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Everything posted by celiasmith

  1. Buddug, yes its come to this. I work for a London council and we've been giving out food vouchers for about 1 year now. We offer them to people who have a crisis and I can assure you their are lots of them and they come from all walks of life. Some people are too proud to accept them but a lot have kids to feed and accept gladly. I will definitely get involved with my local food bank as its such a worthwhile cause.
  2. I live really close to the house and I can confirm that this music actually started early yesterday afternoon. It then went quiet until around midnight and from thereon it has been blasting out and continues to do so now. I have had hardly any sleep as all. The MC kept me awake screaming over the tunes, the bass was so high my windows were rattling and loads of people were hanging outside the house and I am frankly really hacked off. A note was put through my door (and probably many other of my neighbours) telling me that they were going to celebrate a birthday on Sat night. I am not a party pooper, I am fairly sociable myself and I like a night out. However, I really couldnt take any more of this and at 5am this morning I decided to call Southwark noise team. Well, you really couldnt make up what they told me. I was informed, politely and quite embarrasingly that no-one was on duty from 4am-8am. However, I could have logged my complaint and someone would call me back. I politely declined as I have many experiences of leaving messages for the council and no-one ever rings you back. So I decided to leave it as being a pessimist and myself working for another council, I know there isnt a lot that they can do. All that would happen is a environmental officer will come out and measure the noise, then ask them to turn it down and guess what, they usually leave and then the music is turned right back up again. So Sam MG if you want to complete this process you can ring 020 7525 5777. Southwark website states Noise must be kept to a reasonable volume at all times You are not allowed to have a party where people pay to come in or to have a party that is too noisy. If you do want to have a party, it is best to tell your neighbours beforehand and tell them when it will finish. Keep the music down and ask people to be quiet when they leave. I wish you good luck and I am going to keep my fingers crossed that I get some sleep tonight!!
  3. My list so far The kid who gets on my bus most mornings 1 stop to his school. Take the lazy buggers oyster card off him please!!! The bell being rang and rang and rang on the bus. Really makes me ANGRY, are they all deaf or just plain ignorant People who stand at the bottom of the stairs on a bus and give you filthy looks when you want to get past. Filthy fu***** who spit on the street. Inappropriate clapping Being in a shop and the staff chatting to each other whilst you stand there waiting Being behind someone in a supermarket who overspends and spends hours deciding what to out back Being in a public toilet (usually in the pub) with posh kid on toilet with door open and posh mum loudly asking posh kid are you doing a poo darling, good girl. Too much information People eating in restaurant/pub who let their kid wander about and when the waitress trys to clear the table say no they havent finished yet, they will prob come back to his/her food. Cats/foxs s******* in my garden
  4. Very lol. You must drink in the same establishments as me. If its in the pub I used to work in I could prob tell you their names too. Sad bastards all of em. Get a life.
  5. Totally agree. I used to do the job myself and I get totally wound up by useless staff who wander around in a daze. I had to tell one genius that you dont serve cider with a frothy top and just about managed to get them to fill the glass to the top. I mean, its dear enough already!!
  6. Perhaps the big issue seller got fed up with losing out on the cash and has reported singing man to the social for working on the sly :(
  7. Forever Autumn - Moody Blues
  8. A few months ago, my son aged 15 was in Dulwich Park and he was approached by 2 boys who basically ordered him to hand over his phone. He told them to **** off and went into the cafe and called me. I was as you can imagine very worried and my heart went thru my mouth and I told him that he shouldnt have done that. This wasnt the 1st time he has been a near victim of mugging. As much as I am proud of him standing up to these low life scumbags, I would much prefer he didnt as have told him he has been lucky so far and come out of it unscathed - but seriously worried there may come a time that they show a knife and use it. You wont ever stop this happening as if the police catch them they cannot and do not do much about it. Therefore my advice is teach your kids to be aware of whats around them - tell them not to walk thru a park alone, no matter what time of day it is. Its clearly not safe. They should walk with their mates. I also think its not a good idea to buy them the latest flash new mobile as this makes them a target. I have explained this to my son and told him that its not that I want to deny him, I just dont think his safely and his life are worth it. I also tell my son to try and not advertise his phone in public - however as he uses it mostly to listen to (terrible) music, thats not really feasible. My son told me that he spotted these 2 again on his way out and they were watching younger kids coming into the park and following them.
  9. I guess those of you who have praised Southwark are freeholders, right? Cos if you are a leaseholder you wouldn't have such a rose tinted view. Yes, they are good at recycling and picking up bulk refuse. However when you include dealing with repair issues, this is where they fail. I had to wait 6 weeks to get them to sort out a bad leak to my flat. It didn't help that the tenant who lives above me was pig ignorant and failed to stay in for appointments. I was calling them on a daily basis and it is so very frustrating that you have to repeat yourself like a parrot to a different worker cos surprise surprise they didn't have any notes showing. I was almost in tears and very stressed. At no stage was this escalated to a manager. I even got James Barber involved and I am sorry to say even he couldn't help me. It was only because I used to work for a TMO and I knew the name of the repairs manager that I actually got this sorted. I now work for another council and this has NEVER happened cos we would have forced entry before then. When I asked why this action wasn't taken, they said it wasn't their policy. So to me, that translated to F*** you you are only a leaseholder what do you matter? I have called them before to sort out a blocked drain and have been told its my responsibility. Had to battle to get them out and after huge argument they sent someone. What exactly do I pay my service charges for then? Staff are unhelpful and badly trained - it really feels like they are doing you a favour answering the phone.
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