Don't really agree but see it more as a view on consumerism in general If you buy a new computer and then leave it 3 months unopened, then you were never in great need of the thing I do it with meat sometimes and like the free range chicken i'm sure i really needed, stuff goes off Difference here is the i Mac won't kill you Either sell it and take the hit or fire it up and crack on Now conversely, I upgraded to a new i phone 5-S oh jolly nice it is, mainly because my old 4-S one had hit the deck so many times it buzzed as you tried to listen to a call. Oh and it randomly played a George Michael track of its own volition. (that in itself is a crime of sorts) But i'm waiting to buy an i-pad, the new one is due sometime soon. So i'll wait until it does, coz you can be sure that the new i-phone and the upcoming i-pad were designed with each other in mind. Does that make me a fashion victim or a strategic purchaser of the things I need? Once purchased or upgraded I ignore any fluff or honking around new models, until i'm due for an upgrade or my old technology starts to give out *Sent from a MacBook of some vintage