I live really close to the house and I can confirm that this music actually started early yesterday afternoon. It then went quiet until around midnight and from thereon it has been blasting out and continues to do so now. I have had hardly any sleep as all. The MC kept me awake screaming over the tunes, the bass was so high my windows were rattling and loads of people were hanging outside the house and I am frankly really hacked off. A note was put through my door (and probably many other of my neighbours) telling me that they were going to celebrate a birthday on Sat night. I am not a party pooper, I am fairly sociable myself and I like a night out. However, I really couldnt take any more of this and at 5am this morning I decided to call Southwark noise team. Well, you really couldnt make up what they told me. I was informed, politely and quite embarrasingly that no-one was on duty from 4am-8am. However, I could have logged my complaint and someone would call me back. I politely declined as I have many experiences of leaving messages for the council and no-one ever rings you back. So I decided to leave it as being a pessimist and myself working for another council, I know there isnt a lot that they can do. All that would happen is a environmental officer will come out and measure the noise, then ask them to turn it down and guess what, they usually leave and then the music is turned right back up again. So Sam MG if you want to complete this process you can ring 020 7525 5777. Southwark website states Noise must be kept to a reasonable volume at all times You are not allowed to have a party where people pay to come in or to have a party that is too noisy. If you do want to have a party, it is best to tell your neighbours beforehand and tell them when it will finish. Keep the music down and ask people to be quiet when they leave. I wish you good luck and I am going to keep my fingers crossed that I get some sleep tonight!!