Sorry, yes, there was a small dig a prams, but no nod towards 'pedestrian' exlusive - rather, car free. If car free, then loads more room to share with 'other' users, like prams. On prams, I can only comment that Crouch End has/is going to launch a 'visitor/shopper' freindly approach by offering (I think) toddler care services and encouraging car-free zones. I will myself be very soon with infant to negotiate... The main issue is really the cars. Simply, we could see public vehicles excluded from 8-6?, with right of way for traders/shop holders. Indeed, most available parking is occupied by traders anyway during the market days, and not used by shoppers/visitors. I'm much more concerned about environmentally friendly and safe communities than anything else. Although, I can't imagine this topic not having been hotly debated previously.