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Everything posted by JJSP

  1. Panic over, rabbit now safely back with owners.
  2. in the back gardens between Hansler road and Bawdale road. Mostly white, with black patches around the eyes. Please get in touch here if this is your pet.
  3. Hello Can anyone recommend any "educational" games that I can play with my five year old daughter? Ones that help with reading/writing/counting ideally, which I can join in too. I've had a look at a few on the web but it's often hard to judge without buying them first..
  4. Marge Piercy's He She and It (or sometimes published as Body of Glass) is great feminist sci-fi dystopia and has loads of excellent female characters. I liked it better than her 'Women on the edge of time' which is actually more popular. J
  5. Another vote of confidence in you for simply leaving the house: this is a miracle on no sleep and you can celebrate it. Plus in a couple of years time when you're actually a bit better rested you can do all that crafty stuff (if you want to) and actually enjoy it instead of it feeling like a chore. You mention feeling like the second one was a mistake sometimes. That's a brave thing to admit and not something that people feel they can talk about much. My two are 17 months apart and I can remember having very strong feelings like that when in the early days it was all just too much. For me the thing that helped was getting some consistent sleep (duh, who da thought it) which came after the little one was 2 plus. He's a few months off 3 now and I can't say how differently I feel about the whole business of parenting. What felt like a huge slog poorly interspersed with moments of loveliness now feels like the opposite. I'm not saying it's without it's challenges, it's just nothing can possibly compare to dealing with the very early days. You mention feeling bad about 'wishing this time away'. You shouldn't I think. For me there was some lovely stuff about the newborn to 2 phase, but not much. I don't miss it and I wouldn't want to go back to it. Toddler and up is just so much more fun in almost every way. Not least because of the reasonably good chance of getting a good night's sleep. Anyway, sorry that turned into more of a confessional. I suppose my point is good on you for saying how you feel. And yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel. It'll come sooner than you think, in little fits and starts, but when you're there it will be the most glorious sunshine. Hope you get some sleep tonight. Jane x
  6. Hi, Just checking this is still planned for this Friday? Jane
  7. Yes, thanks all: really interesting. Do people do TV as down time after school? I quite like the idea of sitting down and doing some reading together for half an hour or so but am wondering whether that's actually just going to be too much after a day's learning and whether half an hour's TV is a bit more of a break? Or something else activity wise? And snacks, what are we talking? An apple? Crackers? Something more substantial? This as well as a proper tea later on I suppose? I love the idea of role-playing stuff: that's brilliant. And she's really into imaginative play anyway, so shouldn't be hard to persuade her. I can see her little brother's life becoming all about being told what to do by the 'teacher' for some months to come. Still I suppose that'll mean he's very prepared by the time he gets there. The school have said they don't have specific PE lessons in reception, as they'll be doing loads of free play outside etc. Does this mean they won't have to routinely get changed? She's doing ok on the getting dressed front, but does get a bit frustrated on occasion. All the tips here are brilliant - thanks so much. Jane
  8. Hi all, So my daughter starts school in September - eek. It feels like a huge new chapter is about to start and I'm excited although also a bit sad (especially since she was born a week early on August 28th, and so had she been on time we'd have another whole year to go). There are loads of you who've done all this before. What are your tips for the first year? I'm thinking everything from what do you do for the after school routine? To what are the best name-tags? To how do you stop your child losing every item of school uniform in the first term? Plus the big stuff too, like what's the best way to support your child's learning? What do you do if you're worried about bullying or unhappiness? And how to best deal with issues with the school if they come up? I suspect the collective wisdom on this subject from this forum would put a professional think-tank to shame. And I presume this may have been done before, so if all you post is 'sigh, look at this thread' I will still be hugely grateful. Jane
  9. Thanks for the suggestions here. Have found the dolls house on Toys R Us, and ordered as it looks good, the price is very reasonable and I know she'll love it. Hurray! Now, anyone got good suggestions as to how to prevent tantrums on birthdays? Last year we had screaming by 9am and I'd so like to avoid that this year... Jane
  10. I'm seeking some inspiration/ideas for a present for my daughter's 4th birthday which is coming up. I want to go for something quite exciting, something like a doll's house, but not too pink/girly. We've always got second hand toys before so I'm a bit clueless really. Or other ideas of things you've bought for your kids/friends' kids that were popular? I'm interested in all and any ideas! Thanks Jane
