Hiya, I'm looking for recommendations for Saturday clubs for my 13 year old daughter. I will be working on Saturdays soon and wondering if there are any clubs local which would be fun :)
Hi, I'm looking for recommendations for a babysitter and also an indication of how much babysitter cost? I was thinking maybe a 6th form student perhaps. My daughter is 11 so easy to look after but obviously too young to be leave alone. Any recommendations welcome :)
Hi All, I am still looking for fun activities for my 10 year old daughter any ideas? I have just found a creative writing course and thinking of maybe a cooking class or maybe dance or something like taekwondo? Preferably something on a Saturday
Does anyone know if Patrick is ok? I passed the grove xmas night and I was sure I saw his wheelchair outside but it was late and dark so I could be wrong. Then I heard on Boxing Day his place was burnt out. If anyone has seen him please let us know as I?m really hoping he will be ok!
I?m just wondering if there are any lock youth clubs for a 10 year old? I?ve been looking and can?t seem to find one. I?m guessing there might not be much funding for this type of thing anymore. But as you can?t just let your children out to play alone in london surely there must be something? I know there?s lots of clubs you can join for different hobbies but what if you just want to hang out and make friends?
My daughter is 10 and loves writing stories, I was wondering if there are any creative writing classes local? Also any idea of prices? I looked some up online and they were quite expensive. I would be interested in weekly classes or even just a summer holiday workshop.
Hi, I am looking for some clubs for my 10 year old daughter in and around Dulwich. Not sure what exactly, maybe something active or creative. She enjoys playing the guitar and recently went to a school holiday club where they did lots of running around type of games which she really enjoyed. I am just wondering if there is anything similar which is on after school or Saturdays? I have also enquired about Brownies. Any suggestions welcome :)
I would like to take my 7 year old for a tea party with maybe 2-3 other children and two adults, any idea where to go? I have heard about mad hatters yea party but it's around ?39 each, I was hoping for something abit cheaper, any ideas?
I would like to find some sort of exercise class for me and my 6 year old daughter. I'm thinking zumba or tae kwon do or anything really. I want something indoor and fun :)