Just been reading through this thread and glad that it did eventually get pointed out the melbourne grove surgery has been taken over by a private company - in my opinion this makes it very different to your normal GP surgery (which I will admit may not be perfect but I think this due to a mismatch between the patient's expectations (e.g. I pay my taxes/your salary and I'm not feeling very well and want to be seen now and no i can't come tomorrow because i'm playing tennis (sorry, very stereotypical)) versus the reality of the system (e.g. this patient is more ill and takes priority right now)) I am a doctor and I have worked in A+E, GP, hospital and now in the primary care trust (statutory body responsible for delivering health care and health improvements to their local area) - but not, I hastily point out OUR local PCT, so it's not my fault concordia got the bid. As such I totally believe in the aims of the NHS and fully support it although it is less than perfect to be a patient in and a nightmare to work in. My husband has private health insurance through his work which I could also have but I refuse on principle - I don't think that I should work on providing a healthcare system if I don't have any interest in assuring its quality because I am safe in the knowlege that I can go somewhere else if I get ill - it's a conflict of interests like a private company running a GP service. I also do not believe that the internal markets work within the NHS as health is not a commodity - it is a right. I agree with previous clinicians' (!) comments about the difficulty of diagnosing over the phone and would not like to do this myself. I do think this is an efficiency (aka money saving) drive. I would also like to point out that GPs (or any doctors) earning ?100 000 is not that common and usually involves being a partner in the surgery or a consultant which requires huge monetary investment on your part and years of work after years of medical school and training. No one goes into medicine for the money - ask any junior doctor - basic salary ?22000 after 6 years of medical school and untold student debt. I am a patient at melbourne grove and being generally fit and well have thankfully not had to use the system very often. When I have it is been dissappointing at best and my latest experience, coupled with the fact it has been taken over by a private firm, a move which i personally object to, has convinced me to move. It is a business: it hit where it hurts!