough to keep this about the place itself.
  22. Is les Paul slang for... Oh it's a guitar
  23. Sigh. Alright then. Let's make it easier Go anywhere. ANY. WHERE Harvester in Leeds or kebab and wine in dulwich Sit down. Have some food. And some drinks Check the bill It's close to twenty quid, at best, isn't it? But comparing like for like wouldn't be so effective would it?
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