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Everything posted by StraferJack

  1. This place is your friend http://uppercaseit.com/
  2. "So, being sat at a bar completely wired, having not been to sleep when the pub opens on a Saturday. " This just clicked - was this you and dems in the CPT one day when I popped in Or just a daily thing? Even before the kids came along I was done with the silly wasted evenings - they just weren't working for me and were a drain financially, physically and psychologically!
  3. "That's gone over my head. Was it one of her lyrics?" yeah from The Big Hit - All I wanna do "I like to get a good beer buzz early in the mornin' "
  4. "Smoking a joint and drinking first thing in the morning. Haven't done that for years, but it always led to an interesting day." Hark at Sheryl Crow
  5. You want a political party for that? http://www.buzzfeed.com/jamieross/an-anti-feminist-party-is-standing-in-the-general-election
  6. how all "what" started exactly?
  7. "bbc radio 5live was great to listen to " definitely agree with this for the drama But I thought the commentators were very poor, relying on cliches and struggling to put sentences together
  8. as for the timing being bad - of the top of my head I can't think when the timing would be any better If a young man is going to be provoked into terrorism by this then realy you have to say there is something wrong that could blow anyway. It's all a bit Tipper Gore in the 90s and advisory stickers on albums - because youth are so sensitive, Guns n Roses could tip them over the edge
  9. Re French reaction v British after 7/7 Isn?t the difference that the London bombings were arbitrary attacks on the public and the response sort of had to be ?stuff upper lip? ? the demands are unknown so to speak Attacking a magazine that has already been attacked , for a specific reason elicits a more defined response . The demands of the terrorists in this case are more easily quantified and easier to articulate a defense
  10. Maxxis post is exactly the sort I expect from someone who has to drink in the Denmark Arms every so often. Marvellous stuff
  11. logic is way off here loz
  12. Thumbs up for quids post
  13. @loz - Because one gender is far and away the victim in the majority of cases male victims is an interesting subject - possibly even a taboo one - but I don't think it's the same
  14. It is a point, there IS abuse against men,but to try and say they are the same thing is just wrong It's wrong on numbers It's wrong on levels of strength Create a facebook account as a woman. Join some of the groups where males might dominate (and which you wouldn't think twice about if you were a man) . Express fesity opinion. THEN you will see how different abuse is for women
  15. " you think it's all a load of make believe (it probably is, but that's not what we're discussing here)" it kind of is You can't just give in every time someone says something is offensive. Irrational people can work themselves up into a lather about any old crap. If someone is GENUINELY offended by that new front cover I would sit down with them and try and talk it through Because if we give in to this sort of thing, we are going to have a whole bunch of crazy Christians saying "we are offended all the time - why do we allow [insert depiction of Jesus here]" - so do we then not show that? And then people who believe homosexuality to be wrong (BIG overlap here btw!) wil lwant to repeal any sort of gay rights or depiction of because.. offended!! And the Mary Whitehouse thing is just bizarre!!! When she was swanning around the TV studios giving out about nudity and profanity and the rest of it, people stood up to her. That's what I am trying to do here. How can you stand up to Whitehouse and BE Whitehouse???
  16. Loz. Sometimes you do talk as if, in the case of sexual and domestic abuse, men and women are on an equal footing
  17. Oh I've seen some of it and didn't mean to belittle the reality. I did think we were talking about media portrayal rather than the sea of idiots out there
  18. To be fair Angie would be more likely to say she invented drinking. And pubs. And east everything.
  19. Saying South park is anti Semitic is pretty selective tho. Those guys rip into everything, constantly. jews are not fair game. It would just be more odd if they were excluded
  20. Is Jenny the landlady over in the THH? Mr Ben. An afternoon pint is always good, kids or no
  21. The policeman was collateral damage, the magazine was the target. That's why that wouldn't work it's I think the new cover is superb. It shows the prophet as kind and the opposite of the thugs who killed. What's to take offence at?
  22. I call bullshit on most of that article Muslims don't have to have thicker skin. They just have to deal with same stuff everyone else does Publishing pictures of He Who Can't Be Shown isn't racist or an act of war. We have continued ongoing depictions of Christ in all manner of films, plays magazines etc. and yes some Christians get all cross but we don't not publish them for that reason Some men in beards decided that the prophet can't be shown. that's it. That is the basis of your hurt. Grow up FFS (Annoyingly I am aware that ugly people across Europe actually persecute Muslims and it can't be easy. But pick your battles people)
  23. "I'm offended all the time - normally on public transport. But I don't blow up buses. " To be fair I have seen you come close on buses. I mean the guy clipping his nails deserved it but....
  24. Let's not forget who Tony Blair relied on to help him kill all those people out east... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/5373525/Tony-Blair-believed-God-wanted-him-to-go-to-war-to-fight-evil-claims-his-mentor.html It doesn't make Christians repsonible for that either - but when you have the aggressors claiming inspiration from God, you can't say religion doesn't play a part
  25. http://ojp.nationalrail.co.uk/service/ldbboard/dep/FOH TLDR - not happening from Forest Hill to LB you might be ok betweek ED and PR tho
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