  11. Rather late response on this one, but my two have been there for 3/4 months now. It's the first nursery we've used, so it's a little hard to compare. However in general I've been really pleased with how they do things. The staff are all lovely, particularly Isabel who's the manager there. Very calm and quite consistent in terms of staffing, as I think they use staff from the more established place in D village. My two went from having a nanny to going in to nursery and doing 3/4 days per week - again at the moment they are letting us add days in when we need them which is great because my partner's work schedule varies. They took about 3 weeks to settle down (in the case of my littlest it was all about getting his sleep sorted) but since then there's been no problems at all. The building is beautiful inside and they've got nice outside space too, although admittedly it is quite close to Barry road. I think they have a set pattern of activities based on things like cooking and creative work. And they've done some good stuff helping my little girl with things like getting dressed. I've really been very happy with it as a first nursery for both of my babies. I would totally suggest people go there, even though I've been rather enjoying it being so quiet: my little girl seems to think it's essentially her second house. Happy to chat by pm with anyone who'd find it helpful. Jane
  12. Sorry to miss everyone, had entirely planned to be there but Daniel developed a rash and temperature so the Doctors was actually where I ended up and where I slightly freaked out at the mention of possible measles. He's fine now though, just a little spotty and really probably isn't the measles (fingers seriously crossed). If by some horrid chance it does turn out to be measles I will of course let everyone know, though I don't think I've seen most of you in the recent past so hopefully haven't passed anything on. Hope to see everyone soon, I will miss the next couple of weeks due to holidays (if Daniel's passport turns up, that is - note to self: apply for passport earlier next time!) Jane x
  13. This all sounds like fun! I shall be there with Daniel and a enthusiastic appetite for crumpets... Jane x
  14. Sorry to miss this yet again, Daniel is finally settling into a good lunch-time sleep and didn't wake up til 2.45pm. I suspect this is going to be a habit from now on (not something I'm complaining about!) so think I'm not going to make many more, plus I'm going back to work quite soon too which would have put a stop to my coming anyway. Anyway I would really like to keep in touch with you all, so will keep my eyes peeled for any meets that I can make. Plus if anyone fancies doing a morning thing possibly on a Friday or a Monday I'd be totally up for it! Jane x
  15. Oh dear! Sorry don't have any solution, but hope your friends find something. However my friend has now cancelled our date this afternoon which is great cos it means I can come to the park! See you all in a bit. Jane
  16. Can't make this sadly, but will be up for other picnic action - fingers crossed the weather holds. Jane x
  17. Absolutely, it's definitely never too late. Unlike me, who has been incredibly late doing the email thing - really sorry. Anna, if you're up for doing it I think you should go for it as despite good intentions I fear I will not be good at getting around to it if I do it - somehow switching on the computer is the last thing I want to do in the evenings! I will send you a pm now with my details. I'm on for next Tuesday too, hope to see people then. Jane
  18. Sorry, not going to make it today. Have also realised I forgot to do message about setting up email list. Will try to do it this evening when I'm not on the move. Jane
  19. Hi all, Anyone up for the gardens tomorrow afternoon? I'm working on getting the middle of the day nap happening in the cot, so would prob be there around half two. Jane x
  20. Hi everyone, I'd be really interested to hear people's experiences and thoughts about when and how to get my two little ones sleeping in the same room. My daugter is nearly 20 months and my son nearly three. He's combination fed, breast and a couple of bottles of formula a day. She is a great sleeper and is pretty much guarunteed 7 - 7 unless she's ill. I've also been in the habit of popping into her room a couple of times in the evening/night to get her used to the idea of people coming in and out. He has not totally settled into a pattern as yet, but goes down about 7.15/7.30, then wakes anywhere between 11.30 and 1.30, then depending on when he last woke, wakes again maybe once more between 4 and 6 and often doesn't then settle back to sleep. I'm desperate to get him out of our room because I know I'll be able to sleep better and I'm pretty sure he'll sleep better too because sometimes I respond to him when he's not actually really hungry. I've got two cots set up in her room but I'm nervous about trying him out in there in case he messes up her sleep patterns (it took quite a lot of work to get her to where she is now). When is a good time to get them in the same room? What have others done about doing this? Any good tricks/suggestions? Thanks, Jane
  21. Think I will try to pop down too. Jane
  22. Sorry not to see you Pickle, but lovely to see everyone who did make it. We talked about making it a bit of a standing date, around 2pm every Tuesday at the Gardens. Hopefully see some others over the coming weeks! Jane
  23. I think I'm going to head down during nap time and aim to be at the cafe for 2pm - feeding time! See you there. I'm appalling at remembering people's faces (plus haven't actually made many of these) so will just ask around all the mums til I find people. Jane
  24. Tuesday afternoon would be good for me. What sort of time? 3? Jane
  25. The front wheel of our venerable and fourth hand P&T's E3 has finally fallen off. Anyone know anywhere that I might get it mended? Jane
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